Chapter 23

The story of human evolution can be divided into three distinct phases, beginning with our split from the common ancestor we shared with chimpanzees 8 million to 6 million years ago. Each phase lasted for millions of years and was dominated by a separate genus; each genus was composed of numerous species.

* The oldest genus is Ardipithecus, of which Ar. ramidus was the last member.

* Australopithecus came next. This genus began with Au.anamensis and includes Au. Afarensis of "Lucy " fame.

* Lastly is Homo, the genus containing Homo erectus, Neanderthal, The Hobbit and us – Homo sapiens.

Homo sapiens, ("wise man") the species to which all modern human beings belong. Homo sapiens is one of several species grouped into the genus Homo, but it is the only one that is not extinct. The name Homo sapiens was applied by biologists as modern biological classification. It had long been known that human beings physically resemble the primates more closely than any other known living organisms, but at the time it was a daring act to classify human beings within the same framework used for the rest of nature. Biologists are concerned exclusively with similarities in bodily Structure, faced only the problem of distinguishing Homo sapiens from apes which differ from humans in numerous bodily as well as cognitive features.

Since Homo sapien's time, a large fossil record has been discovered. This record contains numerous extinct species that are much more closely related to humans than to today's apes and that were presumably more similar to H. sapiens behaviorally as well. Following the ancestors of modern human beings into the distant past raises the question of what is meant by the word human. H. sapiens is human by definition, whereas apes are not. But what of the extinct members of the human tribe (Hominini), who were clearly not H. sapiens but were nonetheless very much like them? There is no definitive answer to this question. Although human evolution can be said to involve all those species more closely related to H. sapiens than to the apes, the adjective human is usually applied only to H. sapiens and other members of the genus Homo (e.g., H. erectus, H. habilis). Behaviorally, only H. sapiens can be said to be "fully human," but even the definition of H. sapiens is a matter of active debate.

Some paleoanthropologists extend the span of this species far back into time to include many anatomically distinctive fossils that others prefer to allocate to several different extinct species. In contrast, a majority of paleoanthropologists, wishing to bring the study of hominins into line with that of other mammals, prefer to assign to H. sapiens only those fossil forms that fall within the anatomic spectrum of the species as it exists today. In this sense, H. sapiens is very recent, having originated in Africa more than 315,000 years ago (315 thousand years ago).

New World Central Hub biologists widely thought that distinctively hominin fossils could be identified from 14 to 12 million years ago (million years ago). However, new batch of geneticists introduced the use of molecular clocks to calculate how long species had been separated from a common ancestor. The molecular clock concept is based on an assumed regularity in the accumulation of tiny changes in the genetic codes of humans and other organisms. Use of this concept, together with a re-analysis of the fossil record, moved the estimated time of the evolutionary split between apes and human ancestors forward to as recently as about 5 million years ago. Since then the molecular data emerging from DNA sequencing and a steady trickle of new hominin fossil finds have pushed the earliest putative hominin ancestry back in time somewhat, to perhaps 8–6 million years ago.

The earliest candidate for hominin status is Sahelanthropus tchadensis, based on a cranium from of Chad in north-central Africa. Announced in batches, this specimen is dated to the period between 7 and 6 mya. The distinctive mark of Hominini, the lineage that includes humans and their direct ancestors, is generally taken to be uprightland locomotion on two legs. The skull of S. tchadensis does not indicate with certainty if this species was at all terrestrial, although the fairly forward position of its foramen magnum (the hole through which the spinal cord exits the braincase) may suggest a habitually upright posture. The most remarkable aspect of this skull is the broadness and flatness of its face something previously associated with much more recent hominins in conjunction with a smaller, ape-sized braincase. This specimen also has small canine teeth compared with those of apes, thus aligning it with the hominins in an important functional regard. No consensus has developed on exactly where this find fits into the human family tree (or, more appropriately, "family bush"), but, even if it is a hominin, it is highly unlikely to be a direct ancestor of H. sapiens.

Sahelanthropus, then, emphasizes an evolutionary pattern that seems to have been a characteristic of the tribe Hominini from the very start—a pattern that aligns it with what is observed in most other evolutionarily successful groups of mammals. Human evolution, it appears, has consistently been a process of trial and error. Historically, this process has been considered a more or less direct series of assumed improvements within a single lineage that eventually culminated in the burnished "perfection" of H. sapiens. As flattering to the modern human ego as this picture may be, it is evidently quite wrong. Instead, human evolution has been throughout its long history a matter of experimentation, with new species being constantly spawned and thrown into the ecological arena to compete and, more often than not, become extinct. Viewed this way, H. sapiens is simply the last surviving twig on a vast and intricately branching bush, rather than the sole occupant of a summit that has been laboriously climbed and, by extension, somehow earned.

Fossils found since the early stage have begun to hint at just how complex the hominin bush was in the three million years or so following the time of Sahelanthropus. Three other new genera of early hominins (Ardipithecus, Orrorin, and Kenyanthropus) dating from 6 to 3 mya have been recovered from Kenya and Ethiopia. Furthermore, during the latter half of the 20th century, new species were added to the long-established genera Australopithecus and Parantpus both known from South and East African sites. This early radiation (diversification) of hominins, of which the latest survivors lived as recently as about 1.5 million years ago, made for a rather motley assortment. In general, they were relatively small-bodied, with large chewing teeth but reduced (sometimes highly reduced) canine teeth. They had small (ape-sized) braincases and rather protruding faces. Given these apelike cranial proportions, it is hardly surprising that many paleoanthropologists have characterized these early hominins as "bipedal apes." Though they were indeed bipedal, there are subtle but important structural features in their anatomy that show they walked differently from the way modern humans do.

Two of the best examples of such a creature include Ardi a hominin of the species Ardipithecus rimidus from Aramis, Ethiopia, and the famous "Lucy," a hominin of the species Australopithecus afarensis from Hadar, Ethiopia. Ardi's skeleton, which is more than 50 percent complete, dates to about 4.4 million years ago. The design of her pelvis and feet are suggestive of bipedal locomotion. However, other skeletal elements indicate that she spent much of her time clambering through the branches of trees. In contrast, Lucy's skeleton is 40 percent complete and dates to about 3.2 million years ago. Lucy's pelvis is more human-like, and the design of her knee joint suggests that she walked upright in a manner similar to that of modern humans.

