Aliya woke up and she felt a splitting head ache, the first thing she did was to take note of her surroundings and it didn't take long for her to realise where she was.

The first thing she saw were the grey seat she was lying on, Aliya then checked if she could find the man but he wasn't inside the car. Aliya then looked outside and she saw him leaning on the car, relief flooded Aliya's face seeing he was alright. Aliya quickly got down from the car and approached Skyler

The man was too busy with his thoughts to notice or sense her presence, Aliya tried to remember why she was here but she couldn't as her head was still aching. Aliya then decided that maybe it was best to let it slide.

Aliya was about to reach out her hands to touch his arm when all of a sudden he looked at her and Aliya's eyes widened with what she saw.

But before Aliya could pinpoint Skyler blinked and everything was back to normal.

"You are awake." Skyler said with his usual voice looking at the shocked Aliya.

Aliya was sure that she had seen something in his eyes just now, it was like there was a silver lining around his grey eyes and they were beautiful but they didn't last as Skyler had blinked before she could enjoy it.

"What was that?" Aliya asked when she had recovered from the shock.

"What was what?" Skyler asked back not knowing what exactly she was talking about. Without waiting for an answer Skyler walked pass her and opened the back door signalling her to get inside.

"It's cold outside Aliya...let's go" Skyler said but Aliya was more focus on his eyes to notice anything else. She was hoping to get a glimpse of that silver but she didn't see anything. Reluctantly Aliya entered the car, maybe she was just imagining things.

After making sure that she was seated Skyler then turned and entered the driver's seat, he had asked Aliya to stay in the back because he didn't want her seeing anything else, he wasn't sure how long he could keep calm.

"What happened?" Aliya asked when the car started moving, she could see fragments but she couldn't really piece them together.

"You drank too much" Skyler asked with his eyes focussed on the road.

Aliya didn't seem to take his reply seriously and just hummed in response.

"That can't be true.... I've never been drunk for the past six years" Aliya said with certainty as she looked at him through the mirror but the man seem to be firm on her getting drunk.

"Which is strange because I've seen you drink a whole bottle and nothing happened so why now, did your tolerance drop or something?" Skyler asked as he glanced at her but Aliya wasn't looking at him as her eyes were more focussed somewhere else.

"Aliya.." Skyler called but the girl still didn't answer. He was about stopping the car when Aliya suddenly turned to look at him.

"Is everything alright?" Skyler asked again when he saw how her face changed.

"Sorry for bothering you today" Aliya said when she had finally remembered everything that happened, infact trouble wasn't the right word to say as it was more than trouble. For the past years Aliya's tolerance for Alcoholic was always great but today....there was only one explanation and that was the poison. Deon had explained to her that her cells were still fighting and that the poison was still in her. Aliya was suppose to be finding a cure right now but because of this man she couldn't leave.

"So you remember" Skyler said and an Idea popped on his head.

"Do you also remember your punishment?" Skyler asked and Aliya could feel goosebumps when she heard him say that word punishment, of course she remembered. This man seem to want to punish her all the time.

The whole ride was silent as neither of them spoke again till they arrived at their condo.

As usual Aliya didn't wait for Skyler and just came out on her own, and Skyler followed as he thought of her punishment.

Aliya entered the lightly dimmed apartment, she wasn't fond of lights so she didn't bother with the lighting as she could still see perfectly fine.

"Are you ready?" Skyler asked with his husky voice so close to her ear and Aliya could feel his teeth lightly grazing on her earlobes.

Aliya quickly moved away from him when she felt her knees getting weaker

"Ready....ready for what?" Aliya asked back while stuttering as she wondered what it was that he was talking about. The lights were off and she couldn't see his face more clearly but she was sure that there was a grin on his lips.

"Your drugs" Skyler replied as he made way to one of the drawers and opened it, he brought out her drugs and he then put them in a bottle and waited till it dissolve. He could feel Aliya's gaze on him and a smile curved on his lips.

When he was sure that everything had dissolved he then washed his hands to get rid of that smell as he didn't want her throwing up again.

Skyler took a mouthful of the bottle and then he approached. Aliya could see the way his lips glistened under the dim lights and she could feel hers yearning for his.

Skyler approached her slowly as he already knew what she wanted but he wasn't going to give her that easily. He came close to her and he leaned his face but before his lips could touch hers he pulled away.

Aliya was on her limit as she didn't understand what exactly was happening to her and why she wanted his lips so bad. She was about to protest when she felt Skyler's lips on hers and her hunger was satisfied.

Aliya opened her mouth and let him pour everything inside and she gulped it in one go after that Aliya still didn't let go, she grabbed a handful of his hair as she continued to kiss him. Skyler who was enjoying the whole thing didn't stop either as he kissed her with the same intensity, they were both tasting each other as their tongues battled.

They were so lost in the kiss and neither of them realized what they were doing, they had both forgotten about the medicine.

Skyler continued to kiss her gently as his tongue played tag with hers, the feeling was just too enjoyable that neither of them was willing to stop.

Skyler could feel her need in the kisses but he wasn't going to let her off easily tonight, he had planned to punish her and he was going to do just that.

Skyler reluctantly pulled away from the kiss but his hand was still holding her waist, he looked at her red cheeks as he used his hands to wipe the droplet of water on her lips.

"So eager" He whispered and then he left her and then took another mouthful from the can.

Aliya who didn't know why all of a sudden she could feel the need, it's not like it was the first time since she had been with him but today it was different, she couldn't control herself.

Before Skyler could reach her Aliya had already stepped forward as she couldn't wait any longer.

The latter had other plans and before her hands could touch him he grabbed both her hands and placed them above her head.

Aliya passed him a confused look as to why he was holding her hand but Skyler didn't give her a chance to protest as immediately he kissed her. His tongue pried her lips open and he poured all the liquid inside, Aliya didn't take time and just enjoyed the feeling again.

There was something about his lips that was always making her go crazy. And the way his tongue moved with hers was something extraordinary.

Aliya was getting lost again but before she could reach pleasure Skyler pulled away again. Aliya wanted to pull him closer but her hands were still held firmly in his grip making her powerless to his advances.

Skyler glanced at her and he could see clearly the desire in her eyes, not that he was a saint. He too was trying to hold back from doing anything that he might regret later

Skyler kissed her again but this time he was more fierce, he was no longer slow he was rough and Aliya liked it. Skyler kissed and sucked both lips and would bit it and then lick that spot.

He continued to do that all the while holding her hands together, Aliya could feel the heat in her body and she knew the feeling. She continued to try to free her hands but Skyler still held it in a tight grip, Skyler lips advanced lower and he sucked and licked every part of her milky neck leaving hickeys.