New Residents in Peach Blossom Mountain

The morning was cold and foggy in Qingbei Mountain, but incense was already burning in front of the land temple.

Yang Jin, with his wife, came on foot from the village of She Lin, five miles away, to the Land Temple to offer incense and make a wish.

In the midst of the shrine of the Land Temple, Fang Jian, who was sitting, opened his eyes and glanced down, then closed them again.

After the Yangjin couple left, no one came to pray for incense throughout the morning, and Fang Jian was happy to have peace and quiet, meditating in the shed.

But at noon, the sun shone high, outside the land temple suddenly blew a breeze, then a wearing a moon white Taoist robe, carrying a bamboo basket on his back, the young man with a starry face appeared outside the land temple with the breeze.

The young man first took a look at the land temple, and then swept a glance at the surrounding lush green mountains and forests and exclaimed, "What a beautiful place with beautiful wind and clear water."

After saying that, the teenager took off the two layers of bamboo basket on his back, and took out three top quality incense from the upper layer, then his left hand flicked at the top of the three incense, a green smoke rose abruptly, and the three incense was actually lit.

I saw the teenager holding the incense, worshipped towards the land temple, then respectfully inserted the incense, then worshipped again, and then recited the incantation under his breath.

Fang Jian in the cottage frowned, his ears immediately heard an incomparably clear chanting incantation.

The content of this incantation he is familiar with, it is the incantation of the cultivator to call the land god.

Yesterday, he cleaned up an unscrupulous flower demon, why is it here again today?

Fang Jian closed his eyes and opened his eyes, his gaze towards the outside of the land temple, this look is a stunned.

Only to see that this person is actually a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, clean-cut appearance, respectful attitude, even the recitation of the incantation is not the slightest disrespect.

"Ugh!" Fang Jian sighed, not afraid of the horizontal, but afraid of this kind of polite. Those brutal big deal not to go out to see them, if they dare to disrespect the land temple flower demon is their downfall.

But this respectful can not be helped, since the world has called the land spell, it is natural that the Heavenly Court allows things, the land god is not really good to see.

And the young man's qi is pure and calm, a look is the righteous path of the Xuanmen, see no harm.

Thinking of this, Fang Jian choked the magic of the manifestation of the sage, a step out of the land temple.

"Are you the one who is calling this god?" Fang Jian landed on his feet and looked at the young man in front of him and asked.

The young man's mouth incantation stopped, hurriedly raised his head to look towards Fang Jian, but this look, but the face is very suspicious: "This daoist friend is?"

Fang Jian frowned and said, "You recited the incantation to call on this God, but you don't know who this God is?"

The young man was shocked at his words and said incredulously, "You are the land god? You can't be? How can there be such a handsome land god?"

It's not that he hadn't seen other land gods, and he had seen many, but every land god was almost always a little old man, and there was no such a young and handsome land god.

Fang Jian instantly smiled and said with a kind face, "You are not bad, I see you as a young man is very promising ah, say, what do you call this god?"

The young man stared at Fang Jian for half a day, and indeed saw that he came out of the shrine of the land shrine, and finally accepted with difficulty the fact that Fang Jian was the land god.

So he immediately bowed his hand and cupped his fist and said, "Zhou Qingxin, a disciple of Yu Hua Guan, was ordered by his master to go down to the mountain for training, and came to Yangxia County, and felt that the people of this county were simple and the mountains were beautiful, so he wanted to open a cave here to practice Dharma."

Fang Jian nodded his head and said, "If so, you can choose a place to settle down, no need to talk to me."

Zhou Qinghuang smiled a little embarrassed and then looked at Fang Jian and said, "This... Land God, actually... I would like to ask the Land God to choose a suitable place for me to cultivate..."

Fang Jian immediately understood the meaning of Zhou Qinghuang, cultivator picking a place is also a matter of concern: the first is to be good feng shui, aura sufficient. The second is to have no karma, less trouble. Cultivation world every day because of the competition for cave land and the fight is not a few, but there are ways to easily avoid.

This way is to go the way of the immortal officials, such as the mountain gods, land gods, these two gods directly hold the information of the living spirits in their respective jurisdictions, as well as the distribution of the earth veins and mountains, and especially the land gods are the easiest to see, so there is such a statement.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Fang Jian said in a daze: "Then let me help you see."

After saying that, Fang Jian took out the land book and flipped through it, and Zhou Qinghuan immediately looked at him with joyful expectation.

But Fang Jian flipped through the land book for a long time, and finally shook his head and said with a frown: "Alas, the land in this county is barren and the spiritual energy is scarce, so there is no good place for cultivation."

"No, Land God, I think this Yangxia County is very rich in spiritual energy, there must be a feng shui treasure land." Zhou Qinghuang said with a serious face.

Fang Jian raised his eyebrows and said, "Is that so? Impossible, this county is indeed barren, you see I as a land god is also very poor ah, not even a piece of heavenly treasures, alas! Isn't that poor?"

Zhou Qinghuang smiled, his face slightly bewildered, but then seemed to remember something, immediately turned around and pulled out a porcelain box from the bamboo basket: "God of the land, there is a hundred years of spiritual ginseng in here, excellent healing effect. It was given to me by my master for emergencies, but I may not use it, so if you like it, I'll give it to you."

"Hey?! What are you doing here? There's no need for that, there's no need for that." Fang Jian said seriously while quickly taking the porcelain box and stuffing it into his sleeve, then said with a smile on his face, "Isn't it just a feng shui treasure? Don't worry, I'll find one for you even if I have to fight for my life."

Zhou Qinghuang looked at the hundred years of spiritual ginseng being taken away with a painful face, but when he heard Fang Jian's words, he immediately smiled happily: "It's not that serious, just find me a place suitable for cultivation, Land God."