These fossils, along with the slightly older trails of footprints found at Laetoli, Tanzania, prove that early hominins were upright bipeds when on the ground. However, they also retained many reminders of their tree-dwelling ancestry, especially their rather long arms, short legs, narrow shoulders, and long grasping extremities. All these features would have made them agile upright foragers among tree branches, where they presumably sought food by day and sheltered at night even though they moved on two legs while on the ground. The environments in which these early hominins lived suggest that (1) they were still comfortable in the forest and (2) they were largely active at the forest edges and in the woodlands where the forest graded into more open savanna—a type of habitat that was expanding in their African homeland after about 7 mya as climates became drier and more seasonal.

It is difficult to say how the wide variety of early hominins were interrelated. Moreover, although these ancient forms were clearly members of the same larger group, discerning exactly how any of them may have been connected to later species is problematic because of incomplete fossil evidence or different interpretations of the same evidence. Homo may have originated as early as about 2.8 million years ago, though the record during this time is tantalizingly fragmentary. A variety of incomplete or broken fossils from the period between about 2.5 and 2.0 million years ago have been placed in the category of "early Homo," while slightly later fossils from Tanzania's Olduvai Gorge and elsewhere have been called H. habilis. Taken together, this hominin assemblage makes a rather odd assortment that is based more than anything else on a modest increase in the size of the brain compared with that of Australopithecus and its relatives. Even more important in the assignment of these fossils to Homo may be the occurrence in the same geologic deposits of very primitive stone tools. The notion of "man the toolmaker" was very powerful in the early stage when H. habilis was named.

A selection of fossil finds associated with Homo habilis. H. habilis inhabited parts of sub-Saharan Africa from roughly 2.4 to 1.5 million years ago. Decades later, the species responsible for producing the first stone tools remains unknown, but it likely was relatively small-brained, with a body proportioned quite differently from that of H. sapiens. Found near Kenya's Lake Turkana in a layer of rock dating to approximately 3.3 million years ago, during the middle of the Pliocene Epoch (5.3 million years ago to 2.6 million years ago), the first tools—primitive hammers, anvils, and cutting tools—predate the emergence of Homo by almost 400,000 years. Paleontologists speculate that, barring the finding of an as-yet-undiscovered species of Homo, the tools were likely constructed by members of Australopithecus or Keyathropus.

Cranial remains dating to slightly less than 2 mya have been discovered at Koobi Fora, Kenya. These are thought to belong to the same species as the remarkably complete 1.6-million-year-old skeleton named "Turkana Boy," found at nearby Nariokotome. The nature of the association between the two finds is not yet completely evident, as even partial hominin skeletons are almost vanishingly rare as researchers delve deeper into the past to a time before the introduction of burial practices. Discovered in 1984, the slender-limbed, long-legged Nariokotome skeleton is the first solid evidence of an individual that resembled H. sapiens in overall bodily form. Here at last is a representative of a species that was definitely at home on the open savanna, emancipated from the forest and woodland environments to which its predecessors had been confined. Turkana Boy was 1.6 metres (5 feet 3 inches tall) when he died at age eight, and it is estimated that he would have topped 1.8 metres (6 feet) at maturity. His skeleton bears the basic hallmarks of H. sapiens. His face, however, was quite projecting, and his brain was little more than half the size of that of H. sapiens. Cranial traits notwithstanding, this individual clearly deserves to be classified with H. sapiens in the genus Homo. However, he is often assigned by authorities to either H. ergaster or H. erectus, the latter of which was originally based on specimens from Java discovered in the 1890s; others include him in an extended interpretation of H. sapiens.

Once modern human body proportions had been achieved, such species could indulge their newfound wanderlust. By about 1.8 mya hominins, previously confined to Africa, had roamed as far afield as China and Indonesia. In their new territories they diversified, as might be expected, with new species emerging in different regions. H. erectus appeared in the outskirts of Europe (at the Dmanisi site in present-day Georgia) as well as in eastern Asia early on; the next earliest European hominin, H. antecessor, is known only from considerably later, about 800 kya. Africa appears to have been the source of not just one but successive waves of hominin emigrants, including H. heidelbergensis, which had originated by 600 kya and found its way to Europe by 500 kya. In Europe an early representative of H. heidelbergensis may have given rise to the groups that included the Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis), who populated Europe and western Asia from about 200 to 30 kya. Africa, however, apparently continued to produce species that figure more directly in the ancestry of today's H. sapiens.

Throughout there was a tendency for new hominin species to acquire ever larger brains. H.

heidelbergensis, for example, had a brain about two-thirds the size of H. sapiens, while those of the Neanderthals were in some cases larger than the H. sapiens average. This increase must have come at a cost, because brain tissue expends significant amounts of energy. There must have been benefits of a larger brain, but what those benefits were can only be guessed; quantifying human intelligence is problematic even among living humans, let alone extinct ones. H. sapiens is thought to have evolved in Africa. The oldest known remains thought to be H. sapiens, found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, were unearthed in the first decade of the 2000s. This collection of specimens was made up of skull fragments, a complete jawbone, and stone tools, all of which date to about 315 kya, which may suggest that the species was widely dispersed throughout Africa by that time. The second oldest remains date to approximately 200 kya in East Africa.. The remains, made up of two skulls (Omo 1 and Omo 2), were initially dated to 130 kya. However, the results of an argon-dating analysis, which estimated the age of a layer of tuff that overlay Omo 1, suggested that the Omo 1 remains date to at least 233 kya. H. sapiens spread later to all continents, arriving in southern China between 120 kya and 80 kya, reaching Australia between 65 kya and 50 kya, and entering Europe about 45–43 kya. Most evidence points to H. sapiens migrating to the Americas about 14–13.3 kya; however, some evidence suggests that this migration may have taken place up to 15,000 years earlier. H. sapiens have maintained a presence in Antarctica only since the 19th century.

The story of hominin evolution is one of increasing behavioral complexity, but, because behaviour does not leave direct fossil evidence, clues must be sought in other sources. The most obvious candidates are in the archaeological record, which has traditionally begun with the appearance of Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) tools about 2.5 mya. (See also Stone Age); however, that date is complicated by the discovery of tools that date back to 3.3 mya. Early tools were simple indeed: stone flakes a few centimeters long that were chipped off of one small cobble by a blow from another. But, for all their simplicity, they marked a major advance in lifestyle: for the first time, the carcasses of dead animals could be dismembered quickly, and favoured parts could be taken for consumption to safer places, where blows from hammer stones allowed the extraction of nutritious marrow from bones. These tools also signify a cognitive advance in hominins; even with intensive training, no ape has yet mastered the notion of hitting one rock with another at precisely the angle needed to detach a sharp flake. Furthermore, the early toolmakers had the ability to anticipate their needs, since they often carried suitable rocks long distances before making them into tools.

