She can be compared to a first-class Danger Beast's child!

[Ding! Demon God Manifestation-Demon's Extract has been activated]

After this notification from the system, Little Robin's body suddenly shivered and she very clearly sensed that there was something in her blood. Something so cold.

In the next moment, this feeling spread to the entire body in an instant.

Since he shared the same body with her, Qin Tian could clearly sense the changes in Robin's body.

"Sunny, what did you give me? Why do I feel like my body is getting cold?" She touched her cold arm with her little hand and a slight frown formed on her forehead.

'Little Robin, don't worry, now, you can make and control the snow and ice freely!'

Qin Tian explained, then continued, 'Yes, I'll teach you how to use and control this ability. In a sense, from now on I will be your teacher, and you can call me teacher Qin Tian in the future.'

"Teacher…? Teacher Sunny… Yes, I have a teacher, hehe~"

Well, a little loli's mind is very simple, she can become happy at any moment.

'Little Robin, there's no time to be happy now. Time is running. You only have three months to learn how to use this ability better.' Qin Tian spoke with a serious expression.

After all, Robin had no system, and she couldn't train and master the true ability of Demon's Extract within three months on her own and without his guidance.

For three months, no more, no less. In general, this period seems too short for any progress to be made.

"I know! Teacher… Sunny~" Noting Qin Tian's impatience, Robin playfully spat out her little tongue.

Qin Tian controlled Robin's left hand and pressed down on her cheek with her finger. 'Seriously, since your training begins, it won't be easy for you also. Try making an ice cube first.'

"Yes, teacher!" Little Robin nodded and moved her right hand in a semicircle. Before she casually says, "Hmm, Ice cube...?"

"Wow~ It's so cold!"

Ice! A piece of ice appeared on Robin's rosy hand.

Just a few more pieces on top of each other and the ice cube that Qin Tian had requested would form!

"Huh? I really made ice! It's cold, and it's so much fun! Ah! That hurts ~" Once Little Robin held the icy lump in her hand for a while, she felt a slap hit her little butt and frowned with a sad expression on her face.

No matter how powerful the ability is, it depends on the user's continuous development and uses to become stronger, just like the devil fruits in this world, in a more precise sense, there are no trash devil fruits, only trash users.

In fact, it's very difficult to use a certain ability perfectly.

There were plenty of people who have the potential to get whatever Devil Fruit they wanted from their own channels, but in the end, it was rare for these people to stand on the top as great pirates, powerful navy officers, or even peerless bounty hunters.

Even Luffy, who has the protagonist's aura, trained on the rubber fruit when he was young and often hurt himself by accidentally making panda eyes to himself.

If Robin is unable to use the demon's extract's teigu after three months, then in the face of the Navy and Buster Call she will not only be able to save her mother and the archaeologists, but it will also be difficult to guarantee her life!

If that happened, of course, it would be difficult for Qin Tian to complete his teaching mission, and rebuilding his body would be out of reach, and this would never serve his purposes, and even threaten his existence!

For Robin to devote herself to training more seriously, Qin Tian had to be even tougher.

'Little Robin, listen, your task today is to successfully create a decent ice cube! Otherwise, I will hit you as punishment!' Qin Tian spoke in a stern tone, showing the side of the stick and hiding the carrot...

"Uh? But it hurts~" Little Robin complained while holding her little butt.

'Of course, it would hurt. This way you have to train hard to avoid getting punished.' Qin Tian said seriously.

"Mmm? Then I will train hard…" The little girl was frightened and in pain and she didn't dare to not obey.

"Ice Cube!" She waved her little hand again and another piece of ice appeared...

Although it's better off than an ice petal before, it's still way off the mark.

Although Qin Tian was speechless, he still understood that the current Robin was only 8 years old, of course, she couldn't become strong right away.

Then, time passed. Second by second. Minute after minute.

1 hour!

2 hours!

3 hours!

Seeing that the ice blocks in front of him had accumulated on a small hill, Qin Tian could not stand his curiosity and asked, 'Aren't you tired?'

The Devil Fruit's ability is known to consume stamina in training and battles.

As for teigu, it consumes not only the physical ability but also mental power! Harder than consuming a devil fruit.

According to Qin Tian's original guess, with Robin's little body, it would be great if she was able to train for 1 hour.

But it's been 3 hours and Robin hasn't shown any signs of exhaustion yet, and even her little face is only slightly red.

"I'm not tired, I think it's fun." Little Robin said, but then she frowned and wondered. "Yeah, why am I just a little tired?"

Seeing Robin's reaction, Qin Tian realized that something was wrong here.

(Could it be due to the Demon God Manifestation-Demon's Extract?)

('System, why does Robin's physical and mental power far exceed those of ordinary children?') Qin Tian asked the System.

[Host, please make sure that the Demon God Manifestation-Demon's Extract is the lifeblood of a super-class danger beast that lived in the northern parts of the Empire in the Akame Ga Kill world, and not the Teigu manufactured by the Empire. That teigu can be considered the lowest rank product from the teaching resource provided by the system. It has very powerful cold energy and unlimited potential, so even though Robin is only a child now, her physical and mental power can be compared to a Danger Beast child already. As she grows, her physical and mental power as a first-class danger beast will grow and increase exponentially.]

Qin Tian: ('...')