Chapter 15

The word religion - derived from the Greek root word; relig – meaning to tie or bind. Religion is a traditional belief that evolved from multiple generations of cults and was handed down to your generations in a civilize approach. It was established by the general consensus to move primitive people, a moral whose driving force is social feeling, a dogma fitted with anathema without considering logical intelligence. In a general layman's point of view; is a cockerel that thinks he has to crow at dawn so that the sun will shine again. Religion is versed in the game of mystic and fantasy, to cater the fears of human. It established the common belief of life after death, however there has never been a shred of evidence that such exist. The only reason why it continue to flourish, because it keep humanity aware and happy in dying.

You shall know a little more, but the real nature of things can be proven by science, and if not your time, most likely the next generation or the future mankind. Now on the age of tumultuous social change, you all need the unbiased rationality. Why ascend and cuddle uncertainties for the self-interest of the few? Why not share the reality to mankind and live in peace? Maybe frightened by the consequences that may occur if sudden truth prevailed. Then why not propose a viable consensus on how to bring about the reality. Although damages may occur along the way, but let the interim-process and broadness minimize the effect. You have to remember that Humanity should follow the rule of Righteousness to be at Peace as the Planetary Federation is always ready to protect your planet from any hostile planetary threat."

And now, you should begin to realize the Reality as Genesis: the supposed creation;

The Universe was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while the wind of Nature swept over the vast emptiness.

Rationale: This must be the "Dark Energy" before the Big Bang.

Then the Nature commence, let there be light; and there was light; and saw the light was good; and separated light from darkness.

Rationale: Big Bang occurred then the formation of various star systems and the Earth sun, those the light prevailed over "Dark Energy", however this dark energy serving as glue of galaxies to maintain their position for gravity is only internal with the stars

And Mother Nature called light Day, and darkness called Night.

Rationale: This was later internal with the planet's rotation.

Then in your World, Bible was written and supposed to be the historical records composed by abbots about 70 years after the death of Jesus of Nazareth and was the sources of the "Council of Nicaea" protocol where Emperor Constantine aimed to glue humanity through "Faith." Those intellectuals in those monasteries were short to understand for your recent technologies that they never dream before.

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The fact is, our people started exploring your planet when it just cool-off and found that it was not yet suited for habitation.

Human must understand that your planet Earth is just a dot in the Universe with no special role but to abide with the evolution of time and space.

Updated discoveries revealed that Planet Earth evolve on about every 35,000 to 42,000 year-cycle. This is the nature mechanism that all things in the Universe traverse on the emptiness of space. The nutation of your planet axis tilting from 22 to 24.50 degrees back and forth in every 42,000 year-cycle caused the melting and freezing of polar cap. Nutation - is the swinging back and forth of your planet Earth's axis. Near the height of the last ice age, North Pole as your people designated it did not point toward Polaris or the North Star as it is today but instead, it pointed to Vega, the brightest Star in the Constellation Lyra. This constitutes the pulling of water to freeze on polar caps and then melting it out again in another 42,000 years on slow process. Evidence of which was the landmass on the Antarctic uncovered by ice during the melting cycle and had acquired civilization that period. And thus were the sequence of time that our Mars Base was transferred there permanently.

New World Central Hub (our Camp Base on planet Earth) astronomers have concluded that it takes a century for the Tropic of Cancer to drift 40 seconds of latitude. This gives us a formula for our calculations and enables us to establish basis. Syene is 38 minutes and 30 seconds from today's Tropic of Cancer. This is 2280 (38 x 60 to convert minutes to seconds) plus the 30 seconds give us a total of 2310 seconds difference. We then divide these seconds by 40 to find that Syene was last on the Tropic of Cancer some 57.75 centuries ago. By calculating the difference in distance from the latitude of today's Tropic of Cancer (23:27N) to that of Syene (24:05:30N) we discover the answer is about 5775 years ago that is, circa 3760 BCE. It's noteworthy that the Jewish calendar begins on this date. By the projection of our Bench Mark (established points through solar observation) like an arrow at a pivotal turning point in human history.

Archaeology teaches that Egyptian civilization dawned circa 3800 BCE. Can it really be mere coincidence that the Freezing Period of Antarctic started and looks to date from the dawn of Egyptian civilization? Far more likely that the sophisticated observations of our astronomers as per written Journal for Antarctica when it was ice-free long before the first Egyptian pyramid was built.

On this particular sequence of time, the neighboring land mass of the New World Central Hub which your people now designated as South Pole or Antarctica was teeming with flora and fauna. Thus Savannah which your people now called Sahara Desert was packed with several sizes of water holes that some areas were qualified as lakes connected by streams.

However as your planet move, shifting of continental shelves was inevitable and that was the starts of tectonic plate formation breaking the once mighty Land Mass as it drifted apart. The nutation of your planet and the drifting of continental shelves caused the sinking of some parts of the land mass and some lakes to dried up and savannah to desert. My advice is if you have some time and opportunity to explore the said places in order to understand your world. The morning sun slowly creeping up, improving the twilights as the three great, great ancestors of Izra started fading away to mix with the twilight. Izra move that caused Val to be awaken.