Aliya was startled as Skyler dragged her into the apartment. The lights were off so skyler wasn't able to see the way her face cringed in pain when he held her wrist.

The room was dark and they both couldn't see each other's face but Aliya could still feel the coldness he was emitting, it was the same with when he had met her at the bar.

Her body tensed as her mind tried to find ways to calm him down. The only thing she could think off was to kiss him again but she couldn't do that. She didn't want what happened in the car to happen again.

The lights were on and Aliya could see his face more clearly. His eyes were raging and he was back to the devil reincarnate.

Aliya eyes looked at his as her mind began to calculate on what to do.

Skyler's eyes looked at her like in search of something and when he saw it his eyes changed again. He took a deep breath and the moment he opened his eyes he was back to normal.

His eyes were now calm and he looked more human than before.

Aliya was relieved that he was back to normal now, her eyes scanned his face.

"I'm fine Aliya, no need to worry" Skyler said when he noticed her gaze on his face.

Aliya who had been caught cleared her throat and then said

"I wasn't worried" Aliya said as her face then changed back to her usual self. She took the bag from Skyler and then headed to the master bedroom.

Skyler watched her as her slender figure carried the bags. His eyes were looking at her intensely but his mind seem to be somewhere else, His eyes then changed and something different appeared in his eyes that disappeared the moment it came.

Skyler then followed Aliya into the room. He walked towards his wardrobe as he then cleared and made space for her to put her things.

He didn't have a lot in his wardrobe so it didn't take time before he finished.

Aliya then began to arrange her clothes in silence, Skyler had already left her side to take a seat at the side of the bed as he watched her.

Aliya continued to arrange her things in the wardrobe without turning back to look at Skyler even though she knew he was staring at her.

Silence reigned in the bedroom as non of them was willing to start a conversation or maybe they had nothing to talk about.

Aliya was never someone who liked to talk as she preferred a calm and quiet place but now being in his presence she was finding it awkward that he wasn't talking.

"Why are your clothes few?" Aliya asked as she folded the last piece of her clothing but she got no response from him.

Aliya turned around and she found him staring at the other side of the room.

"Skyler" Aliya called as she walked around the bed getting to the other side so she could see him.

Aliya continued to call his name as she looked at him. His eyes were calm as they stared at the grey curtains that the wind carried.

Aliya halted in her footsteps when she saw his eyes, she was standing in front of him and she was now able to get a clear view of his face. His grey eyes were calm and his face had an innocent expression as he looked outside.

He was more like an angel devil with this look and Aliya seemed to be drawn to him. She couldn't stop her eyes from looking at him.

Skyler who seem to have noticed her presence blinked his eyes and and they were back to their usual self.

It was like that appearance was never there and it was just a dream.

"I'm.... I'm done" Aliya said as she stammered a little, she couldn't remove the picture she had in her head of him. The way his eyes softened and his face looked more of an angel. Aliya refused to believe that it was her imagination she was sure she had seen him like that.

Skyler gave her a nod and stood up from the bed.

Aliya watched him walk towards the bathroom and she guessed that he was going to take a bath so she decided to leave when

"Where are you going?" Skyler asked from behind her.

Aliya turned and saw him with his head leaning on the door rest of the bathroom. She creased her brows as she looked at him.

"I'm..." Aliya tried to speak but was interrupted again.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked again as he walked towards her in slow steps.

Aliya was at loss of words as she watched him approach her. Her mouth moved but no words came out.

"I...I don't think that..."

"I think you need another punishment Aliya" He said as he reached out his hands to touch the strands of her hair, his gaze never leaving her face as he sniffed the sweet scent.

Aliya then remember when he said he was going to punish her, she had thought that he was joking but now he seemed serious as his eyes looked at her.

"Pu...nishment" Aliya stuttered but Skyler didn't give her anymore time to think as he gripped her hands tight and dragged her to the bathroom.

Skyler held her hand as he entered the bathroom with her behind him.

He dragged her to the middle of the bathroom and then released her hands. Skyler then turned on the shower and the little droplets of water soaked the both of them as they stared at each other.

"Bath me" Skyler ordered all the while looking at her eyes.