The Valkyrie residence. (Part two)

The door Nine pulled Sam towards led outside, which he found somewhat surprising and after a moment of thought he soon realized what the blond Valkyrie intended to show him. 

Following the outer wall of the base they arrived at one of the corners where a small garden was build. A number of flower beds came into sight, each having different colors. 

"Are you the one who's planted these, Nine?" Sam asked.

"Yes." Nine said with a proud smile. "It takes a lot of effort, but it's incredibly fun."

The Valkyrie then went of to describe some of the flowers and how difficult they are to take care of. There is the Amaryllis belladonna, known as the jersey lily, the gazania which is called the African daisies. There is the Lily of the Nile, some Gazania rigens as well as sun flowers. 

"You're really knowledgeable about flowers, huh?" Sam asked, honestly impressed.

"Pretty, aren't they?" Nine said, her cheeks a little red.
