The fourth type.

"There are four types of participants in this race." Selene explained. "First are those who wish to obtain Truth so they can rule over Existence."

"Zeus and his ilk, huh?"

"Correct." She nodded. "They're the root cause of all our problems, and make up the vast majority as well."

"I see…"

"The second type are factions like yours. They have no intention of letting Truth fall in the hands of anyone, and are willing to take it for themselves to ensure that."

"I'm guessing there aren't many such factions," Sam commented.

"It is understandable," she replied with a sigh. "People take the path of least resistance, no matter the Realm they originate from. Without the greed that drives the others, most opt to remain on the sidelines, avoiding conflict as much as possible. That is if they don't start seeking the power to rule, of course."