Aliya continued to eat her pancakes without bothering to look at the man behind her. For some reason she didn't want to eat what he prepared, besides he was her boss.

Their relationship was one of employer and employee and she seem to have forget that but now that she had remembered, she was going to maintain that formal relationship.

"You can't take breakfast for dinner" Skyler said as he walked towards the couch and stood in front of her with his arms crossed.

"What I take is not of your consign" Aliya said as she continued to eat without sparing a glance at him.

Skyler knew that she was angry but he didn't know what else to do, he had his reasons for refusing to touch her and all of that was her safety. Her safety was his top priority.

"Aliya you need to understand that what I'm doing is for ur own safety" Skyler said as he looked at her with his grey eyes.

Aliya finally raised her head and looked at the man in front of her with her eyes shooting daggers at him. But still she didn't say anything, Aliya stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen table.

Aliya didn't want to eat anymore as he had already spoilt her appetite so she just dropped the remains on the table.

"Aliya, you need to know that..."

"That what?" Aliya asked as she turned towards him with her eyes flaring with anger.

"That my safety is your priority. It's my safety, don't I get a say in it. All you do is choose what you think is best without even giving me a chance to make a decision." She said as more tears rolled down her cheek.

" don't care what I think, all you care about is my safety." Aliya said as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Now let me tell you, it's my safety not yours and if I don't care about it then why the hell should you" Aliya said screaming as she pointed her finger out to him.

"You don't have any right to care for me, you fucking lost that right the day you left"

"You made my life a fucking hell, you ruined me, and now what, you want to come back and start caring" Aliya said as her sobs increased. She couldn't count how many times she has cried since he came back, the tears just don't seem to want to stop.

Skyler couldn't do anything as he just looked at her. He can't remember the last time he had been this helpless. He couldn't find words to say as he just watched her sob. Every word she said shook his entire being. And right now he didn't care about anything else, all he wanted was to hug her and let her cry in his embrace but he was scared of hurting her.

"Aliya... I'"

"Don't even say that's not going to fix anything Kai. That damn word is not going to fix anything, you were gone for years and now that you are back don't want it come near me because you scared of hurting me" Aliya said with her hoarse voice.

"Sorry is not going to fix anything, it's not going to fix the problem, it's not going to make it any better. You fucking left me when I fucking needed you. Sorry is not going to fill the void in my.." Aliya couldn't finish her sentence when she was suddenly enveloped in a pair of strong arms.

Skyler who was having a hard time controlling himself was at the edge and he could no longer stand to see her crying. He quickly wrapped his hands around her as he pressed her head on his chest.

Aliya struggled to break free but she couldn't, his arms were holding her tight and deep down she didn't want to leave his embrace. His arms was the only place that she could find solace in her worst time and wether she liked it or not he was the one that her heart wanted.

"I will fill the void Aliya, I will fill it with beautiful memories. And I will fight for you, this time I won't let you go. I promise." Skyler said as he pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Aliya who had been struggling finally stopped as the feeling of warmth enveloped her. Aliya wrapped her hands tightly around his torso as she continued to sob.

Her quiet sobs were the only thing that could be heard in the whole apartment as Aliya continued to pour her heart out.

"I'm scared" Aliya in between her sobs as she lifted her head up to look at him.

Skyler looked at her swollen eyes and his heart ached, he reached his hands closer to her cheek and wiped the tears.

But he couldn't clean them all as there were some dried tears on her cheek.

"You...what if you..leave again..I...."

"I won't" Skyler said cutting her off as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Aliya couldn't say anything else as she let herself get lost in the feeling of being in his arms.

They both stayed in that position as Aliya's sob quietened down.

When Skyler noticed that she had stopped her sobs he gently moved as he walked towards the mirror wall with Aliya in his arms.

He then stopped when he had reached the mirror wall.

Aliya who had noticed his movements lifted her head up and what welcomed her was the view of the city.

It looked so perfect in the night, the city lights were on and the streets were a little busy with moving cars. Aliya looked up and noticed the stars twinkling in the sky.

This wasn't the first time Aliya was seeing the stars or the busy streets in the night. Her apartment also has an open terrace but being here with him seem to make the moment more enjoyable. She had been holding on to the other side of the coin and now...maybe it was time to have another try at the second end.