The First Kill!


Qin Tian has understand from the voices of conflict between two people which he and Robin had heard a while ago that this merchant ship had been ransacked by the mafia, and they might have left some loot here and went back to look for it.

'Robin, let's hide first!' Qin Tian asked Robin to hide behind a certain big box.

Several members of the mafia quickly climbed onto the merchant ship using the rope ladder. There were 3 people in total.

One of them was a bald man have a gun on his waist. He was obviously a junior boss, and he must have been Philips.

The other two beside him must be the mafia's members also, and one of them is the one who lost the treasure box.

After they'd boarded the merchant ship, one of the men beside him searched everywhere on the deck with a frenzied expression. He'd searched the safes and boxes, and even went down to the sinking cellar... After some time, suddenly, he exclaimed excitedly: "I'd found it! I'd found it! Brother Philips, I'll not die.!"

The bald man went to open the box and took a look, after which he slapped the man on his neck and said coldly, "You damn lucky…"

Then, when the three were about to pick up the box and leave.

Someone grabbed the bald man's leg and groaned for help, "Help me... Help me... Please..."

"Damned ants! Your gut is already outside your body. You're already dead, get off!" Saying that, the bald man kicked his arm away.

The dying man did not give up and continued, "Please… Save my daughter…"

"Your daughter?"

Hearing that, the bald man had becomes more interested. "Who is your daughter? There were so many untamed women on this ship, for the little girls, there are 3 of them at the very least, who is your daughter among them?"

The severed man was already taking his last breath, but he managed to muster his last breath to definite his daughter to those men who he was not yet aware of their true identity.

"It's the little girl... With a double ponytail... Cough!"

"Haha! She's that beautiful little girl?! Ah! Ah! Tsk! What a pitiful dad, since you are dying I'll tell you, as soon as we took control of this ship, your little daughter has been taken by our Brother Tiger. Since I know his personality, your little daughter will be eating the grass under his body right now! Hahahaha!" The bald man laughed out loud.

"Ah! Ahhh... Cough! Monsters, she...she's still a child... Monsters! I'm going to kill you!" Without knowing where the strength came from, the dying man grabbed the bald man's leg and bit it hard.

Robin hiding behind the big box was so frightened that her arms were trembling. Faced with such a tragic situation, she was completely at a loss as to what to do.

'Robin, what would you do if you saw one of your parents suffer such a tragic fate?' Qin Tian asked as he watched all this with Robin's eyes.

("Teacher Sunny, I'll save my mother even if I do my best.")

Robin's father died long ago before she could even realize his existence, so Robin only had her mother, although her mother also didn't stay with her for long either.

'This person, like your mother, only wants to protect his daughter. Do you think such a person deserves to die?' Qin Tian continued his questions.

("No! He shouldn't die! Damn those wicked ones!") Little Robin clenched her two little fists and cried inwardly bitterly. (She was talking inwardly to Qin Tian)

'Then are you going to kill these bad guys and save this poor man?' Qin Tian continued to question. He wanted Robin to quickly open her eyes to the harsh reality and learn the right way to deal with it.

As soon as she heard those words, Little Robin's eyes showed a complex look, of hatred, fear, and hesitation.

("Teacher Sunny, but I don't dare kill...") Robin said, frustrated and frightened.

Qin Tian knew she was going to say it, this wasn't Robin's fault, after all, it would be strange if only an 8-year-old girl accepted the idea of ​​killing so easily.

'Your teacher also doesn't dare to kill. but I want to save this person. Do you want to save him?' Qin Tian lied without blinking, of course, he would dare to kill these scum if he had the strength, but he had to go along with Robin until he got to that point.

("I want that! Teacher Sunny, I'll listen to you. Tell me what I need to do!") Little Robin said with a sad expression.

'Okay, since we want to save this person, we should kill the bad guy! Robin, remember that, killing is not a terrible thing in itself if we kill people who deserve to die. The really terrible thing is to let the evil guys continue to do evil and kill the innocent."

Qin Tian paused for a while, then ordered in a stern tone, 'Make a sharp ice spear.'

Her little white hand trembled slightly, but she eventually made an ice spear according to her teacher's orders.

Before that, Robin could easily condense a straight and smooth ice spear, but the ice spear she had condensed a moment ago actually seemed to be crooked and blunt.

Qin Tian could see that the little girl's heart was still very frightened.

'Next, aim for the bald man's belly.' The reason he chose the belly of the bald man as a target was the high incidence of injury due to its larger area than the rest of the body.

"I'll aim at him... Well, done..." Robin said nervously, her right arm trembling, and the icy spear trembling with it.

Then Qin Tian ordered again, 'Good, control the ice spear with your mental power and shoot up!'


'Huh?' What are you waiting for? Throw the spear!' After waiting for a while, Robin didn't do what her teacher told her, so Qin Tian spoke again.

"Oh… Oh, I'll throw it soon… I'll be able to shoot up soon…" Her hand holding the icy spear trembled more and more. the little girl's heart was fighting hard. this was the most difficult situation she had faced in her short life so far.

But at this moment the bald man, Philips, was bitten on the ankle by the poor father.

Philips grunted in pain, drew his revolver, and pointed it at the poor man's head.

'Quickly! If you don't shoot up, the kind man will die! You can save him, don't let him die because of your cowardice!' Seeing this scene, Qin Tian knew that his chance to knock the last nail into the coffin had arrived.

Robin naturally saw what Qin Tian saw.

She knew that she couldn't hesitate anymore, or else she would watch the kind man die helplessly.

"You villain! Go to hell--!" Relying on screaming to encourage herself and remove her frustrations, Robin finally shoot the icy spear.


The ice spear pierced the air very quickly and in less than a second it pierced the belly of the bald man who was preparing to blow the poor person who had bitten his ankle.



"W-what…!!" The mafia men who were next to Philips when he was hit by the ice spear cried out, let the treasure box fall, and ran away from Philips side so they wouldn't suffer another sudden attack.

Seeing this sight, Little Robin crouched on the ground and covered her eyes while sighing pitifully... She looked really pathetic, even Qin Tian felt guilty about her.

"Who did this!!"

"Ah! Brother Philips!"


Seeing the ice spear impaling their older brother, the mafia men were frightened to death. They didn't think it was just a little girl who did that. All they knew was that a Devil Fruit user was the one who did that... That was enough for them to realize the danger and run away, they didn't dare to see who did or not, so they left their partner behind and jumped into the sea.

At this moment, the bald man crouched on the ship floor, clutching his belly, which was bleeding. He looked at his intestines which were almost gushing out from the wound with a disbelieving expression, then looked at the little girl who was on her knees and covering her eyes.

"Very good, you did it well, little girl! Then let's go to hell together... Cough!"

The bald man slowly pointed the pistol at Robin.

'Robin! Robin! The bad guy is not dead yet, he is going to kill you now!' Qin Tian shouted to remind her, he was a little panicked.

But Robin was completely overwhelmed by the panic caused by her first killing, she was completely confused.

"Die, you little bitch!"

Philips's face was as pale as a dead man, but he managed to point the barrel of the pistol in Robin's direction.

'Well, Robin, you've done enough already, leave everything to me, for now, ~' Qin Tian sighed and took the initiative to take control of half of Robin's body. Then, with the movement of a finger, an arm suddenly grew on Philips's arm holding the pistol.

Qin Tian redirected the pistol toward the bald man's head, then,…


This was Qin Tian's first kill.

And also Little Robin's first kill.

Although the first kill experience wasn't fun, Robin crossed the first hurdle, and that was the most important for Qin Tian.

After the first time, there will be no hesitation later.