Chapter 5

The Reform

During the meeting of the critics they agreed on not changing their strategy of spying, checking and controlling the five sculptors but they will also steal the keys of the room where the sculptors keep their sculpt.

When they came up with this thought of plan the critics became happy thinking that as they have reinforce their plan they are going to achieve their goal.

After they have close their meeting and everyone has departed to their houses a new comer who currently join the critics went to tell one of the sculptors that they have plan to steal their keys.

The sculptor whom the critic went to leak their secret called his colleagues and told them what their critics are planning about them.

So the five sculptors also plan to be conscious or vigilant in their house and workshop. They plan well how they will keep the keys of the room where they keep their lookalike sculpts.

Day one the wives of the sculptors cooked breakfast for their family and prepared one plate for their husband one plate for their husband's sculpt.

After the sculptors have finish eating their food they took the plate of the of breakfast to their sculpt in the room where they keep them and locked the door.

After the five sculptors returned from the place where they keep their lookalike sculpt to their workshop, their critics went to the houses of the sculptors to break their door and search for the keys of the room where they keep their sculpt but they couldn't find any key.

In the afternoon the wives of the sculptors cooked lunch for their family one plate for their husband one plate for their husband's sculpt.

When the sculptors have finish eating their lunch they went and gave their sculpt the second plate and make sure to lock the door of the room where they keep them.

Their critics went the second time to the house of the sculptors to search for the keys of the room where they keep their sculpt but they couldn't find a key.

In the evening the wives of the sculptors cooked supper for their family and prepare two plate one plate for their husband one plate for their husband's sculpt. After the sculptors have finish eating their supper they took the other plate to the sculpt in the room where they keep them and locked the door.

Around midnight the critics went and break into the house of the five sculptors to steal their keys but they couldn't get the keys.

Day two after the wives of the sculptors have finish cooking breakfast, lunch and supper for their family and prepared one plate for their husband one plate for their husband's sculpt.

After the sculptors have finish eating their food and serve their sculpts the same activities went on but their critics couldn't steal the keys the sculptors use for locking the door where they keep the sculpts.

Day three after the wives of the sculptors have finish cooking breakfast, lunch and supper for their family they prepared one plate for their husband one plate for their husband's sculpt. On the third day the same activities went on after the sculptors have finish eating their food and went to serve their sculpt making sure to lock the door.

Their critics went to search the house of the sculptors but they couldn't find any key. These exercise went on and on for so many years but the critics couldn't accomplish their goal so what they have to do is to have a meeting to plan for the next step.

During their meeting one member of the critics told them someone among them went to tell the sculptors their diabolic plan so what the critics did was to cast a spell.

When they cast the spell it signal them and ejected the informat among them. So they decided to sack the informat from their team.

After sacking him they decided to change villages to execute their new plan. So the critics from Obo went to live in the house of the critics from Atibie.

The critics from Atibie went to live in the house of the critics from Obo. The critics from Twenedruase went to live in the house of the critics from Mpraeso. The critics from Mpraeso went to live in the house of the critics from Twenedruase.

Now it's left for the critics from Obomeng to relocate to a different village for the plan they have suggested and Obomeng is the only last village left because they have already shared the four villages among them.

What the critics did was to divide members from Obomeng to go and join members living in Obo, Atibie, Twenedruase and Mpraeso leaving Obomeng village empty.

As Obomeng village is empty they didn't leave it empty, they reshuffled the members from the four villages and elected some of the people to go and live in Obomeng.

Day one the five wives of the sculptors cooked breakfast for their family and prepared one plate for their husband one plate for their husband's sculpt.

After the sculptors have finish consuming their breakfast they took the second plate to the room they open the door and gave the sculpt their food.

In the afternoon after the wives of the sculptors have finish cooking lunch for their family they prepared one plate for their husband one plate for their husband's sculpt.

After the sculptors have finish eating their lunch and they are taking the second plate to sculpts in the room where they keep them their critics entered the room with them and saw that the sculpts have consume their lunch.

In the evening the wives of the sculptors cooked supper for their family and prepared a plate for their husband another plate for their husband's sculpt.

After the sculptors have finish eating and they are taking the second plate to the sculpts their critics entered the room with them and witness that the sculpts have eaten their supper.

Day two in the morning after the wives of the sculptors have finish cooking breakfast, lunch and supper in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening for their family one plate for their husband's sculpt.

After the sculptors have finish eating their food and they are taking the second plate to their sculpt the same activities went on as the critics entered the room with the sculptors where they keep their sculpts.

Day three after the wives of the five sculptors have finish cooking breakfast, lunch and supper in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening for their family one plate for their husband's sculpt.

After the sculptors have finish eating their food and they are taking the second plate to their sculpts the same activities went on.

The critics of the sculptors did this exercises for so many years without getting any prove.