Chapter 11

Doubt Can Lead You Into Trouble

They organised a meeting and went behind the kings, the elders and the traditional council members to investigate the sculptors again.

Day one they went to search and control the room where the sculptors keep their lookalike sculpts but couldn't find anything.

Day two they continued the same investigation but their agenda didn't give them anything tangible. Day three they did the same activities but they couldn't find anything against the sculptors.

They didn't give up on their investigation but rather kept on searching, checking and controlling the sculptors for a long period of time until one day they told one of the elders in the palace.

The elder went to tell the kings and the traditional council members. So the kings and the traditional council members called for a meeting.

During the meeting they told the elders and the traditional council members who disobeyed the kings to do their own investigation behind them that they have heard they are investigating the sculptors.

Is it true?. The elders began to lie that they haven't done such a thing. Because the kings didn't wanted to let them know that one of the elders told them for it not to bring confusing they dismissed the meeting and told everyone to leave the palace.

When they left the kings, the elders and the traditional council members who remained in the palace organised that from that day they will order the guards and messengers to spy them.

The elders and the traditional council members who have taken the law into their own hands by disobeying the kings of the village had a meeting and planned to divide themselves into three groups. They also plan that when they are going to do the search and control all of them will not go together.

Day one when the first group of the elders and the traditional council members who were doubting and didn't agree with the kings went to search and control the sculptors, the guards caught them and took them to the palace.

When they arrived in the palace the kings, the traditional council members were surprised they did that so the kings gave them a strong warning not to go and investigate the sculptors anymore.

Day two when the second group of the elders and the traditional council members went to search and control the sculptors the guards caught them to the palace.

Immediately they arrived in the palace the kings, the elders and the traditional council members warned them not to do any investigation.

Day three when the third group of the elders and the traditional council members saw that their people have been caught twice and taken to the palace they didn't take action on the third day.

They stopped for a while about going to investigate the sculptors consistently and organised a meeting to plan and strategize how they are going to search and control. What they need to do not to be caught.

They came up with an idea of changing the timing and the days their colleagues use to investigate.

Day One the third group of the elders and the traditional council members took action to investigate the sculptors but they weren't caught by the kings guards.

Day two they used the same strategic plan to investigate the sculptors but weren't caught.

Day three because the elders and the traditional council members planned and strategize how to investigate the sculptors they were lucky they weren't arrested.

As they kept on with their plans and strategies for a long time the kings guards got a tip off that some elders and the traditional council members are still investigating the sculptors as the kings have ordered them to stop.

So the kings elders also didn't tell the kings about it because they knew if they tell them, the kings will send their messengers to call for the elders and the traditional council members and ask them for they to be suspicious.

The guards organised a meeting to plan how they can arrest the elders and the traditional council members who have disobeyed the kings, the elders and the traditional council members in the village.

Day one the disobedient elders and the traditional council members went to investigate the sculptors. The kings guards saw them but pretended not to make an attempt to arrest them because they planned to give them a long rope.

Day two the same activities happened. Day three when the elders and the traditional council members went to investigate the sculptors the kings guards arrested them and took them to the palace.

When they arrived in the palace the kings asked the guards what they have done then the guards told the kings that they caught them investigating the sculptors.

The kings ordered them to stop. If they do not stop the next time they will be caught they will let the guards put them into cells.

Because of the strong warning the kings, the elders and the traditional council members told them nobody tried to go and investigate the sculptors anymore.