Aliya stared at the man and judging from his expression she could tell that he knew something. He seemed to be in shock when she mentioned the name bishop.

The man who had just recovered from his shock gave out a small laugh and then said.

"Bishop, who the hell is that?" The man asked as he stopped laughing.

But Aliya didn't buy that. She could tell that he knew something and he was trying to hide it.

"Now why don't we just enjoy ourselves" The man said as he stretched his hand to touch her but Aliya took advantage of that and grabbed his fingers while bending it to the wrong side.

The man yelped in pain as he cursed under his breath. He tried to lower his voice as he tried to remove his fingers from her grasp.

Aliya just smirked seeing him struggle, his attempts were feeble and she was stronger than him.

"I'm gonna ask one more time now" Aliya whispered in his ears as her hand tightened around his fingers.

"I...I don't know...fuck you are gonna break my fingers" The man said as he gritted his teeth.

Aliya who seems to not care about his fingers continued to bend them.


"Ahhh" The man cried in pain as he still struggled to release his fingers.

Aliya broke his pinky finger without stress as she tightened her hands on the other one. She was holding his two fingers and if he tried anything she would break them all in seconds.

The man's face was clouded in rage as he looked at the girl in front of him. His mind tried to calculate on the different ways in which he could get himself out of trouble. He then tried to use his leg but Aliya was faster than him.

"We don't want to cause harm to the little guy now, do we?" Aliya asked as she used her knee to point to his groin.

The man cursed again as he tried to think of something else but Aliya didn't give him the chance as she continued to bend his fingers in the wrong direction.

"Now let's try again shall we?" Aliya asked with her voice cold and menacing as she added more pressure to his fingers.

"Ahhh...I don't one knows him...he doesn't show his face .....he just gives orders" The man said in shattered breaths.

"How do you know the bishop is a he?" Aliya asked again as her eyes looked at his expression.

The man who was still in pain refused to give answer and closed his eyes in pain.

Aliya then broke another of his finger and the man yelped in pain.

"I don't know... people just guessed that he must be a man since he....." The man couldn't continue as the pain in his hand increased.

"He what?" Aliya asked but before she could make him talk the whole bar turned silent as whispers and murmurs filled the bar. Everyone's gaze was focussed on the door and the person who had come in.

Aliya also turned to find out who had interrupted her and when her eyes caught sight of him she lost her focus and loosened her hold on the man's fingers and the man who was finally free ran away.

Skyler entered the bar with his eyes filled with menace and his face clouded with rage. His whole demeanor was scary as his eyes focused on the figure sitting on the bar stool. His eyes blazed with anger when he saw her sitting there, what was worse was that she had a man with her.

Jealousy flooded his entire being and without thinking he walked towards her and grabbed her hand and with hurried strides he took her out of the bar. He held her hand so tight that Aliya was sure that there was going to be a mark.

Aliya looked at his face from behind and even though she couldn't see his face, just seeing the side brought shivers to her skin.

The way he grabbed her hand with impulsiveness if one was to see them the first picture that would be in their head was the one of the devil dragging his prey down to hell with him.

Right now this man was no longer the Skyler who had been teasing her all morning, he looked more like the devil's son. His grey eyes were filled with menace like he wanted to kill someone. Aliya could feel the coldness emitting from him and she gulped.

Aliya was scared but she didn't know what or why, she couldn't remember the last time someone had put fear in her. She was sure of one thing and that was that she wasn't scared of him, she could never be scared of him. The fear she had in her right now was of something else that she didn't know.

Skyler who had lost his mind grabbed Aliya's hand and headed to the car.

"Get in" He ordered when they had reached the front seat.

Aliya was about to refuse but his voice echoed again in the dark ally. One of the reasons why this place was known to be dangerous was that even if the sun was shinier this ally was always dark, it was something that no one understood.

"NOW" He said in a dangerous voice that had a hidden threat in it.

Aliya entered the car without any words as she watched him turn around to enter the front seat.

He started the car and without wasting a second he accelerated and his car moved with speed. He was driving like an out of control maniac.

His eyes were focussed on the road throughout the ride, his eyes were unfocussed as he drove with speed.

In about fifteen minutes he had already broken more than three rules. His eyes were still burning with anger and jealousy and his face was still clouded with rage.

Aliya just stared at him as he continued to drive with speed. She could tell that he was angry and that was why he was acting like this and so she let him pour out his anger.

When Aliya noticed that the speed was getting out of hand she tried to stop him.

"Skyler" She called as she looked at him but the man didn't seem to hear her voice.

Aliya could hear her heart drumming loudly in her ears. She looked ahead and noticed that they were heading to a cliff.

"Skyler!!!" She yelled as she shook his arm but the man was not hearing any of it, it was like he was now deaf.

Aliya continued to shout and scream his name but still there was no reaction from him.

"Kai stop it!!!" Aliya yelled and hearing her voice Skyler stopped the car immediately and his eyes then looked ahead and that was when he noticed the cliff.