
"Remember that His Highness' departure route must be secret and safest till he reach his destination. " Samuel warned again. No matter what sending his only grandson away to raise by others is also very painful to the great Regent Emperor.

Jack Maddox goes out again after taking his orders. William hesitates for a moment but still inform Samuel about little princess regaining her consciousness. "Your Majesty, little princess has open her eyes just fifteen minutes ago. she has not given any big reaction regarding the car accident till now. Maybe she is still a little bit shocked. General Bai and Princess Ming have already arrived couple of minutes ago and are trying to communicate with her and feed her some soup now. Do you want me to go and call Her Highness now? "

Samuel sighs but is also relieved since his elder sister has arrived to take care of the little grand child. His elder sister Bellina Walton also known as Great princess Ming whose title was personally conferred by their royal father the late emperor Evans Walton.His sister Princess Ming married his most trusted confidant and greatest supporter during his reign Bai Moliang. General Bai not only controls over forty-five percent of the National army but has also supported Samuel successfully to throne.