Aliya just watched wordlessly as he began to dry her body with the towel.

His eyes were no longer filled with lust or desire, his grey eyes were now calm as he focussed intently on drying her.

Aliya could guess that he had already seen the red mark on her wrist.

Aliya could remember clearly how he had scold her in the past when she had got a red mark on her arm.


"When did this happen?" Young Skyler asked as he held her arm with his eyes focussed on the red strike that was so out of place in her pale white skin.

"Uh" Aliya said as she wondered what he was talking about, she followed his gaze and then saw the red on her arm.

"Oh...it's nothing, it must've been when I was playing with Jacob" Young Aliya said as she tried to remove her hands from his grip.

Skyler looked at her and then sighed, he held her arm and tried to tend to it, he blew on it and used his fingers to massage it a little all the while asking continuously if it hurts.

Young Aliya had a bright smile on her lips as she watched him tend to her arm, she could see worry painted everywhere on his face and it warmed her heart.

Young Aliya leaned on him and then pecked his cheek.

Skyler looked at her and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"You should be more careful Aliya, I don't want you getting red all over" Skyler said as he dropped her arm and then used his hands to rub her cheek lovingly.

"I promise" young Aliya said and then she sealed her promise with a kiss.


Aliya could remember every detail of that evening because it was one of the last moments she got to share with him before he.....

Aliya looked up as she looked at the man in front of her. Aliya couldn't deny the fact that after all this years, it was still him. He was the one that her soul and body wanted.

Over the past years without him Aliya had received lots of comments from people about her change of behaviour, it was what made her choose to be distant from those who knew her from birth.

Most people use the word HEARTLESS to describe her, but who could blame her. This man right here left and when he did he took her heart with him. And now that he was back she could hear it beating again, and even though it's faint she could still hear it calling his name.

Skyler continued to dry her with the towel as he tried his best to control his emotions. He didn't like the red on her skin, if there was one thing he hated was having anything taint her pale white skin.

Her skin was the thing he treasured most after her of course. He wouldn't want anything to happen to it.

After making sure she was properly cleaned he took a step back and looked at her skin searching for any red marks but he couldn't find anyone apart from the one he had made on her wrist.

His fist clenched and unclenched as he looked at the red line. He tried his best to keep calm and with a couple deep breaths he was back to normal.

He reached out his hand to hold her wrist but he stopped midway.

"You should get dressed, I don't want you catching a cold" Skyler said as he gave way for her to pass.

Aliya could hear the pain in his voice as he told her that. She could already tell that he was avoiding to touch her. Aliya who didn't know his reasons just came up with a guess that he didn't find her attractive enough and her eyes enraged with the thought.

Without wasting time she hurried out of the bathroom and headed to the closet. She glanced sideways to check if he was following her but she couldn't find him and her heart sank but she quickly erased that feeling and immediately changed into her casual nightwear.

She changed to a big top with a pair of shorts. She picked extra short-shorts.

"Let's see how long you can control yourself" Aliya muttered as she then changed. Aliya took off her wet undies and changed into a pair of new ones.

She put on a blue panty that had net on the back. Her hand reached out to pick the bra but she changed her mind and instead picked the top and put it on without the bra.

And then she wore her shorts and went to the bed. She shifted her gaze to the bathroom and she could hear the water running from the bathroom.

Aliya lay down on the bed as she waited patiently, unlike the other nights Aliya didn't cover herself, she made sure to expose as much skin as she could.

Aliya didn't know what it was that was wrong with her today but she didn't want to know. All she wanted was....wait She didn't know what she wanted. All she knew was that she was going to make him touch her one way or the other.

Aliya heard the door Creek open and her eyes instinctively shut close. She didn't know why but she didn't want him to see her.

Skyler had a grey robe on as he made his way out of the bathroom. His hair was still dripping wet as he approached the figure on the bed.

His eyes scanned her body and he felt his leg glued to the spot. He couldn't move as his eyes looked at her from her head down to her white exposed laps.

His eyes shifted to her chest and he could see something pointing out, his body tensed when he noticed that she wasn't wearing a bra.

Aliya tried her best not to open her eyes as she could feel the way his eyes were looking at her body. She heard a rumbling sound and then she felt something tick cover her up to her neck.

Skyler did everything gently without letting even his fingers graze her skin.