Hate was the only thing left in her after her painful past.

To her love was just an excuse, it was something people use as excuses to fool you, manipulate you, use you. It took her a long time to realize it.

she was young and naive to believe in love, to fall prey to a man's manipulative intent. Her past left a big scar in her heart, a scar that she didn't want to heal. And because of that she built a huge wall to surround her heart,. keeping it safe and away from the world.

Aliya lost contact with her past life, after everything thing that happened she didn't want to remember those memories. She cut herself off from her friends acting like a dead person.

She traveled to a far away country, just to get away from her memories of the past. Ignored her family just for the sake of he heart. Some may call her selfish but to her she did the right thing.

Aliya didn't want anyone to get entangled in her cold life and that's why she caught herself off from them.

To her she would prefer a life like this than anything else, at least with this her new life there was no heartaches neither were they tears.

After everything that happened she decided that shutting herself from the outside world and from all human emotion was her only option. And with that thought she decided to focus more on her education and now she is a first class graduate in medicine, in the surgical field to be precise.

The time she would have spent feeling emotions, she spent them in trying to improve her skills and it did work.

She is presently the head of the surgical department in Young global hospitals. one of the most elite and well known hospital in the city.

With this accomplishment, it was enough for her in life, she wanted nothing more, she needed nothing more.

As usual Her schedule was the same as everyday , routine check-up, meetings and having to sign some documents. After thoroughly checking everything, she closed her laptop and walked to her room.

She did a few stretches and then lay on the cold bed, but she wasn't sleepy yet. She then sat at the edge of the bed close to the side drawer. She opened it and then brought out a chain, the chain was silver and it sparkled in the dim light.

Aliya held the neckchain high up and looked at the half shaped love pendant and for the first time in years, something different flashed in those cold eyes but it disappeared in the same speed in which it came.

Aliya kept the neckchain back in the drawer and laid back on the bed and she slept that night with the memories of her past buried deep inside.