Replica stone tools of the Acheulean industry, used by Homo erectus and early modern humans, and of the Mousterian industry, used by Neanderthals. (Top, left to right) Mid-Acheulean bifacial hand ax and Acheulean banded-flint hand ax. (Centre) Acheulean hand tool. (Bottom, left to right) Mousterian bifacial hand ax, scraper, and bifacial point.The history of stone tool making ushers in a pattern seen throughout the paleoanthropological record until the emergence of behaviorally modern H. sapiens: in general, technological innovations have been sporadic and rare. Moreover, behavioral novelties have tended not to coincide with the appearance of new species. For almost a million years following the introduction of stone tools, the methods used for making them remained largely unchanged. It is only after about 1.8 mya, in Africa (well after the appearance of Homo ergaster), that a larger type of tool is introduced: the hand ax. Shaped carefully on both sides to a standard and symmetrical form, it was usually teardrop- or egg-shaped. It is the characteristic tool of the Acheulean industry. Although the notion has been contested, it does seem fairly clear that these implements bear witness to another cognitive advance: the existence in the toolmaker's mind of a standard "mental template" to which the tools were made.

Hand axes were manufactured in Africa by the thousands—sometimes at apparent workshops—until quite recent times. Stone tools of this kind have always been rare in eastern Asia. It is only at about 300–400 kya that another major technological (and possibly cognitive) advance is found. This is the "prepared-core" tool, whereby a stone core was elaborately shaped until a single blow, perhaps with a hammer made of a "soft" material such as bone, would detach a virtually finished tool with a continuous cutting surface around its periphery. The great masters of this technique (see also Mousterian industry) were the Neanderthals, whose possession of language has long been debated. Regardless, it has been demonstrated (in studies with people) that language is not required for the transmission of the skills needed to make tools of this kind.

The stone tool record is well-preserved, but it is only an indirect reflection of overall lifestyle and cognitive capacities. It is still unknown, for example, whether the earliest tool users hunted extensively or merely scavenged animal remains. It is likely that, if they hunted, it was for small prey. Nonetheless, metabolic studies of bone suggest that some Australopithecus may have eaten substantially more meat than chimpanzees do today.

Most authorities had guessed that efficient ambush hunting was an invention of H. sapiens, but 400,000-year-old wooden throwing spears found may suggest otherwise. Unlike thrusting spears, which must be used at close range and with considerable risk, these 2-meter (6.6-foot) javelin-like weapons have their weight concentrated at the front and therefore could have been hurled from a safe distance. The age of the location at which these spears were found puts them within the period of H. heidelbergensis.

Also at 400 kya there is the first convincing evidence of two other innovations: the domestication of fire in hearths and the construction of artificial shelters. At Terra Amata in southern France, traces of large huts have been found. The huts were formed by embedding saplings into the ground in an oval and then bringing their tops together at the centre. Stones placed in a ring around the hut braced the saplings. Some of these huts were found to contain hearths scooped in the ground and lined with burned stones and blackened bones. These sites represent some of the earliest definitive proof of fires deliberately maintained and used for cooking, although nearly 800,000-year-old hearths are reported from a site in Israel.

Prior to the advent of H. sapiens, archaeological sites are generally random scatterings of detritus of various types—mostly butchery sites and sites where groups lived at later times. In the dwelling places of behaviorally modern early H. sapiens, on the other hand, there is a definite pattern in the use of space: tool making was done in one place, cooking in another, sleeping elsewhere. The earliest intimations of such partitioning are found at the South African site of Klasies River Mouth, dating to more than 100 kya. This pattern is also typical of sites left behind by the earliest European H. sapiens, who colonized that continent many tens of thousands of years later. Although the first evidence of symbolic thinking, which appears to have predated H. sapiens, was discovered on the island of Java in the form of a zigzag shape etched on a shell dated to some 450 kya, the African sites serve as the earliest evidence of symbolism and the complex behaviors that characterize H. sapiens worldwide today. At Blombos Cave, near Africa's southern tip, was found an ochre plaque more than 70,000 years old that is engraved with an unmistakably geometric motif. This and other early African sites have produced engraved ostrich eggshells and snail shells pierced for stringing and bodily adornment; these date from 70 to 50 kya. It is also in Africa that the earliest evidence appears for such modern behaviors as long-distance trade and the mining of flint for artifact production.

The most-striking evidence for a distinct cognitive contrast between modern humans and all their predecessors, however, comes from Europe. H. sapiens came late to this continent and brought a new kind of stone tool based on striking long thin "blades" from a carefully prepared long core. These Aurignacian tools, which were probably developed in Africa some 75,000 years ago, were accompanied by a kit of implements that for the first time were made out of materials such as bone and antler and that were treated with exquisite sensitivity to their particular properties. In short order these Europeans, the so-called Cro-Magnons, left a dazzling variety of symbolic works of prehistoric art. The earliest known sculptures—delicate small carvings in ivory and bone—are about 34,000 years old. From about the same time come the earliest musical instruments, bone flutes with complex sound capabilities. Also from this time, roughly 25,000 kya, come the first known notations. These markings were made on bone plaques, one of which has been interpreted as a lunar calendar.

Domestic items were regularly decorated and engraved by the Cro-Magnons. Burials, already practiced by the Neanderthals in a simple form, became complex, and graves were often crammed with goods that were likely thought to be useful to the deceased in an afterlife. Clay figurines were soon baked in primitive but remarkably effective kilns, and by about 27 kya delicate eyed needles made of bone heralded the advent of couture (garment making). It is hard to ask for better proof that the Cro-Magnons were modern H. sapiens cognitively equipped with all the intellectual faculties of today's people. Nobody would dispute, for example, that the Cro-Magnons had language; such a claim is arguable in earlier Stone Age H. sapiens and Neanderthals.

The Cro-Magnons contrasted strikingly with the Neanderthals, the hominins they had found already living in Europe upon their arrival and whom they replaced entirely over the next 10,000 to 12,000 years. While symbolic behaviours are typical of all groups of living humans, not all such groups have left behind symbolic records as dramatic as those of the Cro-Magnons. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the Cro-Magnons and the Neanderthals perceived and interacted with the world in entirely different ways. The Cro-Magnons were people with whom present-day humans could relate on their terms, and, as such, H. sapiens is not simply an incremental improvement on previous hominins. As the archaeological record eloquently indicates, our species is an entirely unprecedented phenomenon.

