Aliya felt tears brimming in her eyes, she had already accepted the fact that she still loved him and she was ready to give him a second chance but here he is rejecting her.

Skyler who saw the tears that were about to fall cursed himself inside as he watched her struggle to hold them back.

"Aliya I'm not rejecting you" He tried to say as he held back his emotions from bursting out.

Aliya scoff at his words as she snapped her head towards him.

"You haven't touched me since the incident in the bathroom , just because you don't find my body attractive enough for you uh" Aliya said as more unshed tears gathered in her eyes.

She didn't want to cry because of him anymore, she was done and tired of all this heartaches. She wanted to give it a try one more time but here he was making her cry again.

"Aliya I don't find your body unattractive" Skyler said as he rubbed his face with his palm.

"Really, then explain to me why you don't want to touch me." Aliya said as her eyes looked at him pleading for answers. She couldn't remember the last time she begged someone for something.

"Because I don't want to hurt you" Skyler said with anger evident in his voice. He was angry with himself for doing all this to her, for making her cry, for making her feel rejected. He hated himself for that.

Aliya could feel the way the whole room turned cold with his last words. But Aliya wasn't willing to back down.

"When have you ever hurt me by touching me?" Aliya asked as more tears gathered in her eyes.

Skyler who was now on the edge tried his best to keep cool as he shifted his gaze to her wrist.

Aliya followed his line of sight and then saw the mark she had applied ointment on.

"I hurt you Aliya, I made you cry, I made you feel rejected and this hands..." He said while shifting his gaze to his own hands. "They did that to you" He said in a hoarse as he tried to control himself.

Aliya looked at her wrist and then everything dawned on her, she now understood why he didn't want to touch her.

"But it's just a mark, it would be gone by tomorrow" Aliya said trying to assure him of her safety but Skyler didn't seem to hear any of it.

"Aliya I think it would be best if I don't touch you again" Skyler said as he stood up from the bed.


That sound seem to make the moving man stand still.

"Achooow" Aliya continued to sneeze.

Aliya was confused with the voice coming out of her, she couldn't recall the last time she had a cold. but maybe it was because of the amount of time she spent in the shower today.

Skyler turned around and saw her red nose and he cursed under his breath. He quickly covered her carefully all the while avoiding to touch her, he then headed to the kitchen to get drugs.

He was so fast and within seconds he was back with a tablet and a glass of water in her hands but when he got closer to her Aliya ran inside the bathroom.

Skyler with a confused face drop the drugs on the drawer and then followed her. He heard sounds coming from the toilet and he saw Aliya with her head bent over.

He quickly hurried to her side and was about to use his hands to calm her but he then stopped and gently packed her hair in his hands above her head.

He did everything so gently like he was taking care of an egg, well in truth he was. To him Aliya was an egg, so fragile and he had already left a crack on her but he wasn't willing to do it again.

"It's okay... I'm here" He whispered softy as he watched her throw up. But all he saw was liquid and he then realized that she hadn't eaten anything ever since.

Seconds passed and Aliya stoped. She then rushed to the sink and rinsed her mouth. When she was done Aliya looked at the mirror and then she noticed the man behind her.

His eyes were calm but she could see the confusion in his expression as he looked at her through the mirror.

"Are you.... pregnant?" Skyler asked with much difficulty

"Pregnant...Why would you even ask that" Aliya said and without sparing another glance she left the bathroom.

Skyler followed her out and he was expecting to see her on the bed but she was at the corner of the bathroom door. With her back resting on the furniture with her eyes close.

"Aliya what is it?" He asked with worry evident in his voice as he approached her.

"Drugs.."Aliya said as she opened her eyes to look at him.

"The smell of drugs makes me nauseous" Aliya said.

Skyler looked at her and judging from her expression he could guess that she wasn't joking. He didn't want to ask her why or when because he could already tell that all this happened when he had left years ago.

Skyler brain was running as he thought of ways in which he could get her to take her drugs. If the smell was bad for her then she needs to take it without inhaling it.

"What if I make it dissolve in water?" Skyler suggested as he looked at her.

"My nose is sensitive I would still be able to inhale it" Aliya said.

Another idea seem to pop on Skyler's head as he left her side and headed to the bed. Aliya didn't bother to follow him as she tried her best not to throw up again.

Skyler came back with his mouth filled with water as he leaned his face closer to hers.

"What are you..?" Aliya couldn't complete her sentence when he suddenly smashed his lips on her and she felt something enter her mouth.