The first queen.

"Well, I don't really see a need to deny you that." Mjölnir said, remembering the reason she was there in the first place. "But first I want to know about this."

She reached out with her right hand which seemed to disappear into a thin wall of haze. 

Sam's stress levels shot up to the sky as he desperately tried to keep his calm. Not only was he in the presence of an enemy that surpassed every Calamitiy they've faced so far, he also had the burden of buying time placed on his shoulders. 

The procedure has only reached 70% at this point. Unless he is able to somehow stall their inevitablel destruction till his personal Valkyries are ready, humanity will lose its last chance at survival.

A couple of seconds passed before the Nephilim retracted her hand. In it was a small fist sized object that Sam recognized very well causing his eyes to widen the moment he saw it.

"Were you the one who made this?" Mjölnir asked, placing the small orb on the table.