Chapter 1: Little demon Yu Chan

The clouds gather, time flies, in the blink of an eye, Fang Jian has been to the Western Heavenly Palace for more than half a month, and he has basically mastered, familiar with all the affairs of the Heavenly Monarch House Shang Shu position. In a nutshell, the Heavenly Monarch's Office is no different from the Heavenly Monarch in terms of authority, except for the Heavenly Monarch's 'golden plate of qi' which he has no right to use. The Heavenly Sovereign's monk is the second in command to assist the Heavenly Sovereign in handling the affairs of a large continent, but with Fang Jian's 'Jade Emperor Dao Calendar' in hand, his authority is not limited by his official position. And for having Fang Jian such a second-in-command You De Heavenly Monarch said, his own pressure is also very big, in terms of dao, Fang Jian and he is the same as the Golden Immortal. In terms of official rank, he is one level higher than Fang Jian, and is Fang Jian's leader, but he knows that Fang Jian has the 'Jade Emperor Dao Calendar' in his hand, if Fang Jian is stronger, directly overthrow him as a Heavenly Monarch is no problem at all. But fortunately, this did not happen, Fang Jian is very respectful of Heavenly Sovereign Youde, and did not rely on the power of the 'Jade Emperor Dao Calendar' to oppress his boss. In general, in the initial half month together, You De Heavenly Monarch had a very good impression of Fang Jian, so he was also happy to be an idle person, leaving all the affairs of the Heavenly Monarch House to Fang Jian. In fact, Heavenly Sovereign Youde himself was also tired, since he was appointed as the Heavenly Sovereign of Xiniu He Continent, he had been working diligently with the former Shang Shu Wen Tianxiang to govern Xiniu He Continent. Because this is the land of the Buddha Sect, it is much more difficult to do anything than the other three continents, but over the past few hundred thousand years, Heavenly Sovereign You De has managed to make the immortal official system of the West Ox He Continent very solid. The result is that the immortal officials of the West Oxfordshire continent are much stronger than those of the other three continents, both in terms of cultivation and ability. You can imagine, in a completely Buddhist land as an immortal officer, is inevitably often have to deal with the Buddhists. And in this process you have to carry the Buddhist clan to pull, but also to overcome all kinds of sudden 'difficulties', and this situation under the leadership of You De Heavenly Monarch continued for hundreds of thousands of years, you can imagine how strong the immortal official system of the West Oxfordshire Continent. Therefore, when Fang Jian was in the 'Western Heavenly Hall' to check the records of the major events of the Heavenly Monarch Mansion of the West Oxfordshire Continent in these hundreds of thousands of years, the words that appeared most frequently were the words of immortal officials' examination, promotion, removal and arrest. Under the efforts of Heavenly Sovereign Youde and Wen Tianxiang, the assessment of immortal officials in Xiniu Hezhou has been almost normalized, and half of the Shuyuan history is sent down to the lower world to secretly monitor the behavior of immortal officials in the lower world, and once they are found to be acting in violation of heavenly rules, they will be arrested, tried and convicted immediately. If they have too much contact with the Buddhists, they will be replaced immediately. Therefore, the purity of the immortal official system in Xiniu Hezhou is quite high, which also makes Fang Jian admire Youde Tianjun and the former Shang Shu Wen Tianxiang, who can do this with one Western Heavenly Palace against the pressure of the entire Buddhist sect, which is already very impressive. However, unfortunately, You De Tian Jun and Wen Tian Xiang can only go so far, and they can only ensure the purity of the immortal official system in the Western Ox He Continent. They can only ensure the purity of the immortal official system in Xiniu Hezhou. If they want to do more in the land of Xiniu Hezhou, Heavenly Sovereign Youde and Wen Tianxiang can't do it yet. Fang Jian put down the book in his hand, turned around and walked out of the Western Heavenly Hall. The next moment, Fang Jian has come to the Hongde Hall, and the hall but no Youde Heavenly Monarch's figure. Fang Jian had already gotten used to it, since he had officially taken control of the affairs of the Heavenly Monarch Mansion, Heavenly Sovereign Youde seldom came to the Heavenly