"Found it." No sooner had Zhou Qinghuan's words left his mouth than Fang Jian said to him.

Zhou Qinghuang's face changed and he said in surprise, "So soon?" At the same time, his heart ached, did he give away his hundred years of spiritual ginseng for nothing? If he had known that he could find it after a while, he would not have given it away!

But he was too embarrassed to backtrack after giving it away, so he could only look at Fang Jian.

I saw Fang Jian pointing to the southeast and said, "Twenty-seven miles to the southeast, there is a peach blossom mountain, this mountain has a shady back and sunny face, rich grass and trees, beasts everywhere, and there is a rotten peach stream flowing in front of the mountain, excellent feng shui, a good place to open a house and cultivate."

"Ah?" Zhou Qinghuang was shocked, and then worshiped with a face full of joy: "Thank you for the guidance of the land god."

"However..." Fang Jian turned his words and said, "But there is something I have to tell you, that Peach Blossom Mountain is good, but it is pressed with a demon."

"Demon?" Zhou light letter face white, a melancholy face asked, "What... What demon?"

Fang Jian said, "It's a flower demon suppressed by the Ministry of Thunder, she was suppressed under the Peach Blossom Mountain for ten years because she offended the god's authority..."

"Oh... Then you're not afraid." Zhou Qinghuang laughed: "I only came out this time to experience three years before I can go back, and since it is a demon suppressed by the Ministry of Thunder, I think it is not a vicious person."

Yes, the general vicious demon ministry directly catch back to the heavenly thunder badly body soul fly away, how will just suppress?

"That's fine, do you want me to take you there?" Fang Jian asked again.

Zhou light letter coyly said: "do not dare to trouble the god of the land, both know the direction, I go on my own."

After saying that, Zhou Qingxuan thanked Fang Jian again, then turned around and cast a light body technique, and left as a clear wind.


Fang Jian looked at the direction where Zhou Qinghuang left, smiled gently, and then returned to his own land ancestral shrine.

When he returned to the shed, Fang Jian took out the porcelain box and opened it, a majestic and rich aroma of spiritual medicine filled the entire three shed.

Fang Jian just glanced at the jade white spirit ginseng in the porcelain box, and then slowly closed the box.

"If all are as knowledgeable as this young man, how can we land gods be so poor?" After shaking his head, he put the porcelain box on top of the wooden shelf inside the essence house.

But he did not lie to Zhou Qinghuang, the whole Yangxia County is indeed the Peach Blossom Mountain has the best feng shui and the most dense spiritual energy.

Fang Jian is a man of principle, would never do that kind of thing that took something and did not do anything. And the flower demon has been suppressed by the Ministry of Thunder, as long as the Ministry of Thunder talisman order is not removed, the flower demon at most in the peach blossom mountain play Sinister, is not possible to threaten others.

But Fang Jian once he remembered that Zhou light letter dao, his face slightly sunk: "refining Xuan realm ah."

Just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenager, the dao is still one realm higher than himself.

It can be seen that being a ninth-ranked minor immortal officer is not as good as a disciple of an ordinary sect, how difficult life is.

As for how he saw the Zhou light letter realm, it comes to his greatest reliance after crossing: Hongmeng Editor.

After two years of research, Fang Jian finally figured out his main function of this golden finger.

One is that this object is bound to his own spirit, he is its host.

The second is that it can help you view other people's dao realm.

As for the third, that is as its name that 'edit', this Hongmeng editor can edit anything, which Fang Jian has long ago edited countless things in its 'edit interface', including 'people ', he has also edited out.

Only he had been hesitant to 'generate' the items he edited, because the Hongmeng Editor 'generates' edited items that require the consumption of 'Hongmeng Dao Qi'.

The 'editing interface' of the Hong Meng Editor clearly shows that there are only 10 strands of Hong Meng Dao Qi, which should be similar to the initial gift points in the game, as for how to get this point subsequently, Fang Jian has not yet figured it out.

This is when he envied other travellers, people's golden fingers either have a loli girl to guide, or an imperial sister queen arrogant, and then there is an old grandfather.

But this golden finger, may not even talk ...

Even if you give it a small name like 'Little Red', it does not have any reaction.

Fang Jian called out 'Little Red' again in his mind, then a purple light flashed in his Yuan Shen, a chaotic light screen interface appeared on Fang Jian's eyes, this is only he can see the interface of the Hong Meng Editor.

His gaze fell back to the information and options on the editor interface.

[Host]: Fang Jian

[Daoism]: air practice

[Lifespan]: 19 (Heavenly Life)

[Dao Qi of Hongmeng]: 10

This is Fang Jian's basic information, his current age in this body is 19 years old, and as an immortal official of the Heavenly Court, the life span is unlimited and not in the book of life and death, so it is the heavenly life span.

If he is deprived of his immortal official position by the Heavenly Court, he will be directly thrown into reincarnation!

Then comes the edit option.

Edit items: Dao, magic powers, spells, magic treasures, potions, divine objects, immortal birds, divine beasts, living beings, mortal objects.

Select materials: gossip, heavenly materials, earthly treasures.

Yes, it's that counter-intuitive, as long as you choose to edit the item, and then choose to edit the material, you don't need to find the material yourself, the Hongmeng editor itself will make up the material you choose.

For example, if you choose fire in the eight trigrams, then the editor will automatically choose the most suitable 'fire' in heaven and earth to put into the editing interface according to the item you are editing, whether it is fire in stone, fire in the air, Samadhi true fire, nine true fires, sun true fires all together.

But the more powerful the material invested, the more Hongmeng Dao Qi is needed to generate it.