Chapter 15: Evil and good, together with the world

A land god under the jurisdiction of the number of people who died in vain in a year is a quota, if you exceed this quota, the annual assessment of the Heavenly Court will not pass.

A year can not pass the test, you do not want to be promoted in three years.

In the past two years, the number of people who died in vain in Yangxia County has been very small, and there was no one who died in vain last year with the efforts of Fang Jian.

But this year, just halfway through, there is a person who died in vain, but also the most troublesome corpse demon caused, which makes Fang Jian can not not not take seriously.

If the demon is not eliminated, more mortals will be killed, and then Fang Jian's examination this year will be finished.

Only to see the ground mountain a divine shadow and a human shadow flashed, Fang Jian and Zhou Qinghuan immediately appeared in the south of the peach blossom mountain a dozen miles away on top of a mountain ridge.

"This monster's last wisp of qi fell on top of this mountain ridge." Zhou Qinghuang looked at the lush mountain range in front of him and said.

Fang Jian stood on a boulder, gazing far ahead, only to see that under the lush mountains, there was only a path leading to Qiu'an County.

And looking further ahead, it is the territory of Qiu'an County.

Interestingly, almost all of this mountain range bordered Qiu'an County, and it was in this mountain range that the golem's aura disappeared.

"Go that way." Fang Jian said, pointing in the direction of Qiu'an County.

Zhou Qinghuan froze at the words, and then nodded thoughtfully.

So the two of them flashed their figures and instantly headed towards the border of Qiu'an County and Yangxia County.

When the two of them stopped at the border of the two counties, Zhou Qinghuang immediately said with a serious expression: "Here, the aura is here, very dense! In the territory of Qiu'an County!"

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Qinghuang's face has been incomparably serious, at the same time his right hand to a small cloth bag on his waist a pat, a spiritual light flashed, a long sword immediately from the cloth bag into Zhou Qinghuang's hand.

Fang Jian's gaze flashed, looking at the cloth pouch around Zhou Qinghan's waist, I think that is the storage bag.

Zhou Qinghuang is standing by, Fang Jian also dare not be careless, only to see a flash of golden light, a gold brick immediately appeared in Fang Jian's hand.

However, Fang Jian's mind moved, ordered the Tai Huang aura brick to collect their own power, so Zhou Qinghuang at this time did not notice the gold brick in Fang Jian's hand.

"Land God, be careful, that corpse monster is near here." Zhou Qinghuang's surrounding spiritual light flickered, it was the spiritual light of his body protection condensed with his magic power.

Fang Jian nodded, then took a step away and directly crossed into the territory of Qiu'an County.

After Fang Jian stepped into the territory of Qiu'an County, he immediately felt a divine intent identical to his own, but this divine intent appeared to be cowering and very timid.

So Fang Jian ran his magic power and said in a light voice: "Can you come out to see me?"

In just one tea's time, a green smoke suddenly rose in front of Fang Jian, then a small old man wearing a high crown, wearing the same immortal official's robe as Fang Jian, short and weak, appeared in front of Fang Jian and Zhou Qinghuan, this person is the Qiu'an County Land God.

This person was the Qiu'an County Land God. He stared at Fang Jian and Zhou Qinghuan with a pair of small eyes and then asked with an arch hand, "Why did you cross the border?"

Fang Jian took back the Tai Huang Yi Qi Brick and then said with an arch hand, "A golem killed the villagers in Yang Xia County and has now definitely escaped to Qiu An County, I wonder if you have noticed it?"

Qiu'an County land god heard the pupils shrink, his heart trembled, but soon shook his head and said, "No, this god has not found."

Fang Jian stared at him carefully, and Qiu'an County Land God also looked straight at Fang Jian with a pair of tiny eyes and said, "It is unreasonable for you to cross the border and enforce the law."

Fang Jian nodded and said, "Yes, this god just came to investigate, now that we know the whereabouts of this monster, we should go back and report to the city god."

The land god of Qiu'an County heard Fang Jian say that he wanted to report to the city god, for some reason he was suddenly shocked and hurriedly said, "No."

"Hmm?" Fang Jian's gaze was astonished and immediately looked toward the Qiu'an County Land God.

But Qiu'an County Land God's gaze had already looked towards a small mound a few feet away on the left, and Zhou Qinghuan also followed Qiu'an County Land God's gaze at the same time.

"Not good, land god, come back." Zhou Qinghuang shouted.

Fang Jian obeyed the advice, and his body flew back to the territory of Yangxia County with a stomp under his feet.


In the backyard of Yangxia County Office, in the small courtyard where the King of Yintu Mountain lived, the King of Yintu Mountain, who was drinking tea, suddenly frowned and then got up in horror.

He turned his gaze to the attendants and maids around him and said, "You and others return to Qiu'an County immediately."

When the attendants and maids heard that, they immediately answered in a respectful voice: "As ordered." Then they left the courtyard directly.

Gou De'an, the county magistrate who heard the news, hurriedly came over and asked when he saw the King of Yintu Mountain, "King of Mountain, what happened?"

The King of Yintu Mountain looked at Gou De'an and said, "The land god has found the location of the mandrill and has detected the matter of Qiu'an County and will report it to the city god."