Exactly when and where this new phenomenon initially occurred is problematic, but again the earliest evidence for the new behavioral pattern comes from Africa, and, as is discussed in the section below, the earliest anatomic intimations for the origin of H. sapiens also come from that continent. However, anatomic and cognitive "modernity's" do not seem to have developed hand in hand; evidently there was a time lag between the establishment of modern anatomy (which appears to have come first) and modern behavioral patterns. While perhaps counterintuitive, this observation actually makes sense. Any innovation must take place within a species, since there is no place else it can do so. Natural selection is, moreover, not a creative force. It merely works on variations that come into existence spontaneously; it cannot call innovations into existence just because they might be advantageous.

Any new structure or aptitude has to be in place before it can be exploited by its possessors, and it may take some time for those possessors to discover all the uses of such novelties. Such seems to have been the case for H. sapiens in that the earliest well-documented members of our species appear to have behaved in broadly the same manner as Neanderthals for many tens of thousands of years. It is highly unlikely that another species anatomically indistinguishable from H. sapiens but behaviorally similar to Neanderthals was supplanted worldwide in an extremely short span of time. Therefore, it seems appropriate to conclude that a latent capacity for symbolic reasoning was present when anatomically modern H. sapiens emerged and that our forebears discovered their radically new behavioral abilities somewhat later in time.

A cultural "release mechanism" of some sort was necessarily involved in this discovery, and the favoured candidate for this role is language, the existence of which cannot be inferred with any degree of confidence from the records left behind by any other species but our own. Language is the ultimate symbolic activity, involving the creation and manipulation of mental symbols and permitting the posing of questions such as "What if?" Not all components of human thought are symbolic (the human brain has a very long accretionary, evolutionary history that still governs the way thoughts and feelings are processed), but it is certainly the addition of symbolic manipulations to intuitive processes that makes possible what is recognized as the human mind.

The origins of this mind are obscure indeed, especially as scientists are still ignorant of how a mass of electrochemical signals in the brain gives rise to what present-day humans experience as consciousness. But the invention of language would plausibly have released the earliest of the cultural and technological innovations that symbolic thought makes possible—in the process unleashing a cascade of discoveries that is still ongoing. One of the most-striking features of the archaeological record that accompanies the arrival of behaviorally modern H. sapiens is a distinct alteration in the tempo of innovation and change. Significant cultural and technological novelties had previously been rare, with long periods of apparent stability intervening between relatively sudden episodes of innovation. But once behaviorally modern H. sapiens arrived on the scene, different local technological traditions—and, by extension, other forms of cultural diversity—began to proliferate regularly, setting a pace that is still gathering today.

The design of her pelvis and feet are suggestive of bipedal locomotion. However, other skeletal elements indicate that she spent much of her time clambering through the branches of trees. In contrast, Lucy's skeleton is 40 percent complete and dates to about 3.2 mya. Lucy's pelvis is more humanlike, and the design of her knee joint suggests that she walked upright in a manner similar to that of modern humans. These fossils, along with the slightly older trails of footprints found at Laetoli, Tanzania, prove that early hominins were upright bipeds when on the ground. However, they also retained many reminders of their tree-dwelling ancestry, especially their rather long arms, short legs, narrow shoulders, and long grasping extremities. All these features would have made them agile upright foragers among tree branches, where they presumably sought food by day and sheltered at night even though they moved on two legs while on the ground. The environments in which these early hominins lived suggest that (1) they were still comfortable in the forest and (2) they were largely active at the forest edges and in the woodlands where the forest graded into more open savanna—a type of habitat that was expanding in their African homeland after about 7 mya as climates became drier and more seasonal.

It is difficult to say how the wide variety of early hominins were interrelated. Moreover, although these ancient forms were clearly members of the same larger group, discerning exactly how any of them may have been connected to later species is problematic because of incomplete fossil evidence or different interpretations of the same evidence. Homo may have originated as early as about 2.8 mya, though the record during this time is tantalizingly fragmentary. A variety of incomplete or broken fossils from the period between about 2.5 and 2.0 mya have been placed in the category of "early Homo," while slightly later fossils from Tanzania's Olduvai Gorge and elsewhere have been called H. habilis. Taken together, this hominin assemblage makes a rather odd assortment that is based more than anything else on a modest increase in the size of the brain compared with that of Australopithecus and its relatives. Even more important in the assignment of these fossils to Homo may be the occurrence in the same geologic deposits of very primitive stone tools. The notion of "man the toolmaker" was very powerful in when H. habilis was named.

Decades later, the species responsible for producing the first stone tools remains unknown, but it likely was relatively small-brained, with a body proportioned quite differently from that of H. sapiens. Found near Kenya's Lake Turkana in a layer of rock dating to approximately 3.3 mya, during the middle of the Pliocene Epoch (5.3 million to 2.6 million years ago), the first tools—primitive hammers, anvils, and cutting tools—predate the emergence of Homo by almost 400,000 years.

Paleontologists speculate that, barring the finding of an as-yet-undiscovered species of Homo, the tools were likely constructed by Australopithecus or Kenyanthropus.Cranial remains dating to slightly less than 2 mya have been discovered at Koobi Fora, Kenya. These are thought to belong to the same species as the remarkably complete 1.6-million-year-old skeleton named "Turkana Boy," found at nearby Nariokotome. The nature of the association between the two finds is not yet completely evident, as even partial hominin skeletons are almost vanishingly rare as researchers delve deeper into the past to a time before the introduction of burial practices.

Discovery of the slender-limbed, long-legged Nariokotome skeleton is the first solid evidence of an individual that resembled H. sapiens in overall bodily form. Here at last is a representative of a species that was definitely at home on the open savanna, emancipated from the forest and woodland environments to which its predecessors had been confined. Turkana Boy was 1.6 metres (5 feet 3 inches tall) when he died at age eight, and it is estimated that he would have topped 1.8 metres (6 feet) at maturity. His skeleton bears the basic hallmarks of H. sapiens. His face, however, was quite projecting, and

his brain was little more than half the size of that of H. sapiens. Cranial traits notwithstanding, this individual clearly deserves to be classified with H. sapiens in the genus Homo. However, he is often assigned by authorities to either H. ergaster or H. erectus, the latter of which was originally based on specimens from Java discovered in the 1890s; others include him in an extended interpretation of H. sapiens.

