Aliya scrutinizing gaze followed the figure that walked out of the bar with hurried footsteps.

she couldn't see his face but she was sure he was a man.

Aliya rushed out of the bar passing by the whispering crowd, she followed the path the man passed.

Aliya walked out of the bar in search of the spy but she couldn't find him.

her eyes were focussed as she searched for the mysterious stranger.

Her eyes noticed a pair of broad shoulders. Seeing that it was a male figure. Aliya walked with slow and steady footsteps towards the figure.

She was just about to reach him when the man instantly turned allowing her to see his face.

"Hello" came a muscular voice.

Aliya didn't know wether to cry or shout at how unfortunate she was.

"Mr Lee" came her voice as she tried to hide her annoyance.

"What a coincidence, we meet again" Lee said still smiling as usual.

"Mr Lee did you just arrive?" Aliya asked with scrutinizing eyes trying to catch if he's lying.

"Yeah.... just came in" He replied and Aliya could tell that he was saying the truth.

'If not him then who'

Aliya thought silently.

"Any problem" Lee asked being a true gentleman.

" It's nothing" Came her reply.

she said and walked towards her car. Before Lee could catch up with her she was already in her car.

she drove out of the bar with her mind still clouded with thoughts about the mysterious man.

Her head was beginning to ache but she wasn't sure why. it couldn't be the alcohol because she was sure that her tolerance was high enough.

Her eyes were turning dizzy and she couldn't see things clearly. She was sure she was going to crash and so she wanted to stop the car but before that...


her car made a loud thud as it hit the nearby tree.

Luckily there was no nearby cars so no harm was done apart from her car and maybe a little scratch on her forehead.

Aliya raised her head up and what welcomed her was a branch that was inches away from her head. Her head was still aching and her eyes were dizzy, she climbed down from the car and walked with unsteady footsteps out of the car.

She placed her hands on her head as she felt the pain increasing every minute.

Everything was getting dark and her eyes were getting heavier. her legs could no longer be her and she staggered. Before she could fall a pair of strong arms caught her.

But before her eyes closed she saw his eyes that looked at her with anger and a little fear of what she did not know.

And that was the last thing she saw before she fell unconscious.


Aliya woke up with a slight headache, her head was still banging but not as much as before.

She looked around and realized that she was not in her condo. She was lying on a soft bed but it wasn't hers. the room she was in was well furnished with the walls painted with grey.

It had a muscular aura.

Aliya gasped as everything from Las night replayed in her head, the accident. She almost died, but how.

There was no way she was drunk last night.

This was not the first time she had drank a whole bottle but why did it affect her this time.

It couldn't be poison as she drank a whole bottle so it was not possible.

But still there was a chance that someone must have put something in it while she was fighting.

She still wasn't sure what was going on.

Nevertheless she was sure to find out who did it and punish them. her eyes darkened at that thought.

She still didn't know who was the stranger that was spying on her but he had already made top one on her leats of suspects.

Whoever had caught when she fell unconscious she still didn't know but she was sure that she was in his room.

She could only get a glimpse of his grey eyes before she fell unconscious.

And as if on time the door know twist breaking Her thoughts, Aliya stared at the door with her still stoic expression, her eyes were not expectant they were just cold even though the person coming in was her saviour yesterday she still didn't see the need to smile.

It could be that because she was already used to it or maybe she had forgotten how to smile after all these years. Nevertheless she still kept her stoic expression as she await her saviour to come in.

A tall figure walked into the bedroom his expression looked calm as always. He wore loose grey pants with his grey eyes and a white T shirt that hugged his perfect physique.

He came in holding a tray with a bowl of soup. he looked like he was already aware that she was awake.

Aliya gasped as she saw the once familiar face.