Grandniece as disciple(3)

Bai moliang informs Sam about current situation between all major aristocratic families , nobles and officials.

Arianna recalls from the original princess' memories that there are four founding families along with walton family which is known as now nation's royal family . The Jun family, Mo family, Lu family and Yun family. Their wealth and power are not less than that of royal family. On one hand, where Jun and Yun family are military based families as most of the power in their hands as most of the power in their hands come from army whereas Mo's and Lu family are more into business line. They are century old ancient families having unimaginable amount of wealth.

All the families in the capital are called noble families but these four founding families are known as true aristocrats.

"Jun family has always been very loyal to royal family. They always support His majesty. Naturally, they were the ones who took the lead to calm down nobles regarding the absence of heir. " Bai moliang continued.

"what about Mo, Yun and Lu family? " Samuel inquired.

"There are no movements from Yun family. They have given their silent support that they are going to support Royal Family in this situation. " General Bai pauses for a second and then continues "Although Mo's and Lu's also have not taken any action but they have started showing their ambitions. There were movements in elders faction. Apparently, there was an urgent meeting organised urgently last night. Our people still need some time to get accurate information regarding meeting last night but it seems like they are waiting for the next step Royal family is going to take. "

Samuel sneers and William rolls his eyes and asks"Aren't they afraid of the consequences by coming in bad side of Royal Family? "

"When a person accumulates power to a certain degree they can't work under anyone else. They will always try to break and come out of other's control. "

Arianna nods at her grandfather's words. She understands that this is the reason why a minister dares to have rebellious thoughts that they even get ready to go against the emperor, their superior. Because they are above everyone else but only under one. This is the reason why those ancient emperors do not like powerful ministers as they are threats. Then naturally, no superior would like to have someone so powerful under them even in current era's politics. But Royal Family can't just supress them without any rhyme and reason as there are so many common people in the country who will get scared and will turn against the Royal family which is the last thing they want to see.

Bail moliang also agrees with Sam's words and assures William "We have already expected this and have taken measures already. "

Then, General Bai looks at Sam, Samuel Walton, Regent emperor of the empire , founding ruler of the nation and the wisest man he has ever seen. Since the first time he met him, he has already decided to follow him. Bai family wasn't used to some great noble family. He has bet his entire career on him. And now, the results are here. The results prove that he wasn't wrong. He has followed the right master. Currently, Bai family has the most military power except Royal Family and not to mention wealth that can rival those four aristocratic families of th empire whose arrogance knows no bounds.