Ice Release · Ice Clone!


The Kingdom of Ohara was officially established.

According to Qin Tian's ideas, Robin distributed a large number of Taiji swordsmanship samples.

Qin Tian appointed Saul as the martial arts instructor.

The reason is simple: Saul is strong and learned martial arts quickly, both prerequisites for being an instructor.

Saul's height also allowed for better visibility of his actions in battles.

Additionally, Saul's Taiji swordsmanship practice improved his own strength.

He went from relying on brute force to incorporating Taiji techniques, making it harder for opponents to resist his tricks.

Saul is very interested in martial arts and its benefits are becoming more apparent in Ohara, where the craze for martial arts is intensifying day after day.


The top floor of the Tree of Omniscience is Robin's private "Royal Palace".

Qin Tian received a newspaper from a seagull and couldn't help but screamed, "Little Robin, you're worth 300 million Berry now. I could make a fortune if I sold you!"

Robin replied with a smile, "I don't believe it. Teacher Sunny wouldn't sell me."

Qin Tian turned to the next bounty order and saw he was worth 500 million.

Little Robin jumped and laughed, "Hahaha!! I will sell Teacher Sunny for 500 million!"

Qin Tian asked, "Oh? Then are you willing to sell me?"

Little Robin hugged Qin Tian's arm and said, "Of course not! I wouldn't sell my teacher."

Robin's face then became lonely when she remembered Qin Tian's departure soon.




The heavy bells resounded through Ohara at this moment.

Qin Tian requested the big clock, which was used only as an alarm.

The ringing of the big bell indicates that the pirates or the navy are approaching.

"Robin, what's happening?" asked Qin Tian.

With a hand movement from Robin, many eyes appeared around the Tree of Omniscience and the sea around Ohara became visible.

"Teacher Sunny, the navy is here," said Robin.

Three warships were seen roaring on the sea.

"The damn navy won't give up. Robin, let's go to the sea. Don't let them fight here," said Qin Tian.

Qin Tian was mentally prepared for the navy's arrival and is determined to deter them and fight for Robin's long-term stability.

Robin jumped out of the Tree of Omniscience and saw Saul nearby.

She ordered, "Saul, please quickly gather everyone. Women and children should go to the bomb shelter!"

The bomb shelter is a tunnel in the mountain, proposed by Qin Tian using Global War II methods.

With the power of One Piece World shells, those in the bomb shelter need not worry about death.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I've got this. I will help organize and protect them," said Saul with a smile before organizing combat power.

Robin rode on her ice skates and rushed towards the warships on the sea, quickly closing the distance.

Soon, she was less than 100 meters away from the warships.

Kaka Kaka...

Robin instantly froze the sea, blocking the front of the warships.

In the cabin of the farthest warship, Sengoku saw Robin on the screen and noted the angle of the sun.

The sun was shining directly on Robin's face.

Sengoku picked up the den den mushi and ordered, "Borsalino, this is the opportunity!"

"Yes, Admiral," replied Borsalino.

Borsalino, hidden in the sun's rays as particles, received the order from Sengoku and thought, "Ama no Iwato!" (Rock Caves of Heavens)

The particles of light elements formed a fierce laser beam and blasted towards Robin, parallel to the sun's rays, making it almost impossible to detect.

Kaka! Kaka! Boom!...

Almost instantly, the laser beams penetrated Robin's body, leaving no time for her to react!

"Admiral! The plan worked!"

The beams went through Robin's body, and Borsalino landed on the ice. He quickly took out his den den mushi and reported the success.

But just then, a playful voice came from behind the future admiral, Kizaru: "It seems my teacher was correct, the navy is full of arrogant individuals. Tricked by such a simple trick."

Hearing the words, Borsalino's expression changed and he turned around abruptly. He saw Robin, unscathed, standing upright on the ice surface.

"What! Then..."

With a scream, Borsalino turned to face Robin who had seemingly been shot through.

However, Robin was nowhere to be seen, only an ice clone, filled with holes, remained.

This is a basic ninjutsu called from Ice Release Ninjutsu...

Ice Release · Ice Clone!



If this book ends the week with more than 1000 Power Stones, I will update 5 chapters per day!

(If you leave a comment or a Power Stone, I will be happy...)

(Don't forget, the chapter was short from the raw not because of me.)