Genin Team and Trouble

Kei and Itachi came second in record of graduating from the Academy, after Kakashi Hatake who graduated at the mere age of 5. Though, Itachi broke the highest score record of 4th Hokage. As for Kei, she didn't bother with written exams much though they were easy peasy for her.

And now, they were waiting for their team distribution in the Hokage Office.

"Congratulations on graduating Itachi-kun and Kei-chan."

""Thank you Hokage-sama.""

"So for your teams, Itachi-kun, your Jonin Sensei will be Yuki Minazuki. And Kei-chan, your Jonin Sensei will be Satoshi Wakkane. Both of you go to the academy and your Jonin Sensei's would find you there. You are dismissed."

""Hai, Hokage-sama!""

Both of them left the Hokage Office and proceeded towards the Academy. Their Homeroom teacher was talking with two Jonins while waiting for them.

"Ah, Itachi-kun, Kei-chan. Meet your Jonin Senseis."

"Itachi, I am your sensei, Yuki Minazuki. Follow me."

"And Kei-chan, I am Satoshi Wakkane. Follow me."

Both Uchihas looked at each other for a second and followed their senseis on separate ways.


(Kei PoV)

I followed Satoshi-sensei to the training ground 1. There were two older kids waiting. One looked very common, but looked like he was sick. While the girl was quite beautiful with purple hair. They looked almost 11-12 years old.

"Kei-chan, my team had a spot left due to one member deciding to quit Shinobi life after being injured. Introduce yourself to the other teammates."

"I am Kei Uchiha. I like swords and dislike bitter things."

Sensei just sighed at my too short introduction.

"What is your dream?"

"To become the Hokage."

Most common dream. As if I care about that. I just need to survive and make super cool and strong machines. The possibilities are endless in this world afterall.

Sensei was quite surprised there. Hey! All kids say it everytime! Why do you have to be so shocked!?

"*Cough* I am Satoshi Wakkane. I am a Kenjutsu specialist. Obviously, I like my sword and dislike damaging it. My dream is to get my hands on a legendary sword one day."

Woah! Sensei must like swords very much! We are comrades here!

"I am Gecco Hayate. I am genjutsu and kenjutsu specialist. I like my sword and dislike getting sick. My dream is to cure my illness."

So he is the guy who coughed all the time! He isn't coughing now, which means his illness will get serious later on. Poor boy died in canon.

"Ugh! Why do you like swords so much? Anyways, I am Yugao Uzuki. I like spicy food and hate sweets. My dream is to become ANBU General!"

I think she was also in the anime. ANBU eh? Cool and mysterious?

"Now that everyone has introduced themselves, Kei-chan, come at me with everything you have got! You have to pass my test to truly graduate. One, Two, Three, Hajime!"

As soon as Sensei told me to start, my sword came out from the seal on my wrist and I rushed towards him. He also drew his sword to parry my blow. I took some distance between us and used genjutsu by my 3-tomoe Sharingan. Then threw several kunais and shirukens at his non vital points. He broke my genjutsu but got several cuts even though he used Replacement Jutsu to save himself.

I felt the back of my neck tingling. I immediately used Replacement Jutsu and shot sticky ninja wire from my gauntlet, my first ninja tool. It contains almost endless supply of ninja wire with sticky glue on it.

Thankfully, I catched atleast his arm with my tool.

"Lightning Bondage!"

Electricity ran through the wire and electrofied his hand before he could do anything. The wire cut off from the gauntlet as it has that mechanism as well.

But I realised that Sensei had much low chakra than a Jonin should have. Before I could do anything, a sword was at my neck.

"You almost got me there."

The Sensei with damaged hand puffed in smoke. Shadow Clone!

"Your win Sensei."

"You were quite good. I would say you already are better than most Chunins. The last thing was-?"

"Ah! It isn't much. Just some seals and ninja wire, the conducting ones though."

"You pass. Don't use that in public from now on though. It will attract unnecessary attention."

But it so easy to make. What attention will it draw?


I really had to jinx myself, didn't I? Looks like I got arrogant. Uchiha genes. 'What attention will it draw?' Who else besides Mister Danzo, the coward Overlord himself!

"- sacrifice for Konoha-- make Konoha stronger-"

"Are you done?"


"The answer is, No."

This fucker wants me to hand down the blue print. As if it even needed a blueprint. And why the fuck should I?

