Chapter 5

Your highness,can i take the princess for a walk,Prince fred said and the king nodded.

My princess,Fred said as he brought out his hand for her to hold and she held it then he took her outside the castle as he tried to engage her in small talks.

How is the princess doing today,Fred asked.

She's doing good,Lilo said trying to force out a smile.

Oh my manners,i didn't introduce my self,he said.

Prince Fred of Helgovia,he said.

Nice to meet you prince fred,lilo said.

Nice meeting you too princess lilo,fred said.

So are you comfortable in the castle?,lilo asked.

Its really nice and beautiful,fred said.

Can i know more about the princess,fred said.

Well there is nothing much to say just that I am the first and only princess of gardenia and not ready for marriage,she said with a smile which made fred uncomfortable.

Okay,he said.

So what are the princess hobbies,he added.

Let's see: Arcade practice,Reading,Writing,that should be all,she said.

You don't do ball dance and all,he asked.

Am not your typical type of princess,Lilo said.

I don't mind you backing out now,she added with a smile.

The princess is very interesting,i would like to know you more,he said with a smile making her frown.

Seriously dude what kind of a girl tells you she like arcade practice and you call her interesting,she thought as she couldn't voice it out.

So weird,she thought.

There kept walking around chatting and chatting till it was night then he left the palace.

******In her room

Finally ,Lilo said pulling her shoe.

Am exhausted,she added.


Come in,she said.

Hey mom,she added.

How was the date?,Alaya asked.

It wasn't a date,we went on a stroll,Lilo said.

Okayy,so how was it?, she asked again.

It was okay,lilo said.

Come down for dinner,Alaya said.

No thank you,I'll have it here,Lilo said .

I would like to take my bath,Lilo said making her mom leave the she went to take her bath .

Minutes after she was done and dressed in her pyjamas there was a knock and the maid came in with the food and served her in her room.

She ate alone by chatting with zayn on her phone.

Hey you,She typed.

Hey,he replied.

What are you doing?,she asked.

Going to bed,he said.

Seriously,it's still early to go to sleep,she said.

That's for you,he said.

M pretty tired,he added.

Sleep tight,she said.

How about lunch tomorrow,he suggested.

With prince zayn,of course,she said with a smile.

I'll pick you up,he said.

No need for that,i meet you in the castle,she said.

Okay,see you tommorrow,he said and disconnected the call.

He slept with a long smile on his face just thinking about her.

*****In the morning

Mom am going to see a friend,Lilo said leaving the house.

Wait a minute,Alaya said stopping her.

Prince Ayden will be visiting today,Alaya added.

Prince who?,Lilo asked.

Ayden,she said.

He is coming so what?,she asked.

He is coming for you,Alaya said.

Why exactly?,Lilo said even after knowing the reason.

To meet you,Alaya said.

Mom,i don't have the time,you can reschedule,your the queen aren't you?,Lilo said.

Bye am leaving,Lilo added.

Stop,Alaya yelled finally gaining her attention.

What is your problem,can't you just do this one thing for me?,Alaya asked.

Excuse you,who was i doing a favour for yesterday,lilo yelled back.

Favour?,Alaya said.

You were doing yourself a favour,Fred is a young healthy and fine looking prince ,every woman will be rushing for that kind of a man,Alaya countered.

Why don't you rush over him then?,And by the way i am not every woman,Lilo said and stormed off.


Hey,lilo said.

Why are you watering,she added.

Don't you have a gardener,she added.

What are you doing here?,Zayn asked.

Weren't we having lunch together,Lilo said.

Well this is morning,and you can't keep doing this,he said.

Doing what?,she asked confused.

Shocking me with your presence,whenever you're coming at least inform me,he said.

My apologies your highness,Lilo said.

Have you eaten?,he asked out of the blue.

Um no,she said.

You've gone back to your old habit of not eating,he said.

come inside,he said holding her till they reached the dining table.

Sit,he ordered and she sat down.