Insolent human.

"What's wrong, O almighty Nephilim queen? Could it be that things aren't going the way you expected them to be?"

Sam lifted himself up, his mouth twisting in a pained grin. He could tell something has happened, and from how the queen is looking at the floating screen it was easy to guess what it might be.

'Five and the others should've been out by the time the jet landed.' Sam thought. 'Were they able to learn how to use the formations in such a short time?'

"Mjolnir..." The queen spoke, her voice shaking with restrained rage. "You said they aren't able to create new hearts…"

"Eh!? Ah! That's right!" The silver haired Nephilim went deathly pale the moment she realized her mistake.

She turned to Sam with a sharp glare having discovered that he has been lying to her the entire time, however he only smiled in return.