Chapter 01: The Legend of Grandma

As the old saying goes, "The beginning of medicine is from witchcraft". Since the Han Dynasty, witchcraft and medicine have gradually diverged, and nowadays, only our Lin family, living in the northeast, still retains the legacy of witchcraft medicine.

My grandmother is a well-known witch doctor in our village, her life is full of legends, save countless people, in the eyes of our village elders, is simply a side of the water and land of the god of protection.

While witch doctors sound mysterious, they are still essentially a profession of healing and saving people, and the word "disease" does not refer to "disease" in a narrow sense, but encompasses heaven and earth.

Witch doctors can cure what doctors can cure, and witch doctors can cure what doctors cannot cure. If all the doctors in the world say that the disease is certain to die, but in the witch doctor, there may still be a chance of survival. Grandmother often hangs on the mouth of the phrase is - "the words can not be cured, has not got its art".

I heard that more than 20 years ago, a village gave birth to a baby with multiple fingers, usually one or two extra fingers, but this baby had eight fingers on the left hand and nine on the right! Hands together, the baby's short fingers wriggling densely, as if a bizarre lotus flower.

The parents of the strange baby were anxious like ants on a hot pot, seeking medical advice everywhere, but even the doctors in the provincial hospital shook their heads and said they could not cure it - because the distribution of these fingers bones, muscles and nerve plexus is too complex, not to mention the huge cost of surgery, the success rate of the operation is infinitely close to zero; even if it succeeds, the child is still too small, where to resist Even if the operation is successful, the child is still too young to withstand the high-intensity surgery.

The couple was so discouraged that they became a talking point in the village, and many people made up their minds that the couple had done something wrong, and that they had come back to the child, and the rumors became more and more intense, and they had a point. Under such pressure, the child's mother suffered from depression, had held the child together with the river suicide, fortunately found by the family in time to save down.

Later they heard about my grandmother, with the mindset of a dead horse to come. After examining the child, the grandmother said indifferently, "The child is not missing anything or missing anything, all functions are normal."

The husband slapped his leg and lamented, "Dr. Lin, the problem is that he has something extra! I also know that this finger does not affect the health, but the child grows up around how people look at him, behind his back do not know what to say about him. This child is a freak everywhere, people live a skin, a lifetime of being disliked and hated by others is better not to live!

The wife said with a snotty nose and a tear in her eye, discouraged, "Dr. Lin, the child is innocent, but we can't help the people in the village, they gossip about our family all the time, now we dare not go out. Sometimes I really want to drink pesticide together and leave, not to suffer in this world!"

Grandma looked at the couple's sad expressions, especially the mother, basically on the verge of collapse, while the child was still in their arms innocently playing with his fingers ...

The grandmother played with an old jade, pondered for a moment, and asked: "Did you have an ultrasound when you were pregnant with the child?"

The wife replied, "Yes, I did."

Grandma asked again, "How many children did the ultrasound show?"

The husband and wife stared at each other, and the husband spoke slowly: "At first it seemed to be twins, but later the doctor said that one of them was too small and too weak and would be absorbed slowly, and the doctor said that this was normal."

The wife nodded and said, "The birth was a normal birth, just this one child."

The grandmother went over to touch the child's fingers, examined for a moment, and said seriously: "The cure is possible, but the great loss of Yin virtue, you have to break at least ten years of life, you must be prepared."

The couple did not hesitate to listen, and even some surprise replied, "It's okay, even if we lose ten years of life, it's better than the child suffering for life! If you can cure him, you will be a great benefactor to our family."

Grandma looked grave, did not say anything else, then let the family of three first to the village guest house to stay, she has to do some preparation.

In the following days, the grandmother closed the clinic and did not know where to go.

Some people said they saw her in the back of the mountain cemetery, the place has a continuous patch of graves, many graves have hundreds of years of history, perennial dense fog, and ghostly flashes at night, is a piece of extremely eerie location, even if it is sunny day to pass by here, are chilling.

Witnesses said that they seemed to see their grandmother collecting the dew there.

A few days later, the grandmother finally came back. After informing the couple to come over, she solemnly brought a bowl of water to the couple and told the husband to draw three "life" characters on the surface of the water and the wife to draw three "death" characters on the surface of the water, and then fed it to the child, who immediately turned pale and started to cry hoarsely after feeding it. After feeding, the child immediately turned pale and began to cry hoarsely, crying and refused to stop, how to coax the parents are useless.

The young couple was terrified and looked at their grandmother in panic.

The grandmother reassured them, "It doesn't matter, let the child sleep, I'll give him a prescription to calm his mind and help him sleep."

The couple went back to the guest house to rest, and fed the baby with the calming soup prescribed by the grandmother. The baby really stopped fussing and fell into a deep sleep.

But not long after, the baby again body fever, but also more and more hot, burning like a block of carbon. The two families rushed to find their grandmother, who still comforted them a few words, telling them that the child would be fine when he woke up.

I didn't expect the child to sleep for three days, no water or rice, fever at first, and then a rapid drop in body temperature, cold, cold, once down as dead people.

The couple even suspected that the grandmother was a liar, and some villagers saw the husband copying a brick to the clinic, looking gloomy, after being loudly reprimanded, before throwing the brick and running away.

On the night of the third day, the couple was surprised to find that the child's extra fingers were actually "withering"! Those dense fingers seem to be dried onion, a touch on the broken, but the child did not react in the slightest, no pain look.

Soon, the extra fingers were all broken, and no wounds were left, as if they had never existed!

The child also woke up successfully, once awake, crying for mom, that is hungry.

The young couple was so happy that they were going crazy, jumping and jumping, crying with joy, and after calming the child, they rushed to thank their grandmother.

They were moved to tears and had to kowtow to their grandmother, but were stopped by her.

The grandmother also put down her heart at this time, let the two sit down, "when you were pregnant with twins, one child unfortunately died in the womb, but a remnant of its body remained in this child, to be reincarnated in your family is also a fate, it refused to go, want to be your child in another form. You insist on 'cure', I can only collect the 'Meng Po Dew' from the grave to send it away, but this murderous debt is bound to be counted on your parents."

The husband and wife looked at each other, their expressions still firm.

The husband said gratefully, "Doctor Lin, still the same words, as long as we can let this child grow up like a normal person, we don't care about any price!"

The wife also nodded and said, "Originally two children, now one child, then let's love him twice as much as one!"

The couple said they wanted to express their gratitude, but the grandmother did not accept any money other than the consultation fee, and seeing that they were extraordinarily sorry, she said, "There is an ancient apricot grove in spring.

So, there was an apricot tree in the grandmother's courtyard, and now it has grown very tall and luxuriant, witnessing the legend, and the wonder of the grandmother's medical skills is also evident.