Once modern human body proportions had been achieved, such species could indulge their newfound wanderlust. By about 1.8 mya hominins, previously confined to Africa, had roamed as far afield as China and Indonesia. In their new territories they diversified, as might be expected, with new species emerging in different regions. H. erectus appeared in the outskirts of Europe (at the Dmanisi site in present-day Georgia) as well as in eastern Asia early on; the next earliest European hominin, H. antecessor, is known only from considerably later, about 800 kya. Africa appears to have been the source of not just one but successive waves of hominin emigrants, including H. heidelbergensis, which had originated by 600 kya and found its way to Europe by 500 kya. In Europe an early representative of H. heidelbergensis may have given rise to the groups that included the Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis), who populated Europe and western Asia from about 200 to 30 kya. Africa, however, apparently continued to produce species that figure more directly in the ancestry of today's H. sapiens.

Throughout there was a tendency for new hominin species to acquire ever larger brains. H. heidelbergensis, for example, had a brain about two-thirds the size of H. sapiens, while those of the Neanderthals were in some cases larger than the H. sapiens average. This increase must have come at a cost, because brain tissue expends significant amounts of energy. There must have been benefits of a larger brain, but what those benefits were can only be guessed; quantifying human intelligence is problematic even among living humans, let alone extinct ones.

H. sapiens is thought to have evolved in Africa. The oldest known remains thought to be H. sapiens, found at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, were unearthed in the first decade of the 2000s. This collection of specimens was made up of skull fragments, a complete jawbone, and stone tools, all of which date to about 315 thousand years ago, which may suggest that the species was widely dispersed throughout Africa by that time. The second oldest remains date to approximately 200 thousand years ago in East Africa. This estimate is shaped by the discovery of the oldest remains attributed to H. sapiens, in Ethiopia's Omo Valley. The remains, made up of two skulls (Omo 1 and Omo 2), were initially dated to 130 thousand years ago. However, the results of an argon-dating analysis, which estimated the age of a layer of tuff that overlay Omo 1, suggested that the Omo 1 remains date to at least 233 thousand years ago. H. sapiens spread later to all continents, arriving in southern China between 120 and 80 thousand years ago, reaching Australia between 65 and 50 thyousand years ago, and entering Europe about 45–43 thousad years ago. Most evidence points to H. sapiens migrating to the Americas about 14–13.3 thousand years ago; however, some evidence suggests that this migration may have taken place up to 15,000 years earlier. H. sapiens have maintained a presence in Antarctica only since the 19th century.

The story of hominin evolution is one of increasing behavioral complexity, but, because behaviour does not leave direct fossil evidence, clues must be sought in other sources. The most obvious candidates are in the archaeological record, which has traditionally begun with the appearance of Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) tools about 2.5 million years ago. (See also Stone Age); however, that date is complicated by the discovery of tools in 2015 that date back to 3.3 million years ago. Early tools were simple indeed: stone flakes a few centimeters long that were chipped off of one small cobble by a blow from another. But, for all their simplicity, they marked a major advance in lifestyle: for the first time, the carcasses of dead animals could be dismembered quickly, and favoured parts could be taken for consumption to safer places, where blows from hammerstones allowed the extraction of nutritious marrow from bones. These tools also signify a cognitive advance in hominins; even with intensive training, no ape has yet mastered the notion of hitting one rock with another at precisely the angle needed to detach a sharp flake. Furthermore, the early toolmakers had the ability to anticipate their needs, since they often carried suitable rocks long distances before making them into tools.

The history of stone tool making ushers in a pattern seen throughout the paleoanthropological record until the emergence of behaviorally modern H. sapiens: in general, technological innovations have been sporadic and rare. Moreover, behavioral novelties have tended not to coincide with the appearance of new species. For almost a million years following the introduction of stone tools, the methods used for making them remained largely unchanged. It is only after about 1.8 million years ago, in Africa (well after the appearance of Homo ergaster), that a larger type of tool is introduced: the hand ax. Shaped carefully on both sides to a standard and symmetrical form, it was usually teardrop- or egg-shaped. It is the characteristic tool of the Acheulean industry. Although the notion has been contested, it does seem fairly clear that these implements bear witness to another cognitive advance: the existence in the toolmaker's mind of a standard "mental template" to which the tools were made. Hand axes were manufactured in Africa by the thousands—sometimes at apparent workshops—until quite recent times.

Stone tools of this kind have always been rare in eastern Asia. It is only at about 300–400 thousand years ago that another major technological (and possibly cognitive) advance is found. This is the "prepared-core" tool, whereby a stone core was elaborately shaped until a single blow, perhaps with a hammer made of a "soft" material such as bone, would detach a virtually finished tool with a continuous cutting surface around its periphery. The great masters of this technique (see also Mousterian industry) were the Neanderthals, whose possession of language has long been debated. Regardless, it has been demonstrated (in studies with people) that language is not required for the transmission of the skills needed to make tools of this kind.

The stone tool record is well-preserved, but it is only an indirect reflection of overall lifestyle and cognitive capacities. It is still unknown, for example, whether the earliest tool users hunted extensively or merely scavenged animal remains. It is likely that, if they hunted, it was for small prey. Nonetheless, metabolic studies of bone suggest that some Australopithecus may have eaten substantially more meat than chimpanzees do today. Most authorities had guessed that efficient ambush hunting was an invention of H. sapiens, but 400,000-year-old wooden throwing spears found in 1995 at Schöningen, Germany, may suggest otherwise. Unlike thrusting spears, which must be used at close range and with considerable risk, these 2-meter (6.6-foot) javelin-like weapons have their weight concentrated at the front and therefore could have been hurled from a safe distance. The age of the location at which these spears were found puts them within the period of H. heidelbergensis.

Also at 400 thousand years ago there is the first convincing evidence of two other innovations: the domestication of fire in hearths and the construction of artificial shelters. At Terra Amata in southern France, traces of large huts have been found. The huts were formed by embedding saplings into the ground in an oval and then bringing their tops together at the centre. Stones placed in a ring around the hut braced the saplings. Some of these huts were found to contain hearths scooped in the ground and lined with burned stones and blackened bones. These sites represent some of the earliest definitive proof of fires deliberately maintained and used for cooking, although nearly 800,000-year-old hearths are reported from a site in Israel.

