chapter 19

Sylvia on the other hand wondered what was going on with Zain today, ' is he possessed or something ' she thought to herself, Zain had never agreed to have lunch with her or anyone, he had always refuse, sometimes he doesn't even come down to eat with them, she would sometimes bring him a takeaway, if not that the lunch in on the company, she would think he was saving money, but today be had agreed to eat lunch with not just anyone but her, she was extremely happy and she couldn't hide it, she knew she was obviously blushing right now, because she was feeling hot already, ' he must have woke up on the good side of the bed this morning ' she thought to herself ' or was he already starting to notice her and like her back ' she thought again "I better not get ahead of myself" she muttered quietly, she would ask him at lunch she concluded

"Hey Zain it's lunch time" Sylvia said to Zain, it was already ten minutes past lunch time and she had purposely waited for everyone to leave before going over to Zain, she didn't want any unnecessary gossip spreading around, she also wanted to spend some lone time with him no matter how small, and besides the didn't want to disturb him, he seemed really engrossed with whatever he was doing, "hey Zain" she called out again

Zain who was busy with his laptop felt someone was close to him and looked up, it was Sylvia and she was saying something to him, he removed the ear piece he was wearing and smiled at her "hey Sylvia what's up?" Sylvia tried her best to compose herself even though her heart was beating out of her chest and she was really tempted to tell him how she feels about him, she cleared her throat and answered him "it's already lunch time, we should go downstairs" "oh already, I wasn't even checking the time" Zain said "yeah you've been super busy since morning" Sylvia replied "yes actually I didn't finish up with my work on Friday, and I have to submit this report today, so that's why have been really busy, and I still have a lot to do, do you mind going down without me, you can help bring something when you are coming" honestly Zain didn't feel like eating anything, it was already lunch time and cat hasn't gotten back to him, maybe she didn't find anything he thought to himself, he became sad all over again.

Sylvia mood also changed instantly, she had been looking forward to lunch, but now he was turning her down like usual "but you promised to eat lunch with me" she decided to push her luck "yeah I know but I really have a lot to do and I have less than 4 hours to finish unless I will be working extra hours" Zain replied her "well then I will help you, am almost done with my work, I just need to proofread the report, print it out and submit it" she interjected, Zain saw that she wasn't backing down and decided to give in to her "alright let's grab lunch but we won't stay long okay?" Zain said "sure we will leave as soon as we are done" Sylvia replied happily

Zain grabbed her hand and dashed out of the office and headed straight for the elevator

They got to the cafeteria in less than five minutes, Sylvia was beaming with happiness all over, Zain was still holding her hand, he rarely even spoke to her, but today he not only spoke to her, he also smiled at her and even held her hand for minutes, she couldn't help but believe that Zain was falling for her, if not why the sudden change of attitude towards her, she thought in her head, they grabbed their lunch and sat down, the table was empty ' perfect ' Sylvia thought

They are for close to fifteen minutes before Sylvia spoke she noticed he wasn't really eating his food "are you not hungry, you are barely eating, anything is wrong?" Sylvia asked "nope nothing's wrong am perfectly fine,I should be asking you that question, you are the one that's been spacing out since this morning" Zain interjected

Sylvia didn't know how to respond, she wasn't expecting that he would turn the tables around like this and why had he chosen to ask her this particular question now "uhmm" she began to stammer "well it's a family issue I already told you" she responded "and it's something you can't talk about?" he asked her "well not exactly" Sylvia answered him, what in the world was she supposed to say to him, she thought to herself, ' hey Zain I like you, and I'm really in love with you, is that what am supposed to say ' she thought to herself "hey Sylvia, back to earth" Zain said snapping his fingers, "uhmmm what, what's that, what did you say?" Sylvia stammered "you see you are spacing out again for the third time" Zain replied her

Sylvia was dumbfounded, he was really taking note of how often she was spacing out, he must really care about her she thought to herself and it really warmed her heart just to know that he really cares for her, and she couldn't help but smile and blush

"am perfectly fine, you wouldn't understand even if I tell you, so don't worry about it" she replied with a straight face "okay if you say so" Zain replied in surrender and it really pinched Sylvia's heart she really wanted to tell him everything but she doesn't how he would take it, she has to be sure he feels the same way before she can confess her feelings to him

the air around suddenly became thick, Zain was now focusing on his food and he wasn't paying attention to her anymore, she didn't like that at all and felt the need to get his attention back, she decided to change the topic.

"so why did you to see Mr Jonas?" she asked "I couldn't even get to see him" Zain replied her "oohhh wasn't he the one that called for you?" Sylvia asked " no he didn't, I went on my own"