Chapter 10: Whether human or demon, all living beings under my rule

Fang Jian did not wait too long, also less than a tea time, only to see the half stone cliff cave entrance in front of the smoke Luo colorful fog with the wind dispersed, and the gnarled green vines covering the cave entrance also in a moment towards the surrounding green mountains receded.

The huge cave entrance of more than ten feet high was revealed, and Fairy Spirit Butterfly wore a set of moon white stay immortal dress, long hair fell naturally on both shoulders and back, willow eyebrows and beautiful eyes, round face and cherry lips, is extremely typical of the classical Chinese beauty.

After all the green vines had receded from the cave entrance, she bowed her hand and said, "Half Stone Cliff Cave, Mountain Demon Spirit Butterfly, worship the God."

Fang Jian looked at the Spirit Butterfly Fairy who bent down and bowed, and did not speak immediately, but first took out the land book and looked at it.

The Spirit Butterfly Fairy who bowed down was incomparably tormented inside, especially because Fang Jian did not respond immediately, which made a cold sweat gradually appear on her snow-white forehead.

The little butterfly demons and servant cats behind her were shivering in fear, hiding behind the Butterfly Fairy and not daring to make the slightest sound.

She was running her magic power, ready to cast 'Seven Fragrance Cloud Smoke' at any time, but at the same time, she was respectfully waiting for Fang Jian's response.


A drop of cold sweat dripped down from the face of the Spirit Butterfly Fairy, landing on the ground and splashing a trace of dust.

And just at this time, Fang Jian spoke, "Daoist friend, there is no need for you to be polite, please be flat."

Hearing these words, the spirit butterfly immortal's heart was suddenly relieved, immediately once again bowed deeply and said, "I dare not accept the title of daoist friend, the little demon spirit butterfly thanked your God."

After saying that, the Spirit Butterfly Immortal then straightened her back and stood up straight.

Fang Jian closed the land book and said to Fairy Spirit Butterfly, "A year ago a group of serval cat demons came to the half stone cliff cave, is there anything about that?"

Ling Die Fairy's heart was tightened, and those small serval demons behind her were so scared that they trembled violently and fell to the ground.

"Back to the God, yes, there is this matter. When I saw that they had no home and were wandering around, I took them in." Spirit Butterfly Fairy said with immense respect.

Fang Jian laughed: "You don't need to be nervous, I'm not here to pursue this matter, the one who attacked this god was the Serval Cat Demon of the Refining Xuan Realm, right?"

When the Fairy Butterfly heard that, she immediately fell to her knees and said to Fang Jian: "Your God is forgiven, before she arrived at Yangxia County, she had a grudge against the king of Yintu Mountain and the land god of Qiu'an County, so she had to leave her hometown and came to Yangxia County. Therefore, the character is wild, but the former feelings of mercy, just sneak attacked the gods but did not kill, begging the gods have mercy and forgiveness, the demon will remember the great kindness in this life, will never forget."

Fang Jian's face remained unchanged, but raised his hand and said: "The gods of this matter, only about the laws of heaven, regardless of other. Just now the god checked the land book, the servant cat demon has no big sin, and the life expectancy is not yet finished, the crime is not to die. The gods are only slightly punishing her, to let her know that the gods' authority should not be offended, you can lift her out, the gods will save her life."

Hearing this, the Fairy of the Spiritual Butterfly was thrilled and bowed down repeatedly and said, "Thank you, God! Thank you, Your Holiness!"

Then, without the need for Spirit Butterfly Fairy to say anything, the little serval demons let out a cheer and hurriedly carried the curly ears and trotted all the way to Fang Jian.

The young serval demons did not have the mixed thoughts of adults, their spiritual wisdom was like a child who had not yet grown up, only the purest and simplest notions of good and evil, and did not have many nasty thoughts.

So when Fang Jian said he wanted to save the life of Curly Ears, they immediately chose to believe it, without the slightest doubt that there was a conspiracy, and lifted out Curly Ears.

The little serval demons gently placed the curly ear at Fang Jian's feet, then formed a circle around him and bowed towards him incessantly.

They had learned this in Qiu'an County, where the king of Yintu Mountain loved it when demons knelt and worshipped him.

Fang Jian took a look at the dying Ear on the ground, and then performed the art of transforming wishes, and immediately transformed 50% of the wish power in the Immortal Officer's Jade Disk into a healing spirit light into the Ear's body.

When the spirit light entered his body, his body trembled slightly, and then he stopped spitting blood in his mouth and started coughing.

After coughing several times, the ear suddenly turned over and spit out a mouthful of blood from the throat, blood export, breath smooth, face also became rosy.

