

Hit by hit he was beating his opponent. The crowd roared as their mighty boxer was winning, dodging powerful hits coming his way.

Over and over, he punched his enemy, catching him off guard and balance at times which aided him to gain more competence to fight harder.

He was winning - so successfully too. He made it look so easy. Determination was written all over his face that was dripping with sweat.

I could feel every single beat that my heart was pumping. It was like a drum, thumping and thumping constantly without an end, my whole body vibrating with each pound.

The intensity of the beating grew louder and louder as adrenaline coursed through my veins, igniting excitement in me, my whole body tingling with exhilaration.

I thought my heart was going to explode of out my chest, my veins to break out of my skin.

My eyes went wide as they followed him on the boxing ring ground, constantly throwing the last few punches before the bell rung and the referee came.

It was the end.

He won.

The crowd rose automatically, cheering and screaming, their emotions all the same and together. Uncontainable excitement bursted in the air, strangers all shouting out, their bets made, their hands shook and hugs passed all around.

All because he won.

A smile was stretched across his flustered face, his arm held up in the air by his wrist as victory was his, finally. His eyes scanned the room, meeting the eyes of his supporters before finally meeting mine.

Despite my best efforts, I could not fight the smile desperate to burst out. It grew on my face and before I knew it, I was laughing, my hands clapping and my eyes twinkling as they gazed into his, giving him a small nod of pride.

He won. Nothing could hold him down.


"What the fuck are you wearing?"

My head snapped up, my eyes locking with his immediately. My eyebrows creased a little in confusion. "What do you mean? We're clubbing."

His eyes roamed my body and his face turned serious. "You're not wearing that to a club."

I laughed, finding his sentence hilarious. "Nice one, Cris," I chuckled, putting on my necklace. He came closer, his eyes darkening as he approached me. "Take. It. Off." His tone was firm and controlling, his voice deep and stern, sending shivers down my spine.

Stopping, I cocked my head to the side and raised an eyebrow. "Why should I take it off? For you?" My smile faded away as I noticed his glowering stare. I swallowed roughly.

"Yes, for me," he shot back demandingly. I noticed how much closer he was getting and I moved back, only for my back to hit the wall. My heart raced and my hands grew clammy as he approached me, his eyes lowering at me.

"Or God so help me, I'll spread your legs and fuck you senseless."

His hand raises to my hair, tucking the thick strands behind my ear as he softly nibbled my ear and my eyes shut whilst I squeezed my thighs together.

"Or we can save the drama," he murmured so sexily. "And you can take them off for me now, baby."

He knew my resistance would crumble the moment he started kissing my neck. The first few delicate touches of his lips made me bring out my weaknesses. The kisses became harder and more urgent, sucking and leaving love-bites.

Our bodies pressed against each other and his strong cologne intoxicated me. My head was spinning, unable to comprehend what was happening. He was kissing my neck, and I loved it.

I craved his touch, I craved his lips, his lust. A soft moan left my mouth, betraying me and I felt my legs beginning to weaken and wobble like jelly, his hands holding me up against the wall.

"Cris," I moaned quietly, my hands on his wide shoulders as he sucked and kissed. His hand slowly slid down my body as I moaned, my head against the wall as I breathed out slowly, his hand sliding down, under my skirt.

My breath automatically hitched and I forgot to breath, my heart racing. "No underwear, huh?" He seductively breathed out, his warm breath fanning against my skin.

His hand cupped me and I let out another moan, squeezing my eyes closed as he parted my legs a little. "God, you're dripping," he whispered sensuously, his deep voice sending sparks around me. "I've barely touched you." He was turning me on more and more, tantalising me.

"Please," I whispered so lightly, my heart accelerating. "S-Stop t-teasing."

"What do you want, Rose?" He temptingly asked, his voice thick with lust. "What do you want me to do, la mia Rosa?" {my Rose}

"Cris. ."

"Fuck, Rose! I love the way you say my name."

My body was heating up and the more he spoke and touched, his fingers sliding between my folds so teasingly, the more I was turned on and grew wetter. I could barely speak, every time I tried, a lump in my throat was rise and I would stutter, my mind on overdrive. He knew every single weakness in me, ever since that night in the cafe. He knew what to do to make me crave him.

"I. ." I held back from moaning once more at his touch, his fingers teasing me so badly. I gasped quietly for air, my fingers gripping onto his clothes.

"Say it, Rose," he alluringly commanded softly, his fingers still teasing me. "I want to hear you say it."

"I want you to-"

Then he pulled away and my hands let go of him, my eyes opening. He moved his hand away and turned, beginning to walk to the door.

I looked at him, holding myself up from crashing into the floor.

One hand held the door handle whilst the other rose to his lips, my eyes noticing the substance on his fingers. My lips parted and I watched as he placed his fingers into his mouth, sucking and swallowing. "Delicious." I blinked a few times in surprise, my heart pounding against my chest.

A smirk came into his attractive face and his eyes roamed my body once more before meeting my surprised eyes. "We should get going."

"Make sure you get changed."

And with those words said, he opened the door and left as if nothing ever happened.

"Rose! Hurry up!" I heard Jordan yell from downstairs. "Why do girls take so long to dress?"

"I'm coming!" I yelled back, slipping on my heels and grabbing my purse before looking at myself one last time in the mirror.

No one tells me what to do

I smiled to myself and turned off the bedroom light, closing the door and walking downstairs, seeing the guys in the living room, waiting for me.

Their eyes were all on me. I walked down causally, flicking my hair over my shoulder as I said, "I'm done. Just had to fix my makeup."

"Damn," Jordan breathed out, his eyes going up and down my body. "You look hot."

I smiled as I walked closer. "Thanks. Come on, let's go."

My eyes slowly went over to Cristiano's as he sipped his drink. Challenging, I locked eyes with him, purposely giving him my best authoritative look.

Kiss my ass.

We went outside and a large cab was there waiting for us. The worst part was that Dax and Jordan decided to sit in the two extra seats in the back. That left me sitting in the middle between Gage and Cristiano.

Never in my life had I felt so uncomfortable. I felt like I was in a sandwich - a squishy sandwich. My hips were wide and touched both men. I could barely put my seatbelt on.

I kept my eyes on the window in front, not wanting to look at either of them. My heart was beating so fast but I could barely breathe.

The cab was dark due to the charcoal sky outside which meant that you couldn't see movement in the taxi.

Unexpectedly, I felt a hand on my thigh. I ridged up, blinking a few times in the dark. I swallowed roughly. I knew exactly who's hand it was.

I lifted the hand distinctively and placed it back onto his lap. But it moved it back and once again, my breath hitched. My head turned to the side and I locked eyes with him in the dark.

"I'm sorry," he mouthed and my face immediately softened. I smiled sincerely at him, shaking my head shortly. "It's not your fault," I mouthed back, distinctively as he moved his hand away.

I smiled at him before looking away and back at the window, just as we arrived at the club.

Inside the club it was like the Northern Lights; smoke, arrays of neon lights such as emerald, hot pinks, vibrant blues and gold.

Music played thunderously for everyone to hear. No one could see the actual dance floor but the neon colours flashing from it. People shaped it, twisting and turning, dancing and talking, laughing and partying.

A smile came onto my face as one thought ran across my mind;

I'm gonna have fun tonight.