"What?!" Gou De'an was shocked, suddenly frightened pale face, said: "Not ah, must not let him report to the city god."

Yin Tu Shan Dynasty Gou De'an said, "You immediately take someone forward to Green Bottle Mountain to demolish the land temple and cut half of his divine power, I now have to rush there immediately to catch its people."

"Okay, I'll get right on it." Gou De'an heard the words and immediately answered.

After that, the king of Yintu Mountain leaped with a magic hand, and his body immediately turned into a green smoke and flew towards the south.

Gou De'an watched the King of Yintu Mountain leave, and immediately ordered someone to call the master.

"Master, you immediately open a list, recruit people to dismantle the land temple of Qingbei Mountain, as long as the people are willing to work, each person will be paid one tael of silver." Gou De'an said.

The master was shocked at his words and said, "Demolish it now?"

"Yes, demolish it now." Gou De'an said, "The list says that the god of the land no longer has a spiritual wish, so the old temple is demolished to welcome the new god."

"Yes, I understand." Without saying a word, the master clasped his fist and received the order.

Subsequently, a bulletin was sent out quickly from the government office, and then posted in Yangxia County with the city gates.

The people of the whole Yangxia County were boiling, and when they saw the list, they immediately tore it up in anger and came to complain outside the county office.

"The land god has blessed my Yangxia County with good weather and healthy people for the past two years, how can you say there is no spiritual wish?" A white-haired old man stood outside the county office and said in a loud voice.

"That's right, only three months ago I dreamed that the land god showed me a clear path to do business, why do you want to tear down the land temple?"

"How can a land temple be torn down just like that?"

"My son had smallpox, and it was only because of the blessing of the God of the Land that he saved his life, who dares to say that the God of the Land does not have a spiritual wish?"

"Who dares to tear down the land temple? We will not obey!"

"Yes, we will not obey!"

The people shouted angrily, from ancient times to the present, the folk culture is always the most simple, and most of the people are grateful for the reward.

Fang Jian has been using incense wishes to bless the people for the past three years, and now it's finally time to be rewarded.

Looking at the people's fierce opposition, the master was scared silly and hurriedly went back to report to Gou De'an.

Upon hearing this, Gou De'an immediately said angrily, "They are all unruly people, escort them up!"

Subsequently, more than twenty constables and officers with swords and staff, from the courthouse in a flood, the leading few people arrested into the county courthouse.

The rest of the people were even more angry and swarmed to save them.

The master saw this situation, also fierce, directly shouted: "unruly people stormed the county court, this action is tantamount to treason, beat!"

Sheriff, the officers immediately hit, a time stick constantly fell on the people, many people were immediately beaten screaming, have retreated.

Despite this, the people still cursed and objected.

Gou De'an's eyes were red at this moment, and he immediately ordered viciously: "Send out the list again! Thirty taels of silver for each person who is willing to work to tear down the land temple!"

Thirty taels of silver! This is enough for an ordinary family of three to eat for three years, the so-called heavy gold Xu Li will * * * heart, soon there will be some people watching for money, immediately signed up.

Just a tea time, there are more than a hundred people carrying hoes followed by Gou De'an and the magistrates out of the city, to the Green Bottle Mountain and.

The people in the city opposed to the demolition of the temple were anxious, but they did not dare to forcefully stop it, and could only follow and cry.

Some smart people immediately sent their families to the villages to report the news, and when Gou De'an arrived at Qingbei Mountain with the magistrates and the people who had been recruited, the people of the villages had also received the news.

The county magistrate wanted to tear down the land temple on Qingbei Mountain! How can this be done?


"What? He wants to tear down the land temple?" Yang Jin of She Lin Village abruptly stood up straight and asked his cousin in front of him.

Yang Jin's cousin gasped, "Yes, yes... I'm afraid we've already reached the Green Vase Mountain by now."

Yang Jin's eyes glared and he said angrily, "How dare you, if it weren't for the Land Master, my life would have been lost by now!"

After saying that, Yang Jin raised the hoe in his hand and said to his cousin, "Cousin, you go back immediately to greet the brothers and sisters in the village, if they are willing to go with me to Green Vase Mountain."

The cousin nodded and said, "Good!" After saying that, he turned around and ran to the inside of the village.

In a short while, the young and old, men and women of the village of She Lin over the age of fifteen ran out of the village in great numbers, especially Yang Jin's wife, Li Zuorong, who was running in the front.

"Everyone should have heard, the dog days of the county magistrate to demolish the temple of the land master. Not to mention the fact that I, Yang Jin, was blessed by the Land Master to recover from my injury, and that six months ago, if the Land Master had not shown us the location of the well to draw water, we would not have had water to irrigate the seedlings!" Yang Jin shouted to the men, women and children of She Lin Village.

"Yang Jin, do not say, the kindness of the land master we know very well. Hurry up and go to Qingbei Mountain, if you go late the temple of the land master will be gone." A woman with a kitchen knife in her hand yelled at Yang Jin.

Yang Jin nodded, no more words, said very dryly: "Go!"

The same scene that happened in Shelin Village also happened in most of the villages around Yangxia County.