"It is for the good of Konoha!"

"So you should also distribute forbidden jutsu to everyone. If everyone learned forbidden jutsu, wouldn't it also make Konoha stronger?"

"That is diff-"

"And you are telling me my creation is nothing? So why are you hell bent on getting it!?"

"Enough you too!"

So our Hokage finally decided to intervene.

"Kei-chan, the weapon you have developed is very good. If caught by surprise, even a Jonin will have his career end. So, you have to register them. They are rules."

Really? I just made them on a whim during the break for graduation. It is too easy to make. They will be able to make it themselves once they get the idea. I should get something out of it. And I don't really want Danzo after me afterall.

"What will I get in reward?"

"It will be commissioned as S-rank mission."

"Just that? I am Uchiha Clan's heiress. Why would I ever need money?"

"What do you want then?"

"Flying Thunder God."


"Access to high level Fuinjutsu material, Uzumaki's included."


"I will make one like this for one Ninja I choose, and in return I get his signature Jutsu and sparing with him every month. If he declines, then the deal's off. Final offer."

"And who is that ninja?"

"Kakashi of Sharingan. If my clan trusted him enough to keep Sharingan, I can trust him with my creation."

"And you mean you don't trust the village!" Danzo shouted.

"Now you are just bullshiting. Looks like age has been coming to you, ne? I am trusting the village, that's why I am trusting it with Fourth's student and the biggest genius of Konoha. And I am not talking to you. This business is in between me and Kakashi. If anyone interferes, it will be breach in our deal. Or, are you shameful enough to steal a 7 year old little girl's idea?"

"How dare you disrespect-"

"I am a kid, I have a temper. Why are you quarreling with a kid? Hokage-sama, it seems your advisor has gotten rusty. Why not call Tsunade-sama to handle the mantle?"

"Enough Kei." Hokage reprimanded.


He gestured some ANBU, maybe to call Kakashi. Before he could leave, I added.

"ANBU-san, please call Uchiha Clan Head as well. I wonder why my guardian wasn't called?"

The ANBU hesitated but recieved heads up from the Hokage.

"Since you are a genin, you are an adult in the eyes of law. Therefore, calling your Guardian was not needed."

"Even so, I consider myself a kid. If you ever need me for something, do call Fugaku-sama. I was quite scared by some adult who kept shouting at a small girl such as myself."

Before Danzo could say anything, Hiruzen did the most amazing thing he could in his life.

"Danzo, please leave."

And he left while grumbling something. He was quite different from what I imagined. I thought that he would always be silent, and even if you throw any insult at him, he would just keep his silence and have you killed the day after tomorrow.

The Hokage started speaking again, this time with much serious expression.

"What was your reason for acting like that?"

"Can you detect if I lie?"

"I am a father myself, and has taught 3 problem children."

"That's why they all left the village?"

*BAM* He smashed the table loudly.

"Enough with this attitude!"

"Like dragging a little girl in a silenced room without telling her guardian, and forcing her to give up her hardwork is the right attitude for a Hokage."

"Do you not trust the village?"

"You all old geezers have a strange mentality, don't you? I don't trust Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo Shimura, and the other two Elders under whose regime, two of the world's strongest and largest clans, the Senju and Uzumaki got exterminated. But I do trust Konoha Shinobi, my Uchiha Clan, our rival Hyuga Clan, Ino-Shika-Cho clans, Aburame, Inuzuka and other clans as well. How can I trust that you all people wouldn't drive my Uchiha clan to extermination as well?"

Hiruzen fell silent over it with guilt clearly showing on his face. It might fool Itachi, but not me. Either he is two-faced, or too much spineless to do anything.

"What are you getting out of this conversation?"

"To save my clan from being treated like criminals and having ourselves watched with suspicions all the time? Nothing. Old people should retire and let people who are reliable and don't have narrow-mindedness do the job. I want Tsunade-sama or Jiraya-sama to become the Hokage and solve the problems which you people are needlessly making. Afterall, it IS for the greater good of Konoha,ne?"

Hiruzen showed a pained expression. Figured as much. If Naruto's strongest move is Talk-no-Jutsu, Hiruzen's is Pity-no-Jutsu. His expressions were the only thing that got some supporters to him even though he caused so much useless deaths. Don't worry. I am immune to it!