Monarch Mansion to take charge of the affairs, but sat in his own 'Cumulus Palace' to cultivate. However, the five Heavenly Generals are all sitting in their own offices at the moment, and sometimes they will come out to walk around inside and outside the White Tower Heavenly Palace. After Fang Jian took his seat in the Hongde Hall, he said to one of the divine generals in the hall, "Go and ask the Ultimatum Envoy to come to see me." When the general heard that, he immediately bowed his hand and answered, "In accordance with the decree." In a short time, Chai Zhou, the Ambassador of the Ultimatum, came to the Hongde Hall and said to Fang Jian, "Shang Shu, you are looking for me?" Fang Jian said to Chai Zhou, "Ambassador, do you know if there is a tribe called 'Qingjiang Demon Tribe' or named after 'Qingjiang' in West Oxfordshire?" Chai Zhou was stunned by the words, and then shook his head and said, "Your Excellency, I have never heard of it." "Hmm." Fang Jian nodded and then said, "Keep an eye out for me in the future, whenever you find a tribe, clan, or region that has something to do with the word 'Qingjiang', you must report to me as soon as possible." Chai Zhou bowed respectfully and said, "I obey the decree." ... West Oxen He Continent, Sha Luo Country, Bu Kong Mountain. Fox Lingzi, the God of Mount Bukong, stood outside the mountain god's residence, looking at the endless and lofty Mount Bukong mountain range, and could not help but exhale a wisp of cold air from his mouth. Compared with the Northern Ju Lu Continent, the Southern Zhanzang Continent and the Eastern Sheng Divine Continent, the West Oxfordshire Continent is very cold and barren. Not only are there many mountain ranges, but the mountains are treacherous and steep, high and dangerous, and even in summer, many of the mountains are covered with thick snow. As the largest mountain range in the territory of Sha Luo Kingdom, although there are also Lingzhi herbs and rare beasts growing in the Bu Kong Mountain, but its number is no match for the other three continents. If this mountain was in the other three continents, the cultivation resources produced in it would be enough to feed millions of cultivators. But unfortunately, this was in the West Oxfordshire Continent, and Fox Lingzi had roughly counted that the cultivation resources in the Bukong Mountain were enough to feed at most 100,000 cultivators. Fox Lingzi ran his magic power and started practicing his spells and martial arts outside the mountain god's mansion so as not to be wasted. After two hours, Fox Lingzi was ready to return to the Mountain God Temple to sit and practice. The days of an immortal official are also this boring, if there is no errand, the day is like a muddle. Only after the Western Heavenly Palace sent an errand, the fox spirit son can feel their existence as a mountain god. But just when Fox Spirit Zi was preparing the Mountain God Temple, he saw a figure walking with difficulty towards the peak where the Mountain God Temple was located. Fox Lingzi frowned slightly, with his Yang God realm dao skills he could naturally see clearly that it was a demon cultivator, and a demon cultivator who had broken a whole leg. This demon cultivator looks extremely miserable, in addition to breaking a whole leg, her body is also covered with wounds. And fox Lingzi look at this demon cultivator also seems to be some familiar, just a time some can not remember. Thinking of this, the fox spirit son immediately turned towards the mountain god temple shouted: "Where is the general patrolling the mountain?" A spiritual light flew out of the Mountain God Temple and landed in front of Fox Spirit as a YuanYing realm immortal officer, the Mountain General of the Mountain God Temple of Mount BuKong. The mountain patrolling general bowed his hand and said, "Mountain monarch." Fox Spirit Zi raised his hand and pointed at the demon cultivator not far away, then said towards the Mountain Patrol General: "Go and see, what is that all about?" "Yes." The mountain patrol general sang a promise, then once again turned into a spiritual light and flew straight towards the demon cultivator in the distance. After about thirty breaths, the Mountain Patrol General flew back again as a spiritual light, and this time he also brought the demon cultivator along with him. "Mountain King, things seem to be a bit complicated, let her talk to you herself." The mountain patrolling general said towards Fox Spirit Zi. Fox Spirit Zi nodded, then glanced at the demon cultivator being held by the Mountain Patroller General: "You look familiar, have we met before?" Hearing this, the demon cultivator in front of him at the Void Refining Realm instantly burst into tears, "Mountain General, three years ago my brother and I came to the Buhong Mountain to seek medicine." "Oh!" The fox spirit son smiled and suddenly said, "You are called 'Yu Chan' and your brother is called 'Yu Chan', right? You are cicada demons?" After saying that, Fox Spirit Zi said with a surprised face, "But you were fine last time we met, how did you become like this?" Yu Chan nodded repeatedly, then dropped the stick in his hand, the only remaining left leg instantly kneeled on the ground, then Yu Chan whole person lying on the ground, towards the fox spirit son said: "please mountain monarch to give me the spiritual elixir, save my brother Yu Chan." When Fox Spirit son heard this, he immediately said, "You take it easy, first follow me back inside the Mountain God Temple and tell me everything." Then Fox Spirit son then let the mountain patrol general help Yu Chan into the mountain god temple hall, then let Yu Chan will tell everything. The matter was not complicated, after the two siblings begged for medicine from Fox Spirit Zi, Fox Spirit Zi allowed them to enter the Bukong Mountain every year to pick three medicinal plants under 200 years old. The first two years were no accident, but this year, just ten days ago, when the two siblings went into the mountain to pick spiritual medicine, there was an accident. "Ninth Cave Master said that the spiritual medicine of this not empty mountain also has his share, want to pick spiritual medicine in the not empty mountain, but also through his consent, and then arrested my sister and brother." "The Nine Cave Master took us inside the cave and said he wanted to punish us, so he had his men eat my brother's arms and legs..." Yu Chan was already sobbing by this point, but she still bit her lower lip with her teeth and held back her grief: "He also raped me in front of my brother... Raped me..." Hearing this, anger had risen in Fox Spirit Zi's eyes, but he suppressed his anger, then looked at the root of Yu Chan's empty right leg and said, "Then your right leg?" Yu Chan said with a trembling voice: "After raping me for three days, the Nine Cave Masters ate my right leg, and then the small demon in the cave left my sister and brother behind on Buhong Mountain." "Mountain Monarch, please have mercy, my brother is too badly injured, he can't last much longer, I am too weak to save him, please save my brother, Yu Chan is willing to be a cow and a horse to repay Mountain Monarch." After saying that, Yu Chan's whole body fell on the ground and kept kowtowing to Fox Spirit. Fox Spirit son took a deep breath, that nine cave master he knew, lived in the fog nest cave of Buhong Mountain, is a true immortal realm demon cultivator. Fox Lingzi first helped Yu Chan up, at this moment he was already furious, but still softly said to Yu Chan: "Don't rush, tell me where your brother is?" Yu Chan said, "In the cave of collapsed stones at the bottom of the mountain, that is also our cave." Collapsed Stone Cave, just by hearing the name, one could tell that it was not a cave, but a cave formed in a collapse, and Yu Chan and her brother lived in this cave. The entire West Oxfordshire continent is actually like this, those slightly spiritual cave fortune, it is not even the turn of these small demons to occupy. "General Mountain Patrol, you immediately go to the collapsed stone cave and receive Yu Chan's brother into the Mountain God Temple." Fox Lingzi said to the mountain patrol general. Mountain patrol general abruptly got up and sang loudly: "Yes." It could be seen that after hearing what happened to Yu Chan's brother and sister, he was also full of anger. After the general left, Fox Spirit said to Yu Chan: "Don't worry, I don't have any elixir here, but I can appeal to the Western Heavenly Palace to see if I can ask for an elixir that can save your brother. I will use my magic power to stabilize your brother's injury after the general patrolling the mountain picks him up." Yu Chan listened to the calm and stable arrangement of the fox spirit son, the inner anxiety relieved a lot, immediately biting his lips with tears and said: "Thank you for the mountain gentleman's pity." ------ off-topic --- --- Good readers grandfather, today organized a day of outline, and this seventh volume of the plot is not completely clear, so tonight temporarily more chapter, to the readers grandfather kowtow, sorry!

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