After that, Curly Ears slowly lay flat on the ground and passed out, his breath was very even, and his face also recovered.

The little serval demons shouted happily and then kowtowed to Fang Jian.

Fang Jian said to the little servant cats, "Carry her back to her bed and she will be cured in two days."

At this moment, Ling Die Fairy also came forward and said to the little butterfly demons and the little serval cats, "You carry the curly ears back to the cave."

The little butterfly demons flew up and took the initiative to lift up the ear and then flew towards the cave, while the little serval cats followed closely behind them and entered the cave.

After the little butterfly demons and the little serval cats had entered the cave, the spirit butterfly fairy once again bowed down towards Fang Jian: "Your Holiness, that yellow cow was captured by the little demon on the instruction of Curly Ears, so please punish your Holiness."

"Huh." Fang Jian looked at the Spiritual Butterfly Fairy in front of him and smiled lightly: "Do butterflies also love to eat beef?"

Spirit Butterfly Fairy's face remained unchanged and said, "They love meat, but recently there are very few beasts and birds in the mountain, so they can't catch any prey, that's why the demon instructed the sister to go down to the mountain to capture the villagers' cattle."

Fang Jian asked, "Do you know how important a cow is to the people's family?"

Spirit Butterfly Fairy said, "Dear God, I know. The people rely on the ox to plow the land and sow the seeds for food and clothing."

Fang Jian said, "Since you know that, it is good, the god will not look into this matter, give you two days to return a cow to the villagers, and the matter will be over."

When the Spiritual Butterfly Fairy heard that, the tension in her heart immediately dissipated and she replied, "Yes, I understand, please don't worry, I will return a cow within two days."

Fang Jian looked at her and said, "The cattle returned must have a clean origin, do you understand?"

Spirit Butterfly Fairy answered in a solemn voice: "Yes, the demon understands, please rest assured that your God."

"Well, two days later I will also come back to check." Fang Jian looked at her and said, "But you can rest assured that both demons and mortals are living beings under the rule of this god, and this god will not be partial to one another. There is a mountain in the southwest of Yangxia County, named Wuqiao Ling, there are many birds and beasts in this mountain, and there are also many spiritual flowers and immortal herbs, you can go hunting and picking, but do not be greedy."

When the Spirit Butterfly Fairy heard this, she looked surprised and said, "Wu Qiao Ling? Your God, that... That Wuqiao Ridge is the territory of the Black Crow Mountain King, who is a demon of the God Refining Realm."

Fang Jian smiled slightly and raised the gold brick in his hand, "His territory? Who said so? Was it sealed by the Jade Emperor?"

"..." Spirit Butterfly Fairy looked at the shiny gold suit, slightly lowered her head, inwardly also felt some ridiculous, they demons occupy the mountains to open a house, self-proclaimed king of the party, but in the eyes of the heavenly gods, but just some mountain demons wild monsters.

Although the Land God is a small official power, but but the Jade Emperor's golden seal, the protection of a side of the immortal official God, in front of their eyes, 'territory', is really some ridiculous.

By the way, the land god in front of the small official, but not 'power micro', the hand of the gold brick is definitely an immortal magic treasure.

"You but go to Wuqiao Ridge hunting and gathering medicine, that black crow mountain king if you dare to expel you, you will come to the Qingbei Mountain land temple to find me." Fang Jian said in a light voice, then his mind came together and took back the Tai Huang Yi Qi Brick into his Yuan Shen.

When the Spiritual Butterfly Immortal heard Fang Jian's words, her heart immediately rejoiced. It was impossible to say that she did not covet the spiritual flowers and immortal herbs of Wuqiao Ridge.

But the entire Yangxia County demon world, the Black Crow Mountain King is the highest Daoist, is the realm of refining God, so despite the salivation, but also dare not have non-perception.

But at the moment there is a land god holding immortal magic treasures promised, she dared to go there on a walk!

In fact, Fang Jian's heart also coveted Wu Qiu Ling's spiritual medicine resources, but at that time, the Hong Meng Editor has not yet studied thoroughly, so there is no bottom in the heart, and for the time being, they do not move.

But now with the Tai Huang Yi Qi brick, he will no longer allow the Black Crow Mountain King such a monopoly of existence.

This Yangxia County demon world, now it is time to tidy up a little.

Fang Jian finally glanced at the Ling Die fairy and said indifferently, "Do not forget the matter of returning the cow." Then he turned around and used his magic power to perform the divine movement technique, his body instantly turned into a shadow and left.

"Little demon send off your God." Spirit Butterfly Fairy watched Fang Jian leave, immediately bowed and worshiped.