Chapter 5

Doctor Mike arrived with a nurse at the Smith's mansion, he's been the family doctor for more than two years now since he started practicing, he inherited the post from his father who had been the family doctor for as long as he could remember before he died

As he arrived at the mansion the head butler Charles was already waiting by the other with some maids to welcome him

"right this way doctor, Mr. Smith, and the family are waiting for you upstairs, they are in the young master's room," Charles said and bowed his head and led the way, Charles has been the family butler for the past 26 years when Williams and Maria just got married he was here when all their children were born, and he loved all of them like his own and the family has been good to him, he has his wife which is also the chief maid of the house and he had fathered 4 children

They arrive at Christopher's room no one except Charles knows what is going on, Williams had asked the doctor to come to the house instead, he didn't want anybody especially the media to know that his eldest son and child tried to kill themselves, he can't handle that blow, it will bring about a scandal in the society and the industry, Chris is heir to his empire, he can't have people doubt is capacity of handling the company when he steps down, Williams was lost in his thought when Mike comes in

"Mr Smith how did this happen" Mike spoke

" I have absolutely no idea he hasn't come out of his room for the past two days he refused to eat and opened the door thank God Maria insisted," Williams said

"Please Mike you have to save my son please save him" Maria spoke amidst tears holding Chris in her hands, her clothes were also stained with his blood

" you all need to leave I need to examine him" he gestures for the nurse to step forward with the kit and bag in her hands

" no I need to stay with him, I can't leave him," Maria said not letting go of Chris

"Mrs Smith, please, you need to leave," Mike said.

"Maria let's go Mike needs to do his job, and am sure you can't stand the sight of that knife being pulled out of his chest, he will be fine" Williams said almost tearing up. Maria finally stood up and walked out of his room and ran away.

"is he going to make it?" William asked.

" I need to examine him first; hopefully, he will," Mike said; Williams nodded,took a final glance at his son, and walked out. Coming out, he met his mother heading toward him.

"Mom, I thought I asked you to stay in Grace's room." William said.

" I can't stand it anymore. I need to see my boy." She said.

"Mom, Mike is attending to him. He will be fine." William replied.

"Where's Maria?" She asked.

"she's in the room. Mike asked us to leave. Mom, just go lie down and rest; your grandson is fine." He said.

"You are not lying to me, are you?"

"no, Mom, I am not". Grandma Smith could sense her son was not in any way fine he was just putting up a strong face, it's not easy to see your child in pain like that especially when you can't do anything to ease that pain

"Don't worry son he's going to be fine Chris is a strong boy" Williams only nodded and tears started to flow from his eyes, he had tried not to cry before but he can't seem to stop himself now, he couldn't bear to lose his son

"it's okay son" grandma smith spoke again and wiped his tears

" come on now let's go" she took his hands and led him to his room

It's been several hours that Mike had been in the room with Chris, three other nurses had come since then bringing with them equipment and tools for his operation, Williams had insisted the operation take place in the house, even though Mike had advised they take him to the hospital because they were better facilities there but Williams had insisted and asked that the equipments be brought down to the house, he was willing to pay any amount charged,

Mike finally succumbed and performed the operation on Chris in at the Smith's mansion, he had been their doctor for some years now and practically a family friend because his father used to bring him here when he was little and he was also like a big brother to Chris he felt for the young man

Mike was finally done with the operation; he came out of Chris's room and was about to leave; Maria and the rest of the family had been waiting outside the whole time.

"How is my son?" Maria was the first to speak

" he's fine now he's out of danger luckily the knife didn't get to his heart and thank God you got to know on time, but he's still under observation, I already assigned a nurse to him, I will also come to check up on him tomorrow please lets me know if he wakes up or makes any body movement, but that shouldn't happen until tomorrow I already sedate him" Mike said

"can I go in to see him?" Maria asked.

" yes Mrs. Smith you can go check up on him, but please one at a time, so you don't wake him up he's really weak and needs to rest" He said. Maria walks into Chris's room leaving everybody behind

"thank you very Mike, thanks for saving my son" Williams said

" it's okay Mr. Smith I will get going now" Mike walks out of the mansion with the two other nurses with Charles accompanying him. Everyone felt relieved hearing that Chris was now fine; he was at least out of danger.