Prior to the advent of H. sapiens, archaeological sites are generally random scatterings of detritus of various types—mostly butchery sites and sites where groups lived at later times. In the dwelling places of behaviorally modern early H. sapiens, on the other hand, there is a definite pattern in the use of space: toolmaking was done in one place, cooking in another, sleeping elsewhere. The earliest intimations of such partitioning are found at the South African site of Klasies River Mouth, dating to more than 100 thousand years ago. This pattern is also typical of sites left behind by the earliest European H. sapiens, who colonized that continent many tens of thousands of years later. Although the first evidence of symbolic thinking, which appears to have predated H. sapiens, was discovered on the island of Java in 2014 in the form of a zigzag shape etched on a shell dated to some 450 kya, the African sites serve as the earliest evidence of symbolism and the complex behaviours that characterize H. sapiens worldwide today. At Blombos Cave, near Africa's southern tip, was found an ochre plaque more than 70,000 years old that is engraved with an unmistakably geometric motif. This and other early African sites have produced engraved ostrich eggshells and snail shells pierced for stringing and bodily adornment; these date from 70 to 50 thousand years ago. It is also in Africa that the earliest evidence appears for such modern behaviors as long-distance trade and the mining of flint for artifact production.

The most-striking evidence for a distinct cognitive contrast between modern humans and all their predecessors, however, comes from Europe. H. sapiens came late to this continent and brought a new kind of stone tool based on striking long thin "blades" from a carefully prepared long core. These Aurignacian tools, which were probably developed in Africa some 75,000 years ago, were accompanied by a kit of implements that for the first time were made out of materials such as bone and antler and that were treated with exquisite sensitivity to their particular properties. In short order these Europeans, the so-called Cro-Magnons, left a dazzling variety of symbolic works of prehistoric art. The earliest known sculptures—delicate small carvings in ivory and bone—are about 34,000 years old. From about the same time come the earliest musical instruments, bone flutes with complex sound capabilities. Also from this time, roughly 25,000 kya, come the first known notations. These markings were made on bone plaques, one of which has been interpreted as a lunar calendar. By 30 thousand years ago the Cro-Magnons were already creating spectacular animal paintings deep in caves, most of which are accompanied by numerous geometric symbols (see also Eyzies-de-Tayac; Lascaux Grotto; Font-de-Gaume; Altamira).

Domestic items were regularly decorated and engraved by the Cro-Magnons. Burials, already practiced by the Neanderthals in a simple form, became complex, and graves were often crammed with goods that were likely thought to be useful to the deceased in an afterlife. Clay figurines were soon baked in primitive but remarkably effective kilns, and by about 27 thousand years ago delicate eyed needles made of bone heralded the advent of couture (garment making). It is hard to ask for better proof that the Cro-Magnons were modern H. sapiens cognitively equipped with all the intellectual faculties of today's people. Nobody would dispute, for example, that the Cro-Magnons had language; such a claim is arguable in earlier Stone Age H. sapiens and Neanderthals.

The Cro-Magnons contrasted strikingly with the Neanderthals, the hominins they had found already living in Europe upon their arrival and whom they replaced entirely over the next 10,000 to 12,000 years. While symbolic behaviours are typical of all groups of living humans, not all such groups have left behind symbolic records as dramatic as those of the Cro-Magnons. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the Cro-Magnons and the Neanderthals perceived and interacted with the world in entirely different ways. The Cro-Magnons were people with whom present-day humans could relate on their terms, and, as such, H. sapiens is not simply an incremental improvement on previous hominins. As the archaeological record eloquently indicates, our species is an entirely unprecedented phenomenon.

Exactly when and where this new phenomenon initially occurred is problematic, but again the earliest evidence for the new behavioral pattern comes from Africa, and, as is discussed in the section below, the earliest anatomic intimations for the origin of H. sapiens also come from that continent. However, anatomic and cognitive "modernity" do not seem to have developed hand in hand; evidently there was a time lag between the establishment of modern anatomy (which appears to have come first) and modern behavioral patterns. While perhaps counter-intuitive, this observation actually makes sense. Any innovation must take place within a species, since there is no place else it can do so. Natural selection is, moreover, not a creative force. It merely works on variations that come into existence spontaneously; it cannot call innovations into existence just because they might be advantageous. Any new structure or aptitude has to be in place before it can be exploited by its possessors, and it may take some time for those possessors to discover all the uses of such novelties. Such seems to have been the case for H. sapiens in that the earliest well-documented members of our species appear to have behaved in broadly the same manner as Neanderthals for many tens of thousands of. Therefore, it seems appropriate to conclude that a latent capacity for symbolic reasoning was present when anatomically modern H. sapiens emerged and that our forebears discovered their radically new behavioral abilities somewhat later in time. A cultural "release mechanism" of some sort was necessarily involved in this discovery, and the favoured candidate for this role is language, the existence of which cannot be inferred with any degree of confidence from the records left behind by any other species but our own.

Language is the ultimate symbolic activity, involving the creation and manipulation of mental symbols and permitting the posing of questions such as "What if?" Not all components of human thought are symbolic (the human brain has a very long accretionary, evolutionary history that still governs the way thoughts and feelings are processed), but it is certainly the addition of symbolic manipulations to intuitive processes that makes possible what is recognized as the human mind.

The origins of this mind are obscure indeed, especially as scientists are still ignorant of how a mass of electrochemical signals in the brain gives rise to what present-day humans experience as consciousness. But the invention of language would plausibly have released the earliest of the cultural and technological innovations that symbolic thought makes possible—in the process unleashing a cascade of discoveries that is still ongoing. One of the most-striking features of the archaeological record that accompanies the arrival of behaviorally modern H. sapiens is a distinct alteration in the tempo of innovation and change. Significant cultural and technological novelties had previously been rare, with long periods of apparent stability intervening between relatively sudden episodes of innovation. But once behaviorally modern H. sapiens arrived on the scene, different local technological traditions—and, by extension, other forms of cultural diversity—began to proliferate regularly, setting a pace that is still gathering today.

Bodily structure

As intimated above, the physical definition of H. sapiens is bedeviled by a basic divergence of views among paleoanthropologists. One school of thought derives its philosophy from the "single-species hypothesis." This hypothesis held that two kinds of culture-bearing hominins could not, on principle, exist at any one time and that, as a result, all hominin fossils had necessarily to be accommodated within a single evolving lineage. However a rapidly expanding fossil record had begun to reveal a variety of extinct hominins that simply could not be contained within this linear construct. The proponents of the single-species hypothesis thus began to shift to the notion that H. sapiens is in fact an enormously variable species with roots extending far back in time to the era of H. habilis, some 2 million years ago. All subsequent hominins (including H. erectus, H. neanderthalensis, etc.) are in this view classifiable within H. sapiens. The tremendous anatomic variety among the populations that would compose this single species are then credited to separate evolutionary and adaptive histories in different parts of the Old World. Meanwhile, the reproductive integrity of this huge and diversifying species would have been maintained over time by interbreeding between local populations in the peripheral areas where they would have come into contact. According to those who support such regional continuity, modern variants of humankind would have resulted from long quasi-separate evolutionary histories. In this so-called "multiregional" scenario, Australian Aboriginals are derived from Java man (i.e., Javanese H. erectus), modern Chinese from Peking man (Chinese H. erectus), today's Europeans from the Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis) with some admixture from Cro-Magnons, and so on.

