Cypher ran out into the field.
[Finral Roulacase]
This time he had a plan in mind. As Cypher ran out, he could see Liz and Konn trying to fight Talia but their attacks weren't doing much against the newly-transformed Female Titan.
"I guess they wouldn't mind going to the Grand Canyon."
[Spatial Portal Activated]
A large light lit up beneath Talia as it formed into a green portal and Talia went through as well as Liz, Konn and the rest of their squadron. They were being teleported to the Grand Canyon.
As they went through, they arrived at one of the world's greatest sights. They were right at the centre so there were rocks surrounding them, making up the entire terrain of the area.
Unlike the normal Finral from Black Clover, Cypher didn't need to have been there before because he had levelled the character up. All he needed was a good description in his head which Jason had given when he himself had been there once.
"That was a fun day." Cypher thought, smiling to himself.
Cypher then faced the problem staring at him. Although, they had noticed the incredible change in location, Talia had not gone after him as it seemed Liz, Konn and their squadron were keeping her busy.
"Time to get to work, what character can I choose that would beat her?" Cypher thought as he brought up his list of characters in his head which looked almost endless but Cypher knew the actual amount.
"Kilua, no, too small. Megumi, no he isn't strong enough. Oh, hello handsome." Cypher stared at the name of a character he liked but hadn't used.
[Eren Yaeger]
"Titan VS. Titan. It only seems natural."
[Eren Yaeger Selected]
[Strength: 18]
[Agility: 16]
[Speed: 17]
[Level: 1]
[Skills Available: Transformation, Regeneration(only when transformed)]
Cypher had transformed, he was wearing the iconic black jacket along with a white shirt and hair in the form of a bun.
"I've always wanted to do this." Cypher adjusted his jacket and he began to walk out like the real Eren Yeager in the anime.
[Transformation Activated]
[-10 Energy]
A large bolt of lightning came out of his body and then went down, transforming him into a titan. He became bigger, as well as gaining tanned skin with pointy ears that had long brown hair. He was naked without any manly parts. His teeth were sharp and coming out of his jaw.
Running towards Talia at fast speed, Cypher smashed into her face with his elbow, knocking Liz and Konn away from her as well as pushing her to the ground. Lowering his body and crouching down, Cypher threw a punch at her but she rolled over to the side and he had hit the ground instead, causing a crater to form.
Talia stood up quickly before kicking Cypher hard, sending him flying towards a small elevated rock structure which he broke through. Cypher stood his ground and the two Titans ran towards each other.
"Just how powerful is this kid? And what's with his transformations, they're too strange and powerful to be normal technology." Liz thought as she was impressed by the power Cypher possessed, even though he wasn't exactly winning the fight. "Well, it won't matter if he can't beat her." Liz said outloud.
"That's why we're gonna help him." "What? Why though? It seems like a win-win, if he loses, we can take him into custody and if he wins, he'll be weak so we can take both of them into custody." "Come on, Lizzy. He's just a kid, we can get him later." Konn tried to convince her.
"I'm starting to think you're on his side." Liz stated, not very pleased with this decision. "Fine!"
The Two Titans clashed fists with each other producing shockwaves but Talia's obviously won out and blasted his fist away, creating a gust of wind.
Talia aimed for an uppercut but her fist was blasted by fire bullet attacks that came from below, it was the Squadron. That gave Cypher the chance he needed and he wrapped his hand tightly around her neck before kicking her in the stomach.
"Ah..." The wind was knocked out of Talia's breath but she recovered.
"Cypher, move!" Cypher got out of the way and suddenly, Liz' whip wrapped around her arm and then sent a wave of electrical energy into her body, electrocuting her.
While Konn attacked from the left arm, both his daggers had elongated and he striked through her skin, causing pain to her as well.
"Enough!" Talia swung both her hands around until Liz and Konn let go of her but by this time, Cypher had unearthed a giant stone structure and smashed it against her body, sending her crashing to the ground.
Cypher then jumped on top of her, trying his hardsst to pin her to the ground with one of his hands and used the other to repeatedly punch and punch her.
Punch after Punch came.
Talia regained enough strength and tried to grab his fist but a dagger had been sent through her arm that caused it to fall back down and for Cypher to continue his barrage of punches.
[30/120 Energy]
[Non-Outlet has deactivated the skill Transform]
Suddenly, Talia's huge titan body soon began to wither away, leaving only an unconscious Talia back in regular human size.
After Liz and Konn had properly secured her, they were all teleported back by Cypher after transforming back into his Finral form.
* * * * *
"Out of the way!" Voltage warned. Gears threw a sharp strike towards Shadow but the latter moved out of the way by using the Shadow-port.
Voltage on the other hand blocked Curro's extended arm by forming his Thunder Barrier before using his Volt Bullet to completely destroy two of the Mech Crocs.
"Aw, man. He destroyed two of my crockies, its a good thing I can replace them with more." Nile smirked as he began to release more metallic spheres which transformed to owl-like animals instead which were giving Voltage trouble.
"Ah, damnit! We're outnumbered." Kurolinn stated the obvious as she used her largest sword to swing back against Andy's attacks and momentarily switching to her other sword to attack Zange.
"I can't take much more of this, guys." Shadow exclaimed with a worried tone and the other two thought the same. Their enemies on the other hand were enjoying it.
It all felt hopeless. They truly couldn't keep these villains down. They were out of their league. Their skills were beyond theirs. They were better at wielding their amazing technology.
[Fallen Angel Activated]
Three green orbs of energy hit all three heroes and they all disappeared. They had all been taken back to Jason's house and landed on the floor.
"Ow!" They all exclaimed before standing up from the ground and deactivating their Abilities.
"Sorry, guys. I'm still getting the hang of that skill." Cypher said before detransforming to Ryan with a silly smile while rubbing the back of his head.
"Ryan!" The three of them ran to hug him and the four of them made embarrassing faces before seperating and laughing together.
"I think we should take a back. It's been a month of discovery, battles and almost getting captured. Frankly, all those things are tiring." Neo said while yawning and Jason rubbed his chin. "Yes, I agree."
"Then its decided. Let's take a break."
"Hey, have you heard the news? Apparently, there are other heroes from another city. I can only remember one, I think her name was Black Spark."
"Sounds cool." Jane replied.
* * * * * *
A couple of weeks later, the four of them had all been called together in a rush by Jane.
"I did it, I actually did it." Jane exclaimed as she stood next to a computer.
"What did you do?" The three boys asked her, slightly tired as they were rubbing their eyes.
"So I found this video on the internet..." Jane played the video. It was on tiktok and it was by a boy with the user name "Ron-Rockstar127".
"And so.." Ryan asked curiously.
Jane pointed over to a computer in the corner. On the side of it was a crested symbol of an R and a C overwritting eachother with 'CARSONN' written under it as well.
The three boys gasped in surprise and shock.
"Yep. And its from a city not to far from here, Flash City."
"No way."
"Yes way."
"You know what that means..." Ryan pounded his knuckle against his own palm.
"We're going to Flash City." Ryan smiled.