Chapter 7

You won't take orders from me,why not go work for the king,she yelled.

I was ordered to serve the princess,He said.

Can you leave my room,she said.

I am next door ,if you need anything don't hesitate to call me,Ethan said and left.

I hate my life,lilo said as she slumped on her bed.

Weeks passed by with Ethan following lilo around,at first she wasn't fond of it and didn't really like it.

But within the span of 2 weeks,it was a little bearable for her.

Whatever occasion she went to,he followed her but always gave her space and she was happy about that.

Even when she visited zayn he tagged along,making zayn tease lilo which made her leave.

Weeks kept on running and running and now it has being 2 months since Ethan started following and assisting her and she was more comfortable with him now than during the first week he started his job.

*****At the palace

Lilo was in her room applying her facial mask when there was a knock.

She didn't answer at first but the person kept on knocking.

Come in,she said still facing the mirror.

Princess lilo,the queen reqiures your presence,Ethan said.

Where exactly?,she asked.

In her quarters,Ethan said.

Okay,you may leave,she said and he left.

Lilo wiped off the mask from her face and cleaned with with water before changing her cloth and going to the queen's quarter.

*****In the Queen's quarter.

My queen,Lilo said with a bow but she didn't answer.

Mom are you alright?,lilo asked you look weak.

Should i call for the doctor,she added.

No no,it's fine,how are you?,Alaya asked.

I fine but your not,lilo said matter of fact.

I am fine,it's just a headache,alaya said.

If it gets worse ,am calling the doctor,lilo said.

Fine do as you please,alaya said.

But why did you call for me?,lilo asked.

Your cousin will be here tommorow,alaya said making lilo frown.

Can you tell the maids to arrange his room and make preparations for his coming?,alaya asked.

Its this evening you found it appropriate to tell me,lilo said still frowning.

It didn't cross my mind,i completely forgot it,alaya said apologetically.

I'll go do as you say but don't expect me to be here when he arrives,lilo said and walked away.

That's the arrogant princess i know,alaya said with a chuckle.

******In lilo's room.

Why why why why?,she asked herself.

Not him why does he always have to be here and ruin my life,she thought while walking around the room.

But maybe he is changed and doesn't think that way again,she thought.

Well we would find that out,won't we?,she kept on talking to herself.

She went to sleep but sleep was way far frm her as she kept on tossing around the bed to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

She didn't have much sleep as morning came she got up did her morning rituals:bathing,brushing ,etc. before leaving the room and knocking on the door opposite hers.

knock knock*****

The door was opened from the inside as ethan was looking at lilo as he opened the door to his room.

How may i help the princess this morning?,he asked still observing her as she looked sleep deprived.

Can you assist me out of the palace?,she asked.

Where does the princess want to visit?,he questioned back

Anywhere away from the palace,she said.

What about the hills in the village,it would be a good place as it has a very nice view,he suggested.

Great,she said.

When would the princess like to go?,he asked.

Whenever you are ready,she said.

I am always ready,should we leave now?,he asked.

Sure,why not,she said.

They left the palace and went to a bar in the village and bought alcoholic drinks before heading to the hills.

when they arrived he sprayed a mat on the ground to enable her seat comfortably and she thanked him with a smile.

They were there for a long time drinking;well only lilo drank because ethan was going to be driving the car.

She kept on trying to engage him in small talks but he didn't seem interested in it but she was adamant and finally he responded to her the questions she asked with a hmm or a nod.