Lukewarm teacher

Robin was agile and easy to teach, which made Qin Tian very happy.

Practicing the ability to freeze is the same as practicing martial arts in the fantasy world, only with constant training can there be fruitful results.

Robin made this ice block, which was close to the shape of a perfect ice cube. It originally took hundreds of attempts of practice to do it, but Robin pulled the trick pretty quickly.

This is where Robin has an advantage over the others.

Qin Tian did not hold Robin and let her ponder.

10 minutes later, Little Robin opened her eyes, "Teacher Sunny, I'll definitely be able to put in a better performance this time."

'Okay, good, I know you can do it... Let's start.' Qin Tian encouraged her after feeling Robin's confident mood.

Cold energy began to form on all 300 hands into ice cubes at the same time, and soon an ice block appeared in each palm.

Although no perfect ice cube appeared this time, the number of ice blocks which close to the cube's shape doubled to 12!

"Hmm… I couldn't make an ice cube that meets the teacher's requirements~" Looking at the asymmetric icicles in her hands, Little Robin was frustrated.

'Never mind Robin, you've made a lot of progress. Repeat it again, I think you will succeed soon.'

Qin Tian's current identity is a possession teacher, responsible for educating his host and raising her to the highest possible heights.

Time passes slowly again...

1 hour...

2 hours...

3 hours...

All this time, Qin Tian saw Little Robin's strong will.

Although Robin can now be compared to a first-class danger beast in its childhood, her mental and physical strengths are not unlimited.

After 3 hours of continuous training with 300 arms at the same time, even a teenage danger beast would feel exhausted.

Robin's ability depends entirely on perseverance and willpower... Her desire to save her mother cannot be underestimated.

With this kind of unparalleled will and faith, he had surpassed many adults!

(No wonder the 8-year-old Robin in the original story managed to escape and survive the frantic pursuit of the World Government and bounty hunters. How could someone with such a spirit die in the background?) Qin Tian praised Robin inwardly.

"Ha-hu~ Ha-hu~ Huff~..."

Her little face was dripping with sweat, and she was breathing hard. Among the 300 palms, there were approximately 200 ice blocks that were very close to cubes shape.

Few of them actually have prototypes of a cube, which can be considered near-perfect.

To make an ice cube, a prototype is a necessary step.

(Based on this progress, it looks like it won't be long before Robin can make the perfect ice cube.)

('System, can you find out how good Robin is at making ice cubes?')

[Yes, host.]

('Damn! Why didn't you say it earlier... Quick tell me how good Robin is at making ice cubes!')

[Ding! Your disciple, Nico Robin, has an ice-making proficiency of: 10.13%]

('Only 10.13%?!') Hearing the percentage of this progress, Qin Tian was surprised.

He originally thought that making ice cubes shouldn't be too difficult, so he asked Robin to make a perfect ice cube within a day.

At that time, he didn't know that Robin have the physical and mental ability of a first-class danger beast to keep support the consumation of 300 arms at the same time.

(Thinking about it now, the teaching requirements I set for Robin at that time were a bit unrealistic~)

It's like a teacher ordering an elementary school student to do home lessons for high school students.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian's ghostly face blushed, (Cough! Cough!... I'm a lukewarm teacher~)

(Albert Einstein appears to be right: "Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work…")

But Qin Tian also secretly rejoiced at Robin's physique change thanks to {the Demon God Manifestation-Demon's Extract}, or else, she might only mastered making an ice cube when the fleet of warships arrived with Buster Call to bombard the island.

Qin Tian controlled Robin's left hand and nullified the Flower-Flower Fruit's ability, then grabbed Robin's right hand.


The 150 arms of the right hand were constantly scattered like petals of pink flowers. Little Robin sat on the dirty ground dead from exhaustion, Qin Tian gripping the back of her hand to wipe her little forehead from sweat.

"Teacher Sunny, I can go on…"

'No, we'll stop here for now. It's Dinner time. We'll continue training after you eat." Qin Tian saw Robin's physical condition from the system. And as expected the consumption is very excessive.

Although {the Demon God Manifestation-Demon's Extract} has provided Robin with a special physique, the body's energy still needs food to replenish.

Whatever a person's physical strength was, if they were starved to reach their limit, they would fall dead.

Hearing this from her teacher, Little Robin said stubbornly, "But I still want to train a few more hours."

At this moment Qin Tian used his unrivaled majesty as the teacher, 'You should listen to the teacher.'

"Oh~" Little Robin nodded like chickens pecking at rice.


When Robin returned to her maternal uncle's house, the sky was almost dark, with only leftovers left on the table.

Ther are just cold leftovers, and also even the vegetables weren't left on the plate.

At this moment, Robin's maternal uncle, Nico Oran, walked out. When he saw Robin's filthy appearance, he frowned slightly and said indifferently, "Where have you been all day until you come back this late?"

"Go to the dining table, there's still some soup on it. Put some rice in the soup later. Only half a bowl will do, and you'll have to leave the rest of the rice for me and your aunt and your sister in order to prepare the seafood with rice tomorrow morning."

After that, Nico Oran turned around back upstairs, but before that, he didn't forget to remind Robin of her responsibility, "After eating, clean the table, wash the dishes, clean the floor, and clean your sister's shoes. Don't be lazy, understands?!"

After he spoke, he went upstairs without paying attention to her.