The Watch

Ryan sat on his computer desk, a bit bored as he looked through all the anime on it. He scrolled through it and it read.

[Assassination Classroom: 19 episodes]

[Fullmetal Alchemist: 23 episodes]

[Black Clover: 159 episodes]

[My Hero Academia: 81 episodes]

[Attack on Titan: 70 episodes]

[Jujutsu Kaisen: 24 episodes]

It was a surprise that his computer hadn't already run out of storage but luckily, his computer was an advanced one and held up space of about three terabytes.

He needed it too because he didn't really like getting rid of them even if he had already watched them all.

It was about 7:30 and only a few minutes befors he would go to Jason's house.

'I'll have to ask Jason for his flash drive.' Ryan thought as he continued to scroll, hopefully to see something he hadn't watched.

"Ryan! Honey! Could you please go get some milk?" His mother asked from downstairs.

"Fine." Ryan got up from his desk after switching off his computer and ran downstairs.

After being given the errand, he hopped on his bike and heads out.

After riding a bit, Ryan remembers something.

"I could take that new shortcut. It's much faster anyway." Ryan steered his bike towards another street.

His ride was silent as this street didn't have a lot of residential areas.

Ryan begins to see a light up ahead. He sees a van heading his direction and suddenly, a man jumped out while the van was still moving.

He had his face covered with a black mask.

He jumped on top of Ryan, causing him to fall of his bike.

"Ah!! What'd you do that for?" Ryan asked as the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe.

"This will only hurt a bit." The man placed the syringe on Ryan's shoulder forcefully. Ryan gritted his teeth as the syringe went pretty deep and was done too roughly.

"Ah!" Blood was drawn out of his shoulder and Ryan closes his eye as if he were unconscious.

The man after collecting the blood sample, hops back into the van and gets away.

Ryan who was pretending to be knocked out, gets on his bike and starts chasing after him.

He makes a quick call with Jane.

~ ~ ~ ~

Presently, Ryan had arrived at the abandoned warehouse where the van had stopped.

The man who had previously attacked him had entered into the building and Ryan had followed him stealthily, avoiding detection.

The man walked up to a couple of scattered crates and searched through them until he found a lever attached to one which he flipped.

The ground in front of him opened up like a secret passage and he walked through it and it closed up.

After two or three minutes, Ryan came up to those same crates, flipped the lever and went through the secret passage way.

As he reached the end, he saw what was down there.

The place was full of different viles and beakers filled with chemicals. There were also various contraptions, large and small scattered all over the place.

It looked like some kind of make due lab. Ryan hid behind one of the contraptions and saw the man conversing with a scientist. At least, he thought he was a scientist as he wore a lab coat.

"Did you get it?" The scientist asked.

"Yes. I got the blood sample." The man replied and the scientist grinned. His eyes looked like they were hungry for power and wouldn't stop until they got it.

Ryan also noticed some kind of small silver podium and on it was a watch and flashdrive attached to it.

The watch had a cool design. The arms were an orange color and at the base were two rectangles that attached to the edge of it and lines facing upwards on it. The top was mostly blue with four pill shaped green objects around it like they could produce light.

Then at the centre was a kind of diamond design with smaller diamonds drawn in it.

When Ryan looked at it, something was drawing him to it as if it were familiar.

The flash drive on the other hand was green and white at the mouth.

The scientist walked up to the watch and placed the blood on top of the watch, causing it to glow.

[Dna sample detected.]

[Correct Dna sample.]

[Configurating Device]

The device read and said out in a holographic screen. The device then projects other holographic images which confuse the man and the scientist as the people they saw were familiar but Ryan knew them too well.

'Minato. Asta. Gotenks." Ryan recognized the holographic images as they were characters from the anime he and his friends watched.

[Dna sample too little]

[Supply more Dna sample in 10 seconds or security will be activated]

The scientist frowned upon seeing the message. It practically said it would blow up unless more Dna was given but they didn't have more.

[10 ]

[9 ]

[8 ]

[7 ]

The watch counted down.