This formulation, which places the roots of today's geographically distinctive groups of H. sapiens extremely deep in time, does not accord well with how the evolutionary process is known to work. Anatomic innovations can become fixed only within small, effectively isolated populations; large populations simply have too much genetic inertia for changes to occur throughout the species. This multiregional notion, moreover, implies an evolutionary pattern that is at variance with that of all other successful mammalian groups, not to mention the diversity that is already recognized among the very early hominins. Taxonomically, it also stretches the morphological notion of species beyond its limits.

The alternative model, called the "out-of-Africa"—or, more cautiously, the "single-origin"—theory of human emergence, are actually two closely related models, called Out of Africa 1 and Out of Africa 2, that complement one another. Out of Africa 1 contends that earlier Homo species did in fact migrate from Africa before the evolution of H. sapiens. Out of Africa 2 (also called the population replacement hypothesis) picks up where Out of Africa 1 leaves off. It posits that H. sapiens also evolved in Africa, but some members of the species exited the continent, spreading to new lands while also replacing the populations of other species in Homo.

Fossil evidence suggests that Out of Africa 2 was not a single migration event but several occurring both before and after 60 thousand years ago. As H. sapiens journeyed into the Middle East and beyond, it interacted with other members of Homo. DNA analysis of present-day humans has shown that genetic traces remain of Neanderthals, Denisovans (a group of hominins from Asia who were neither modern humans nor Neanderthals), and H. floresiensis (a group of hominins presumed to have lived on the Indonesian island of Flores as recently as 12,000 years ago).

Scientists recognize the anatomic diversity of the hominin fossil record as representing a substantial diversity of species. In its bony structure, H. sapiens is quite distinctive, boasting a relatively lightly built skeleton distinguished in many anatomic details from its closest relatives. In the cranium a high, rounded, and quite thin-boned braincase overhangs a greatly reduced face that is not expanded by large air sinuses. This face is topped by small or only modestly pronounced brow ridges that are uniquely divided into distinct central and lateral halves. In the lower jaw, the chin is not simply a swelling in the midline of the mandible (as can be found in certain other hominins) but a complex and distinctive structure that does not exist in other members of the human tribe. This list could continue with many other features.

If human beings define themselves in terms of a suite of anatomic characteristics, few representatives of H. sapiens appear in the fossil record until comparatively recent times. Many paleontologists hesitate to view the oldest known fossils of H. sapiens—that is, those from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, dated to approximately 315 thousand years ago as the remains of early modern humans, because they have a primitive appearance reminiscent of a highly evolved version of H. heidelbergensis. Instead, they are considered "proto-modern" and may be more representative of individuals at the root of the H. sapiens lineage. Indeed, the first intimations of our distinctively modern anatomy come from southern and eastern Africa only in the period between about 160 and 100 thousand years ago. Unfortunately, most of the fossils concerned (from such sites as Klasies River Mouth, Border Cave, and Omo) are fragmentary, or their dates are questionable. Still, the unmistakable signal they send is that H. sapiens, in the sense of a creature that looked just like present-day human beings in its essential bony attributes, did not exist in Africa before about 160 thousand years ago.

This conclusion of the single-origin hypothesis matches the one reached by molecular geneticists who analyze the distributions of different types of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the cells of living human populations. This form of DNA consists of a tiny ring of hereditary material that actually lies outside the nucleus of the cell and is passed solely through the maternal line. It is not recombined between generations, as is nuclear DNA, and it seems to accumulate changes quite rapidly, which makes it ideal for analysis of recent evolutionary events. Comparisons of mtDNA samples, as well as Y chromosome samples, derived from people all over the world point to the common descent of all modern humans from a small population that existed about 150 thousand years ago. In addition, the African samples show more variability in their mtDNA than do those of other continents, suggesting that African populations have been diversifying longer. Finally, the mtDNA types of native Asians and Europeans are sub-sets of the African mtDNA types, again suggesting that other populations of modern humans ultimately derived from an African one. For all these reasons, it appears that modern human beings originated as an anatomically distinctive species quite recently and probably somewhere in the continent of Africa.

The first sequencing of the Neanderthal genome and subsequent

research reaffirmed the difference between Homo sapiens and

Neanderthals, but they also provided evidence that limited interbreeding. (The oldest fossil evidence of both species inhabiting the same area contemporaneously—which increased the chances of the two species interbreeding with one another—was dated to 55,000 years ago in the western Galilee region of Israel.) The result of interbreeding between the two species was revealed in a study that showed that some alleles (differing forms of genes) from Neanderthals and other archaic human groups influenced the development of immune systems belonging to modern humans with non-African ancestries.

Despite evidence of later inbreeding between the two species, the mtDNA sequences of H. sapiens and Neanderthals are different enough to suggest that the lineages leading to H. neanderthalensis on the one hand and to H. sapiens on the other split at least 136 thousand years ago. This observation supports a scenario whereby a European diversification of hominins culminating in the Neanderthals was descended from a population of H. heidelbergensis that had exited Africa. Similarly, East Asian hominins such as H. erectus were descended from an earlier wave of African émigrés (perhaps H. ergaster or a related species) that had spilled forth more than a million years earlier. Later, between about 100 and 50 thousand years ago, a final exodus of H. sapiens (or successive waves of such emigrations) ultimately led to the replacement of those indigenous (albeit ultimately African-derived) Asians and Europeans. Limited inbreeding between the species notwithstanding, there is ample evidence from Europe that the previously successful Neanderthals succumbed quite rapidly to the arrival of the Cro-Magnons, and remains that have been dated to about 40 thousand years ago for late-surviving H. erectus in Java suggest that invading H. sapiens may have accomplished a similar feat of replacement in Indonesia about the same time. Other studies, however, suggest that H. erectus died out in that region at least 100,000 years prior.

