I want to take you away!

Although Little Robin's body was small, after merging with the Demon Extract her physical strength became so strong, but this, in turn, led to a huge change in the quantity of food needed compared to the past.

Soon, delicious dishes were brought to the table.

'I'll taste what I made first, and see if cooking with your body limits my true potential~'

Qin Tian picked up the knife and fork and cut the seasoned egg yolk and placed it in Robin's mouth.

The body belongs to Robin, but Qin Tian can experience the feeling of eating, after all, it now occupies half of her body. (Author note: He can also sense all Robin is feeling and doing in this state.)

'Hmmm... Not bad.' I have already displayed some of my countless points of distinction.'

Qin Tian tried to save face a bit, in fact, he did everything he could to cook what was prepared, but he just wanted to make Little Robin feel admiration for him even more, so he said *some from his countless points of distinction* ...

As soon as she started eating, and enjoyment expression appeared on Little Robin's face, this was the most delicious food she had eaten in her whole life!

"Umm~ The egg-fried oyster you made is so delicious, Teacher Sunny!"

"This is the first time I've eaten such a delicious meal~ I grew up eating only leftovers… No wonder my maternal uncle and aunt weren't willing to give me even a small piece when they were eating this~"

Robin remembered that on New Year's Eve, maternal her uncle brought back some fresh oysters from the neighboring trading island. And he wasn't willing to eat it on the same day so he divided it into several portions, so it turned out to be very tasty.

When Robin said this, Qin Tian was not happy, 'Treasure oysters are really delicious, but it won't be delicious in anyone's hands, the key is that I made them delicious, do you understand?!' Saying that, Qin Tian pressed onto Robin's right cheek.

Robin didn't notice Qin Tian's displeasure, so she spat out her little tongue and said with a cute expression, "Teacher Sunny is so cool, I'll eat your dishes in the future!"

Qin Tian smiled in response, 'Eat before it gets cold. After eating we will continue to practice making ice cubes.'

Then Qin Tian grabbed the eating fork with Robin's left hand and Robin grabbed the other fork with her right hand, thus doubling the eating efficiency.

Before she knew it, a table full of delicious dishes devoured into her little stomach.

Little Robin patted her slightly swollen belly and frowned, "Teacher Sunny, I'm still hungry~"

Qin Tian was shocked, did he hear that well? Is she still hungry?

Mom... No, grandma! You have eaten seven dishes and five bowls of rice!

Even he, who was considered an expert among food lovers in his previous life couldn't eat that much.

Qin Tian was puzzled, how could she devour all that food with that little stomach in the first place?... And yet she's still hungry?

('System, what's the matter?') Qin Tian couldn't help but ask the system, he had a hypothesis as to why that was, but he just wanted to confirm it.

[Host, your disciple Nico Robin can be compared to a danger beast in its childhood. Eating can quickly restore her mental and physical strength. The food that enters her body can be quickly converted into energy and stored, so there is no need to worry that her stomach will explode from satiety.] The system is explained succinctly.

(Huh! As I expected! It turns out that she has become like a danger beast even on a genetic level, which affects her nutritional representation! But if this happens...)

('But, System... Will this in turn affect her digestive system? Will she defecates a lot...?)

[...] The system was silent for a while and then replied, [Host, you are so disgusting.]

"..." Qin Tian was defeated by the ruthless system's response, but quickly regained his composure and resolutely asked the question… He really wanted to know. This was of course important. As a teacher. How could he not worry about the comfort of his disciples?

'No, I'm serious, answer my question quickly.' Qin Tian said indifferently to what the system thought.

He considered that if Robin had to go defecate after every meal, it would be a waste of precious training time... And Little Robin couldn't stand such annoying shit all day long.

The point is, he now resides in Robin's body!

If she has to defecate a lot... Qin Tian will have to defecate a lot as well.

Whatever happens to Robin will be affected by it.

As an otaku and a very outspoken man of culture, he'd gladly accept that... But in this case, no, and a thousand not~

The system still answered Qin Tian's stupid question.

[No, Danger Beasts have extremely strong digestion ability and consume close to 100% of energy. Therefore, the timing of your disciple's droppings remains the same as usual.]

After saying that, the system no longer bothered to talk to Qin Tian...

'Okay, that's good, that's good~' Qin Tian was relieved, otherwise he would have to contribute to making the shit 3 times a day in large quantities.

Now, after there was no worry, Qin Tian take away all the ingredients in the kitchen and cooked everything into various delicious dishes.

Robin devoured one bowl of rice after another~

And grilled meat dish after another~

And one fish soup bowl after another~

After eating for over an hour, Robin swept all the delicacies clean


Robin burped patting her swollen belly, "Finally I feel a little full~ Teacher Sunny, the food you've cooked is so delicious, it's hundreds of times better than Aunt Roji!"

Qin Tian smiled happily when he heard the little loli praising him.

"Oh, that's bad!" Suddenly, Robin stood up and screamed in fear, "We ate all the food in the home!"

'You can eat as much as you want~ Isn't the food existing to be eaten in the first place?' Qin Tia' said with a soft smile.

But this is food for a whole week that my maternal uncle and aunt bought yesterday. I ate everything without their permission. This is theft. Professor Clover told me that stealing is a mistake..." Little Robin's hands were intertwined, her head down, so shy as if she had committed really a big crime.

(Professor Clover seems to be pretty good, as he taught Robin the right values.)

(It's just, right values ​​always hold back only good people, but they won't be effective on the bad people.)

For example, Nico Oran makes Robin work in his home for free every day without paying any berry as owed wages.

Qin Tian didn't want Robin to think Professor Clover was wrong, and also he didn't want Robin to think she made a mistake, so he hurriedly said, "Robin, you didn't steal anything because you paid too much in return ."

"When did I pay?!" Her little face was filled with doubts.

'Yes, you've paid your maternal uncle, don't forget your work for them for several years. According to the market price, even if you ate a year's worth of his food he would still owe you a huge debt! So don't worry.' While saying that, Qin Tian gently patted her head using Robin's left hand.

Robin thought carefully and then she nodded.

But suddenly, she remembered something and began to sweat profusely in panic, as she scream nervously, "When my aunt sees this tomorrow... She will surely kill me!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian smiled and said, 'It's okay. After this meal we will go away from here, I have decided to get you out of here and never interact with your maternal uncle and aunt again.'

"W-what?" Robin shrieked in surprise in response.

'What is the matter? Don't you want that?' Qin Tian felt he was a bit domineering when he heard Robin's scream, that was because he decided without asking her opinion on the matter.

"No! I want that!" Tears of happiness fell from her big eyes, as Robin didn't want to stay in this home for long.

Here, she feels no warmth.

In the past, she would not have had the means to live if she left this home.

But now, she met Qin Tian. Although she had only coexisted with him for a short time, the warmth she felt from Qin Tian far exceeded what she had received from her maternal uncle's family for so many years… Which if converted into numbers would be equal to 0.

Nico Robin is still very young, she doesn't know much, but she understands her heart, and she feels so happy from Qin Tian's tenderness.

If she can stay with Qin Tian, ​​what if she leaves this place? What if there is no food?

Wherever Sunny is, she will never feel the icy cold again.