Aliya said the words all the while wearing a straight face, the man wanted to laugh but knowing Aliya he knew that it wasn't a joke and that she meant every word.

"Why do you want to get poisoned again, I don't see your boyfriend around to help you" Harry said as he looked around, he hadn't forgotten the look in the man's eyes that night.

"He's not here" Aliya said not reacting to his comment on Skyler being her boyfriend.

"Why do you need the pills?" Skyler asked.

"It's really non of your business" Aliya said with her face straight not willing to give anything away.

"My son's alright by the way, thanks for asking" Harry said with sarcasm evident in his voice.

"I didn't ask" Aliya replied.

Harry not wanting to prolong the discussion just entered his van to bring the pills. If he was not mistaken he still had some left from the ones the bishop gave him.

"Here" He said as he handed the pills over to her, which she collected without wasting time.

Without a thank you Aliya left the garage as she made way to her bike.

"Aliya" Harry called out to which Aliya stopped moving.

"I really don't know who this bishop is but I could say she's big trouble" Harry said with worry evident in his voice until he said

" So please don't cross path with me anymore I don't want to get mixed up in all this."

A smirk formed on Aliya's lips when she heard him but she didn't bother to reply and just left.

Aliya drove her bike from the garage as she headed for her apartment.

In a few minutes Aliya arrived at the hotel, the road wasn't busy as it was already midnight the streets were quiet.

Aliya used the Elevator to get to her room but when she got there she found her door slightly open.

If it was another day Aliya would have picked a knife but knowing the person whom she lived in the same hotel with and knowing his personality she could only guess that he was the one inside.

"You're home early" Was the voice that welcomed her as she entered her apartment.

For so long she had been living her life alone, not having anyone to tell her welcome or to scold her for coming home late. Hearing those words for the first time in a long time gave her a feeling that she was scared of.

"Mr Walker this is my apartment, it is not right for you to just badge in." Aliya fired up as she walked to where he was. Though the lighting was dim she could still see his grey eyes and the half smile on his lips.

"Neat trick, I'll love for you to teach me one day" Skyler said as he looked at his two men who were asleep on the floor. "Where did you learn it?" Skyler asked with his eyes filled with astonishment.

"It's my life, I have free will to go wherever I want to, you can't keep guards at my door in my apartment" Aliya said as she squatted and placed her hands on both their necks.

They both woke up with shock but the look was changed to fear when they saw their boss standing in front of them. They glanced sideway and then they saw the miss but Aliya didn't have any look of remorse for them as she didn't find anything wrong with what she did.

It's her apartment not a cell and she had every right to do whatever she wanted.

"You can leave" Skyler said to the men who didn't need to be told twice before they hurried out of the apartment.

"So, do you want to pick up a few things before you go?" Skyler asked as he prepared to exit her apartment.

"To go where?" Aliya asked obviously not understanding the way this man thinks.

"Our apartment of course" Skyler replied casually as he turned to face her.

"Correction Mr Walker, it's your apartment not ours. And besides what makes you think that I would want to go back to your apartment?" Aliya asked as she crossed her hands on her chest.

"So you don't want to go to our apartment?" Skyler asked and another smile formed on his lips. "Fine then, we'll stay in your apartment" Skyler said as he began to move towards her bedroom. But Aliya quickly stood in front of him blocking him from advancing.

Aliya couldn't understand how this man's brain worked. For a moment she thought she was finally going to have some space but he seem to not want to leave her side.

"What's that on your hand?" Skyler asked as his gaze shifted to the small bottle in her hands. Before Aliya could answer he already took the bottle from her hands as he examined it.

"Why are you taking pills?" Skyler asked as his eyes focussed on her face. He was no longer joking or smiling as he looked so serious.

"They are sleeping pills, I planned to give them to you so you could go to sleep and stop worrying me." Aliya joked but the man didn't laugh as he continued to look at her face.

"It's the pills Harry used to poison me, I told him to give me..."

"You went to see Harry?" Skyler asked with anger evident in his voice.

Aliya couldn't answer his question as she swallowed the lump in her throat, the coldness Sha felt that day at the bar when he came was acting up again.

"Are you nuts Aliya? What if he tried to poison you again or worse kill you at the very spot. Don't you even value your life Aliya?" Skyler asked half yelling as his eyes were filled with menace.

Aliya could only look at the man in front of her as she could feel her eyes getting filled up with tears, she blinked them away but at last a drop rolled down her cheeks and that seem to have brought the man back to his senses.

Skyler took deep breaths as he tried to regain his senses, he lost his cool again and frightened her.

"I'm sorry..." Skyler could only mutter under his breath as he tried to bury all the anger. The truth was that he wasn't really angry at Aliya, sure he didn't like the fact that she went to meet Harry but that wasn't the only thing causing him to react that way. He was afraid that what happened in the past was going to happen again but this time he was aware and he knew that he should distant himself form her but he was selfish, even after knowing the outcome he was still selfish enough to want to continue even after knowing the tragic ending that awaits.

Skyler turned back as he headed for the door ready to leave Aliya's apartment when a pair of tiny hands wrapped around his torso and he heard her voice.

"Don't go" Aliya whispered as she pressed her face on his back. She didn't know why but she had the feeling that something was wrong and that if she let him go then he might do something to hurt himself. She didn't know why but she felt like she needed to be with him.

Skyler who was at first shocked with her actions mellowed down when he felt the warmness she brought to his cold heart. This is the same girl he had frightened just now but still she still held him back and didn't want him to go. It's funny how even though he knows that he should leave, as he would only bring her more hurt. A part of him wants to act selfish and enjoy this moment.

" have to let me go" Skyler pleaded as he tried not to let his emotions out.

Aliya Shaked her head against his chest refusing to do as he had said.

"I'm dangerous Aliya, you have to let me go" And even though he had said that a part of him still hoped that she would refuse.

Aliya turned to stand in front of him and Skyler was able to see the tears that rolled down her cheeks and it only made him want to leave.

Aliya hugged him as tight as she could trying to absorb his pain.

"What are you doing?" Skyler asked when he noticed how she was now hugging him weirdly.

"I'm.... I'm trying to absorb your pain" Aliya said in her hoarse voice as she pulled herself back.

A chuckle escaped Skyler's lips as he found what she was doing funny.

Aliya was pleased to here him chuckle as that was a sign that he was okay.

Skyler then used his thumb to wipe the tears on her face as he hugged her so tight to which Aliya responded.

It didn't matter to him if it was selfishness, he was going to risk it again, all for her. Maybe the universe would be fair to him this time.