Chapter 12

She was bored of walking in one direction so she decided to walk outside,as she came out of her room she walked straight and opened the door of the room without knocking and what she saw shocked her.

As she opened the door,Ethan was in his room with a towel wrapped around his waist and a smaller towel as he looked like he just came out of the bathroom.

He looked like a freaking Greek God.

He was wiping his hair when he heard the door open then he dropped the towel down and looked at the door.

He was surprised to see her there,and she was surprised to see him without his mask and goodness he looked like he was created by God's own hands.

His body was perfectly toned,every woman's dream,she thought and her face turned red.

He too realized that he wasn't wearing his mask so he turned back so that his back was facing her which made her eye widen more as his back was no different.

She turned and left the room out of embarrasement,she started cursing inwardly.

Why did i go to his room?,geez,what would he think of me now,she thought.

I could've at least knocked,what got into me?,she kept on asking herself.

Then there was a knock on her door and she was scared thinking it was him on the door.

Come in,she said awkwardly.

She was at first happy that it wasn't him then she became ssdi thinking why he didn't come,she was still having the thoughts until the makeup artist spoke up.

Is the princess alright?,she asked.

Hmm,she nodded and led her inside as she sat down on the chair facing the mirror and let the artist do her work but her mind was in deep thoughts,little did she know she was having feelings for Ethan.

******In Ethans's room

After she left,he kept on asking himself questions.

Why was she here?,Did she want to tell me something?,should i go see her?,he kept on asking himself.

The most important question about her seeing him without his mask didn't cross his mind as he kept on thinking about her.

His mind was in a haze and he didn't know what to do or think as she was the only thing in his mind.

He layed on his bed thinking about what to do,either see her or let her be.

At this point,he already accepted he had feelings for her but couldn't tell her.

Each time he thought about her, he was always happy but the situation now was different as he was anxious.

The after noon passed and he didn't even get a glimpse of her.

Soon it was evening and he went downstairs to be of assistance in anywhere as he couldn't get her off his mind.

But he was dismissed by the queen who said not to do anything and rest till the party start and also that he didn't have to follow her during the party,and he could act as a visitor and enjoy the party.

He went back to his room and was walking around before he went to take a bath and got ready but he was nervous as the queen told him one thing.


When its time for the party,you have to bring princess lilo down ,The queen said with a smile and he nodded.

You can excort her if she is feeling uncomfortable inside,she added and he nodded.


He waited a little bit as the queen told him to bring her out by 7:30 as most of the guests would have being there.

And right now was 7:20,so he had 10 minutes to calm him self.

When it was 7:25 he left to the princess room and slowly knocked on the door before opening it.

She was sitting on the edge of the bed adorned in a beautiful red and white ball gown which covered her legs,she looked really beautiful especially after the makeup was applied on her face.

Though it wasn't heavily applied,it brought out a sharp feature in her face.

He was lost in thought and didn't know whether to compliment her or not,finally gathering up the courage he spoke up.

You look really beautiful,he said making her blush.

Thank you,she said and lowered her head.

You look pretty good too,she said even though she didn't put the way he looked into detail.

Could a suit really change someone's appearance,he looked like a prince waiting for his princess,he was really handsome even with his mask on,she just couldn't tell him that.

The queen said to excort you downstairs,he said.