Chapter 28

The wedding was just two days away and preparations were taking place as Ethan was away from the palace and Lilo was at peace as her plan was coming to place.

She called Zayn and he came to the palace to be with her.

Yo what's up princess,he said as he walked into her room and hugged her.

Hey,she said.

So how is the wedding preparation coming on,he asked half heartedly.

Well, I don't have a choice anymore so it's going fine now,she said.

So...where is Ethan,he asked hesitant.

Well he's away from the palace for work matters but hell be back before the wedding,she said.

And are you happy about it,Zayn asked but she didn't reply.

Since it your wedding you need to master the art if dancing, c'mon let me teach you,he said and she groaned. good,she said but he insisted and dragged her up.

Be serious at least,am trying to help you,he said and she stopped and stayed still.

It's not hard trust me,he said as he held her by her waist and put her arm around his shoulder.

He taught he slowly and she was getting the hang of it.

It's not really hard,what princess doesn't know how to do the waltz dance,he joked. I am,she said scornfully and pinched him on his shoulder.

Sorry,he said as she smiled and kept on dancing,she soon got tired and laid her head on his chest as he kept dancing,she thought it was natural but his hear kept speeding up.

Control Zayn...control,he said internally.

Lilo,he said quietly and she raised her head and looked up at him,he couldn't control himself anymore and went down for a kiss.

It was sudden and Lilo didn't expect it as he kissed her gently while she remained frozen and didn't move,he kept on kissing her,what surprised was that she didn't stop him.

They came to their senses when she heard an oddly familiar voice"you could've at least locked the door",Ethan said shocking Lilo as she pushed Zayn and ran to catch up with Ethan.

He entered his room and slammed the door,she opened it and entered the room locking the door.

Ethan listen to me...just listen okay,she said while trying to make him talk to her.

Lilo get out of here, Ethan said as he removed his mask and kept it on the table close to him.

Believe me I didn't do anything,it was sudden and...and I,she stammered but was interrupted by Ethan as he walked closer to her.

You what,you kissed the guy you call your best friend,then what am I to you,why the h*ll am I with you then,he asked furious.

Just let me explain,it's a misunderstanding really,she said.

Lilo get the h*ll out of my room,he said and said back"and I won't leave till I explain myself,it was a misunderstanding okay,she said at the verge of tears.

Misunderstanding,so I misunderstood what I saw,he said as he held her by her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Y..yes It was,she stammered at their sudden closeness.

So then explain,he said looking intently at her.

Well...he was teaching me the waltz dance and it just happened,he kissed me,I was so shocked I didn't realize anything till you walked in,she explained and he was quiet.

Am sorry okay,I messed up,I didn't mean to,she said.

Do you have feelings for him,Ethan asked finally reducing his voice.

No I don't,I don't like him,I only have for you okay,she said looking at him.

He leaned closer to her before capturing her lips,it wasn't the usual gentle kiss,this one was intense and hot,she responded by kissing him back until suddenly he stopped and looked at her.

So who kissed better me or him,he asked with a hint of jealousy making her smile as she kissed him back with the same fierceness as before,he pushed her gently on the bed and continued to kiss her.