30 Days!


After using her ability to freeze space-time, Robin's energy consumption is very high, but she still has enough physical and mental strength to maintain her normal battle for a while.

At the request of Qin Tian, Robin put on Vandi a pair of frozen handcuffs and shackles, and then froze the three boats in the area.

To replenish her strength, Robin found some dry food in the cabin and continued to search for other Mafia ships. Qin Tian also wanted Robin to rest, but there was no time to wait. Robin had to take advantage of the cooling time of her freezing space-time ability to train Ice Cavalry ability.

The next day, Robin was still struggling to break through the surface skin of Vandi. On the third day of the fight, Robin surprised Vandi by targeting his neck this time and succeeded in causing some injury, but it was not fatal. On the fourth and fifth days, the fight continued.

After 30 days of fighting, Vandi looked at Robin and smiled, "Grandma, don't forget what you said. Today is the last time. If you still can't kill me, you must let me go."

For the past 30 days, Vandi fought Robin once a day and the constant danger of death greatly increased his sense of danger. For this last fight, Vandi was full of confidence.

According to Qin Tian's request, Robin deliberately angered Vandi with words to bring out his best fighting state.

"Without further ado, this time I will come up with my newly developed ability! Granny, No, aunt, you can't kill me!" Vandi said as he summoned two huge blades and shouted, "One thousand and two hundred killing winds!"

Like a swordsman with two swords, Vandi's figure became almost indistinguishable to the naked eye as he continuously cut with his double-edged blades, forming a killing wind similar to a tornado.

Qin Tian watched the scene but felt a bit of annoyance, similar to Robin's disappointment.

During these thirty days, Vandi had made progress, but Robin's progress was even more rapid.

Qin Tian asked her to use the speed of the ice skates in the battle. The ice skates in the eyes of ordinary people can only glide on the horizontal plane, but Robin was different. Wherever she slid, the ice surface would follow, even in the air.

For example, now, in the face of the killing wind from the raid, Robin instinctively moved sideways, the ice skates slipped into the air, and the two parallel ice surfaces under her feet were like two arch bridges that also followed into the air.

"Damn, in the past twenty days, you have used this method to dodge every day. Don't think I can't see you. This is the way you deliberately practiced in combat. But no matter how powerful your dodge is, you'll eventually launch the teleportation on me? I will never let you do it!" Vandi said, his battle IQ was not low, he knew that the most important thing was to prevent Robin from freezing space-time.

Of course, he didn't know it was freezing space-time at all, only thought it was the transient effect caused by the instantaneous acceleration of Robin's attack.

Robin smiled and said nothing, her figures were continuously skating in the air, and rows of parallel ice surfaces were brought out by Robin, just like the ribbons of dancers flying, crisscrossing, beautiful and smart.

Robin was not far from Vandi, but very close, flickering under Vandi's blade while looking for a suitable opportunity to strike.

At a certain moment, the ice sword met a mantis blade. When the sound of the collision stopped the killing wind, Robin's agile body turned forward, and the ice skating under her feet unexpectedly split Vandi's face.

"What! Your shoes can also be used as weapons!" Vandi exclaimed, taking a few steps back quickly.

"Of course, this is a backup plan that my teacher asked me to prepare. Since today is the last day, I need to practice with you with all I have. Well, I will use that trick next, are you ready to die?"

In order to give Robin enough power to fight Sakazuki and Kuzan, Qin Tian thought of many ways including using the ice knife as a weapon to shoot cold arrows, and even an advanced trick to deal with the Logia user.

"Big Sister, don't talk about dying or not, as long as you keep your promise! As long as I don't die, you let me go!" Vandi said, as he turned his blade and cut Robin's back at an extremely tricky angle.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis of life and death and subconsciously stopped the attack to prepare for full defense.

Vandi only felt his brain go blank for a short time, and he used his instinctive muscle memory to cut forward to Hungary.

Sure enough, that's the trick again!

Robin's Ice Sword was blocked by Vandi, and Vandi laughed: "Grandma, I blocked it again! You promised me, I can go!"

"Well, you can go~" Robin shrugged her shoulders and then said lightly: "If someone with a broken heart can still survive~"

Heart rupture? After hearing this, Vandi frowned and suddenly saw red blood dripping from the blade of the ice sword.



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