Chapter 2

Lilo is 16 and the princess of Gardenia kingdom and she is a stubborn princess who wants things done her way.


She was sleeping soundly unaware of the knock on her door.

The door was opened and the uninvited guest came in tapping her to wake up.

Am up,she yelled wiping invisible drool at the side of her lip.

Why are you in my room mom,you couldn't even knock,she said.

I wouldn't have barged in if you had opened the door,The queen Alaya said.

I have for knocking for a very long time,she added.

Well you should try knocking harder,Lilo said.

That's how you greet your mom,Alaya said looking sad.

Dont give me that face now,Lilo said.

By the way Good morning mom,she added which made alaya smile.

Get ready and come for breakfast,Alaya said and left the room.

Lilo was tempted to sleep back but she restrained herself and went to take a shower.

In the dining room**

Good morning father,Lilo greeted with a bow.

Good morning,The king said.

Sit,he added and she sat down like an obedient child.

There were served their breakfast and the dining table was as silent as a grave yard.

While eating The Queen kept up bringing up small discussions so that the place won't be so silent,she was aware that if she didn't,The king wouldn't bother neither would Lilo.

Lilo,so how is your relationship with Zayn,The Queen said which made Lilo choke on her food.

Are you okay,Alaya said as she stared at her daughter while smiling.

Zayn,Are you kidding me right now,Lilo said.

You know he is a friend,she added.

A friend you knew since childhood,tell me you don't have even a little bit of feeling for him,Alaya said.

No,he is a friend,she said .

Seriously when are you going to get married,Alaya said teasing her child.

Mom please,she yelled and stood up.

Where are you going?,Alaya asked feeling guilty.

I just lost my appetite,Lilo said and left for her room.

This daughter of your,The king said and Alaya looked at her.

She has all your genes,Alaya said with a smile while made the King also smile a little.


Why don't you marry lilo,you're young and beautiful lilo,get yourself a husband lilo ughhhhh,she groaned.

Can't i rest in peace in this house again,Lilo said as she changed into a beautiful red high low dress and she left her room.

Are you going somewhere dear?,The Queen asked.

Yes,she said coldly and left nad her mother sighed.

She entered the car and the driver took her to another kingdom a little bit far from hers.

As she entered the castle,The queen of the kingdom welcomed her.

Princess lilo,how are you,She said with a smile.

Aunty jasmine i told you to drop the honorific,just call me lilo,Lilo said and started looking around and jasmine could already tell what/who she was looking for

Zayn is in his room,he will be happy to see you,Jasmine said with a smile.

He hates people surprising him,but that exclude me,Lilo said with a faint smirk which made jasmine smile.

I'll go up now,Lilo said.

Sure dear,Jasmine said as lilo was walking up the stairs.

Why won't that dumbheaded son of mine ask for her hand,she said still looking at her as she ascended the stairs.

They will make a pretty good couple,she added smiling widely as she left.


Lilo opened the door to zayn's room without knocking.

Where is he,she said as she entered and closed the door behind her.

Some minutes later he came out from the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around his waist and a smaller one used to wipe his hair.

Witnessing the sight in front of her,Lilo blushed hard and decided to leave the room before he see her.

As she stood up from the bed and went to the door,he removed the towel which was covering his face and looked at her as she was trying to make a clean escape.

Lilo,He said startling her.

Oh Hi,she said weirdly.

What are you doing here?,He asked opening his wardrobe.

Me?,i was just leaving,she said and turneed to the door.

Stay,he said.

I'll go to the bathroom,he said and left as he understood how embarassed she felt .

It wasn't like his body wasn't eye worthy,it was definitely,but she never saw him without a shirt before and it was really embarrasing for her.

He finished changing and came back and stared at her face which was no longer red and smiled.

So why the sudden visit,he said staring at her as she shifted uncomfortably on the bed which she was seated on.

I won't bite,by the way your the one who surprised me why do you looked more surprised than i am,he said with a smirk.

Am sorry,she said.

Are you?,he teased.

If you won't accept my apology for seeing you almost naked then that's your problem,i won't apologise again,she said as she regained her composure.

That's the princess i know,he said laughing at how rude she was a second ago.

So what's up,he said as he layed on the bed and she followed him too.

I needed to leave home urgently,Lilo said.

Why,you missed me?,he teased.

It's because of you i left my home so can you stop teasing me already,she yelled.

Because of me?,he asked.

Yes,mom won't let me be telling me to get a man in my life and..,she said and stopped.

Let me guess,she said something about both of us been married,he said smiling internally.

Shut up,she said.

But yh,she said that and i got angry and left and came here,she said.

Why come here,he said.

Are you trying to remind me that your my only friend,if so then it's not working,she said.