I will do my best to survive!

What her name was previously, it didn't matter anymore. She was previously an emerging engineer in mechanical and robotic engineering, a scientist claimed as a genius in her company and even recognised by her country. But now, she was nothing but a newborn child. She had reincarnated in a new world after dying due to explosion caused by her junior's carelessness.

Her previous life's memories didn't integrate into her tiny head as soon as she was born, but the effect still showed. She was hailed as a genius by her clan on par with the clan heir. She was surprisingly mature for her age and beat up people twice her age without blinking an eye.

Five years passed in a blink and she was standing along with many children in horror watching a certain big bad fox destroying her village. The atmosphere was tense and toxicating. People's wailing and fright stirred some unexplainable feelings inside her. Suddenly, the memories of her fright in the explosion where the whole facility's emergency measures were of no use, she was running away with all her might but dead at the hands of non-stop explosions, returned to her. She coughed a mouthful of blood and started panting. Before the surrounding people could notice her condition, she fainted.


A week has passed since then. Her previous life's memories has settled now. Her previous life didn't amount to much besides her working hard at her job. She didn't have much of a social life, much less having a boyfriend. Girls were kind of rare species in the engineering field with the boys to girls ratio as bad as 50:1 afterall. Of course, that resulted in one girl asked out by many boys, which she didn't like one bit.

After remembering her life, she groggily opened her eyes and say herself in a strange room. It looked like a traditional japanese room made of wood. She looked at herself and noticed that she was sleeping besides Aunty Mikoto and Itachi. She sighed in relief that they were safe.





Uggh. This damn headache!'

After calming down, she realised her situation. Apparently, she had reincarnated in the Naruto World as Kei Uchiha, the granddaughter of Elder Fusaku of the Uchiha Clan. The same age as Itachi as well. To add spice on her wound, her fiancée.

Her father died in the Third Shinobi War, mother during her birth and was currently living with her grandpa. Due to her previous life, she apparently got a title of genius by her clan on par with Itachi. Which led to her engagement with the clan heir as well. Nope. She doesn't have anything to do with him and certainly wouldn't want to marry her future killer. He even killed his girlfriend first before anyone to strengthen his resolve. The fans may call him hero, worship him and whatnot. But to her, he is butcher from which she has to save her life from. Nothing more, nothing less.

She got up without desturbing their sleep and went out of the house to see what happened after the Kyuubi attack. As soon as she came out of the house, she caught sight of the Clan Head Fugaku with a baby in his arms.

"Ah. Kei-chan you finally woke up. You have been unconscious for a week. Are you alright?"

"Hn." It came out naturally. Uchiha genes.

"Follow me."

She abided and followed him. She glanced at baby Sasuke and shook her head. He didn't look cute in the slightest, and was even somewhat ugly. The snot filled nose and the annoying crying made her wince. She decided that she hated kids. Then Fugaku showed her Sasuke to hold him. She shook her head in denial. She didn't want to get covered in snot. She looked at Fugaku and then Sasuke. It was his second kid. How come he didn't even wipe his snot and stop his crying? Well, it's none of her business.

They arrived near a graveyard. The whole area where they were was unfamiliar to her.

"You were poisoned by Kyuubi's chakra but thankfully you were fine after a few days. Sadly, Elder Fusaku is no more. He got severe case of chakra poisoning. Him and you both are quite sensitive to chakra."

He dropped the bomb like he was talking that 'the weather is nice'. Her mouth was wide open in shock. Tears started flowing out of her eyes uncontrollably. While living with her grandpa for five years, of course she got attached. He spoiled her everyday and let her eat as much dangos as she wanted. He cooked her delicious food everyday, especially the mouth watering Sushi. He trained her with love and praised her with great pride showing in his eyes. Now, everything was gone.

Fugaku patted her head and said, "We have moved from our old place to our ancestral home. I have prepared a house for you near our's. You can also live with us if you are fine."

'Nope. Not living with Itachi under the same roof.'

She wiped away her tears and took deep breaths to calm herself down.

"I will be fine."

Fugaku sighed and nodded.

She prayed her respects for Grandpa and followed after Fugaku to see her new house. It was just on the right side of his house. It had three rooms, a kitchen, two washrooms, a fridge, plenty of swords in a collection which Grandpa collected, several books and other basic needs. She is of high status afterall.

She freshened up and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked cute. Fair skin, brown silky hair and dark onyx eyes along with chubby cheeks. Channeling chakra to her eyes, they turned red with 1 tomoe in each eye. So she have awakened my Sharingan atleast. She looked at Grandpa and her photo and recorded them in her memory permanently.

'Grandpa, I will do my best to survive!'