Chapter 25

Secret Archive

Izra meet Pynsel, the lady who is the "Base Camp Archive Keeper" and ask her to give them chance just to preview the Base Camp secret files for Planet Earth. Pynsel as a kind lady agreed and enter the secret pass word to access the preview of Planet Earth. By scanning the ancient electronic files that clocked {"Planet Earth" 3 bya} thus states:

A rocky planet on the process of cooling off from a huge collision thus increases its size to almost sixty percent. Space debris was still on turbulence being subjected to gravitational attraction by the neophyte planet in formation. Around its gravitational ring of influence, small planet-like rock formation was integrating the splinters of collisions by their residual gravity in which still under the influence of its mother planet and because an orbit around its star was not feasible due to its distance and size, a planet-satellite mechanism was developed in space until this period. So as satellite, it has to limit the movement and orbit around its mother planet to be known by its occupants as Earth and Moon.

Next Entry – Planet Earth; Clocked: 2 mya. Planetary Federal Special Reconnaissance Team Journal entry:

The new rocky planet is now on greenery and most likely possessed some mobile life forms. Introduction of small animals could be experimentally propagated for future to take care the foods for the Federation's indigenous working beings. And so, husbandry in the wild was done through the propagation of small faunas. The alien small animals due to new and favorable environment rapidly outgrow their species from the origin most likely because of environmental elements and gravitational effects.

Next Entry – Planet Earth; Clocked: 1 mya. Planetary Federal Special Reconnaissance Team Journal entry:

On this particular sequence of time the Planetary Federation was in chaos and five planet-members separated from the Planetary Union and were on opposition except the most powerful planet Olyms who remain neutral and had some Base Camp in the midland of the young planet. Those were the most civilized and powerful beings in the Universe who live almost indefinitely and enjoy playing all sports by themselves and because of their power, no planet on the vicinity of deep space dare to confront them and at ease to establish their Base Camp on top of mountains where they can view the landscape below. These Super Beings from Planet Olyms advised irrational Planetary Civilizations to calm down and observe righteousness. They play as subtle adviser in Deep Space.

The gods met daily at Zeus' palace in the Pantheon, where they held feasts and discussed the fate of the mortals. There, they drank nectar and ate ambrosia, which perpetuated their immortality. When the gods drank ambrosia, the blood in their veins was replaced by ichor, a substance toxic to humans. Ichor also ran through the veins of Talos, the Greek giant automaton.

However another powerful planet Typh from the other side of the Universe was uneasy with planet Olyms.

The Olympians ruled Olympus until the Typhians from planet Typh attacked their stronghold. Typhians 100 space craft-squadron tried to overrun the Olympian Base Camp and all the gods retreated on defense positions except Zeus who face them and hurled his thunder bolts to destroy all the invaders. Since then no more hostile planet attempted to invade them until they vacated the place for other adventure in the span of Universe.

Next Entry – [Planet Earth; Clocked: 1.8 mya.] {The War}

Tumultuous relation deepens and undeclared Space War broke out where Federation Base Camp on Mars was over-run by enemies and was transferred to planet Earth.

By this time, the Pole now called Antarctica was uncovered by ice and we established our Base Camp in the valley adjacent to the sea. Our old mother space ship was brought in and converted into our New World Central Hub in the young planet. Our first move was to sanitized the planet from those huge overgrown mammals who has the great appetite to the indigenous beings that can be upgraded and utilize as workers. The pooling and cantonment of indigenous beings to the New World Central Hub for safety while the planet undergone sanitation from huge predators started and took sometimes. While the cleaning outside was going on, the upgrading of indigenous beings inside the cantonment was successful. The indigenous beings became human that can talk, express their feelings and learned innovation together with some degree of initiatives. These human help the improvement of our Base Camp and learning skills to be handed down to their offspring.

After the time human were no longer needed in the work place, they were dispersed throughout the planet surface armed with their language, talents, innovations and initiatives to improved lives and generations. Now human knew the paradise for one time they were on it but no idea where. Indeed they thought Atlantis is just around, near, yet so far and only a story to tell for generations.