Robin's exclusive way to travel

"Teacher Sunny, how long did I take to across the lake this time?" Robin asked happily when she set foot on the beach.

'Well, you can actually trot with icy steps on the water, this time you only took 16 minutes and 32 seconds.' Qin Tian was very happy with Robin's progress.

What surprised him most was that Robin had never fallen into the water after a month of practicing the icy steps on water.

Furthermore, except for the turbulence and tension the first few times she practiced her icy steps, she became more stable and quick to cross the lake after every time has done that!

'Robin, you've worked really hard. I thought you would fall into the water many times, but I didn't expect you not to fall at least once. You really surprised me.' Qin Tian praised her without hesitation, she was deserving of that much praise at least.

"Teacher Sunny, I said I don't want you to die, so I will never fall into the water." She said that line while looking at Qin Tian's reflection in the water, she sat down to approach his water-reflected face and touched it with her little finger, her sudden movement caused small turbulence in the water and said in a cute comically move: " I will never allow my teacher to die~!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Tian was slightly shocked and felt a warm emotion in his heart.

Little Robin~ You are ready to turn your heart into my shining moon, then my shining moon is also ready to surround you with its light and show you a direction for the future!

(Translator's comment: The MC here means since Robin wants to protect him from death, he will in turn protect her from all harm.)

Qin Tian checked Robin's freezing ability which now reached 73.82%.

Although there is still some distance to reach 100%, this mastery is quite enough for the time being.

After all, perhaps even Admiral Aokiji hadn't achieved 100% in his control of the ice ability. (Aokiji in the future events).

Because of this, Qin Tian finally made up his mind.

It's time to bring out his little disciple to experience the sea.

Seedlings that are irreplaceable for wind and rain can never grow into towering trees after all.

Robin didn't leave to her journey from the main port of Ohara, but chose a deserted beach that people don't choose to go to for several reasons, including the difficulty of reaching it cause being in the back mountains of the island.

Little Robin ran on the sea with great ease, every time her little foot fell on the seawater a solid ice surface appeared giving her a proper foothold.

If someone watched the sea from above, he would see the amazing sight of a little girl seems like a little fairy, the icy lotus flowers bloomed under her feet at every step she took on the sea.

'Okay, stop here, Robin.'

After running for about half an hour, Qin Tian was sure that people on the Ohara beaches can no longer see Robin, so he said, 'Make two 100-meter-long balanced ice surfaces in straight lines.'

"Okay, Teacher Sunny." Robin obediently nodded, her blue eyes fell on the sea in front of her, cold air came out of her feet and froze two 100-meter-long icy surfaces, no more and no less.

If Robin wants to, she can makes 6 or 7 icy surfaces of the same size and shape.


This was the result of sportif control training, controlling dozens of ice hockey balls at the same time.

The current Robin can control more than 80 ice hockey balls at the same time to move them in all directions and achieve multiple tasks.

Demon God Manifestation - Demon's Extract is much more powerful than the Ice-Ice Fruit.

The big difference between the two abilities is that by using the Demon's Extract, a target can be frozen without even touching it.

Unlike Aokiji who has to use his hand on the sea every time to freeze it.

(Translator's comment: Maybe yes, or maybe not... Only Aokiji really knows the depth of his icy ability.)

Although Aokiji may only be pretending to use touch to freeze, it still isn't as practical as Demon's Extract.

'Make the shoes I last taught you how to make.' Qin Tian said softly.

Robin focused her imagination on one idea and used up her mental and physical strength at the same time.

Her pure white feet were gradually wrapped with ice, gradually forming an ice skating shoe.

This is how Qin Tian especially thought for Robin in order to travel.

Aokiji travels through the sea by bicycle on an icy road.

Qin Tian wanted to turn Robin into an Ice Queen in the future, so of course, he wouldn't let her lose to Admiral Aokiji in anything related to playing ice.

So Qin Tian copied the idea of ​​skates from his previous life.

In addition to being pleasing to the eye, it is extremely fast. Whether it's consumption or practicality, it's much better than Aokiji.

'Ready? Then, let's begin!'

As soon as Qin Tian's voice fell, Little Robin started slipping on the ice much faster than a professional hockey player.

Her dash on the ice was very fast, in an instant she reached the end of the 100-meter road she had made.

When there was no icy path left to slide on, and she was about to burst into the sea... Another 100-meter-long ice road appeared.

Qin Tian did not want his disciple to move like a one-way sea train. 100 meters is the ideal limit for ease of movement in the sea and turning in any direction for Robin... So that even if she enters a sea battle she will be superior to her enemies in maneuverability.

Qin Tian had thought of everything meticulously.

"Teacher Sunny, you are a genius! Icy skates are so much fun~" As a little girl, she loved to play, of course, ice skating was a fun game in itself.

Robin has been surfing the sea for more than two hours without even seeing the shadow of a ship.

Just when Qin Tian was about to let Robin back, a cloud of smoke appeared at sea level in the distance!