"I know, grandfather . There are many enemies out there who wants to harm us. So, the best way to protect my brother and me is to silently disappear from the limelight without causing problems like lack of heirs. There should also be a proper reason which everyone including ministers, officials and citizens can accept the sudden change as heirs do not appear in front of the crowd. "

As Arianna continues, Samuel and William were astonished. Samuel forcefully tries to calm himself as he gets very surprised that his little granddaughter can understand their situations. She not only understand the situation the twin siblings are in but also understand her grandfather's predicament as lack of interaction and achievement to show to the public is detrimental to heir's. It will be almost impossible to gain trust and support from public without any achievements to show . But it will also invade their privacy and hence security and protection will be less.

With much more anticipation and hopes for his precious granddaughter, Samuel asks her if she can solve this predicament. This time William didn't try to stop him as he was also looking forward to little princess's brilliance.