One of the best-preserved early fossils that bears all the anatomic hallmarks of H. sapiens is a skull dated to about 92 thousand years ago from the Israeli site of Jebel Qafzeh. This part of the Middle East, called the Levant, is often regarded as a biogeographic extension of Africa, so perhaps the discovery of this fossil in this particular location is not surprising. The specimen is a fractured but quite complete example of an individual whose skeleton is typically H. sapiens but whose cultural context is Mousterian—the name also given to the stone tool industry of the Neanderthals. Indeed, all hominin fossils known from the Levant in the period between about 100 thousand years ago and 50 to 40 thousand years ago are associated with Mousterian tool kits, whether they belonged to H. neanderthalensis or H. sapiens. Apparently, these two physically distinctive hominin species managed to conduct a long coexistence in the limited confines of the Levant for upward of 50 millennia. Exactly how the two forms managed this is unknown, but one suggestion involves a kind of time-sharing, for the sparse record contains no definite evidence of temporal coexistence. If the Neanderthals evolved in comparatively frigid Europe, it is possible that they were "cold-adapted," as their rather stocky frames might suggest. Perhaps early H. sapiens, having originated in Africa, was "heat-adapted." It is thus possible that the Neanderthals withdrew from the Levant in warmer times while the H. sapiens population advanced northward. In colder times, on the other hand, the reverse might have occurred. Whatever the case, what seems most significant is that once blade-based tools, similar though not identical to those later used by the Cro-Magnons, were introduced in the Levant around 54 thousand years ago, the Neanderthals rapidly disappeared. This is not absolutely conclusive evidence, but it does appear that when the Levantine H. sapiens had devised a technology that in at least one way is associated with modern humans, there is no longer evidence of coexistence.

H. sapiens is now crammed into virtually every habitable region of Earth, yet it still bears the hallmarks of its origin as a tiny population inhabiting one small corner of the world. The variation in DNA among all the widespread human populations of today is less than what is found in any population of living apes. This is very surprising, given that there are so few apes in such small geographic areas—conditions that one might expect to produce a more homogeneous gene pool. One possible explanation is that ancestral H. sapiens quite recently passed through a "bottleneck" in which the entire human population was reduced to a few hundred or perhaps a couple of thousand individuals, perhaps approximately 150 thousand years ago; however, this explanation is not universally accepted. Nevertheless, such a population size would be sufficiently small for a set of unique traits to become established, making it plausible that one small group would be the population from which H. sapiens emerged as a new isolated reproductive entity. Still, other events that may have caused severe population declines have been suggested—including the super-eruption of volcanic Mount Toba in northern Sumatra between 74 thousand years ago and 71 thousand years ago (which resulted in a substantial climatic shift that was most severe in a region stretching from the Indian Ocean through southern Asia and the South China Sea) and the East African mega droughts that occurred between 135 and 75 thousand years ago. A study of the remains of a human settlement in southern Africa dated to the time of the Mount Toba eruption suggests that some areas of Earth with plentiful food supplies may have served as refuges for surviving human beings in the years following the eruption.

The past few hundred thousand years have been a period during which climates have oscillated constantly between warmer and colder and also between wetter and drier. During these times, sea levels have repeatedly risen and fallen, creating islands and expanding landmasses. These are precisely the conditions in which small populations could become isolated and then expand to recolonize territories as conditions changed. In other words, conditions were most propitious for evolutionary innovation. H. sapiens appears to be a typical product of such a process.

From a tiny population that most likely lived in Africa, H. sapiens spread, directed in its wanderings by the vagaries of climate, environment, and competition with species both human and nonhuman. This population spread first out of Africa, then throughout the Eurasian landmass and into Australasia, and finally into the New World and the Pacific Islands. The initial expansion may have been the result of population increase as opposed to nomadic travels, or it may have been driven by shifts in climate that forced some individuals to search for more-hospitable places to live. This spread was assuredly not uniform but episodic and opportunistic, with frequent false starts, mini-isolations, and re-coalescences. The physical variety of humankind today, while striking, is actually superficial, and it reflects this checkered history.

During the history of H. sapiens, local populations have developed various physical as well as cultural and linguistic differences. Some of these physical variations must have been controlled by the environment, others by purely random factors. It is clear, for example, that variations in skin colour are responses to variations in the intensity of sunlight in different climates. The dark pigment melanin protects against the highly damaging effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and the darkest skins occur in the tropics, where such radiation is highest. In contrast, skins at higher latitudes tend to be pale, which allows the less-intense UV radiation to penetrate the skin and promote the synthesis of essential factors such as vitamin D. Similarly, populations living in hot, dry areas tend to be taller and more slender than those living in very cold climates, because they need to lose heat rather than retain it as a rounder body does. On the other hand, it is unknown why some populations have thinner lips than others or why many Asians have an additional fold of skin above their upper eyelids. These and other variations may be inconsequential to fitness and could be the mere results of random chance.

Scientists have always had difficulty classifying people into groups on the basis of variation, and the reason is simple. Genetically, only two processes can take place within a species. One of these processes is the diversification of local populations—a routine and unremarkable event that requires some degree of isolation of local groups. The other is the reintegration of populations and the consequent blending of characteristics via interbreeding when contact is reestablished. Human populations show the results of both processes as driven by the climatic shifts of ice ages. Today, although it is generally possible to tell an Asian from a European from an African, many individuals defy such categorization, and boundaries are impossible to draw. This is why, from a biologist's point of view, trying to define "races" is impossible if not pointless. Race is instead a social construct addressed by cultural anthropology.

Still, tracing the history of the spread of H. sapiens and its diversification is undeniably fascinating, and several genetic approaches have been used to try to unravel it. In addition to mtDNA and its male counterpart, the Y chromosome (see sex chromosome), DNA from the Human Genome Project has also helped clarify humanity's relatively short but astonishingly complex history. The interpretation of mtDNA divergence shows the H. sapiens branch of the family tree to be rooted in Africa. It identifies four descendant mtDNA lineages (A, B, C, and D) among Native Americans. These four lineages are also present in continental Asians, as are lineages designated E, F, G, and M. Europeans show a different set of lineages, called H, I, J, and K as well as T through X. Africans present one principal lineage called L, with three major variants. One of these, L3, seems to have been the founder of both the Asian and the European groupings. Using the differences (genetic substitutions) observed among the lineages, the L3 emigrants are calculated to have reached Europe between about 51 and 39 thousand years ago, a date that is in good agreement with the archaeological record. But there are some apparent anomalies in these data. For example, the rare European X lineage has been identified in some northern Native Americans. This cannot be explained by recent intermarriage, since this lineage appears to have originated in America in pre-Columbian times. As the genes of more populations are studied, a more-detailed picture of past human population movements and integrations around the world will emerge.