Chapter 30

Zain was lost of thought he suddenly felt like punching something, "am so sorry Jane" he called out again but she had already walked far, he doubted if she could even hear him

even though she had asked him not to wait, he would only prove stupid, he was going to wait for her, even if she takes forever

Jane walked away angrily, she didn't even want to remember what just happened now, she stopped in her tracks a little and breathe in and out a few times, she needed to calm down there was now way she was going to the interview feeling like this, she took out the mirror she has earlier stuffed in the bag this morning, just looking at the bag annoyed her a bit, it reminded her of Zain, ' she was going to pay him back for the dress, shoe and bag ' she promised herself

she looked at her face one more time, her hair was still neatly packed, she brought out the lip gloss and applied it again, she stuffed the mirror and lip gloss back into the bag, she checked the documents in her hands if there were complete, Zain had given her this piece of paper saying it was her CV, it contained her basic information and the job she did preciously, it also stated that she had worked before delivery milk, which was true, she had helped Mrs Whitney deliver milk to her customers before she got the job at the club, seeing that everything she needed was already complete, she made her way towards the mansion

She got to the gate and saw bodyguards heavily armed ' is this where I will be working ' she thought to herself, she really prays she doesn't get caught if not she can't imagine what this people will do to her

upon seeing her, one of the bodyguard stopped her "miss where are you going to?" he asked her. Jane swallowed the lump in her throat and hurriedly answered him, "my name is Jane, and I'm from Linkway resources, I am here for the interview" Jane said trying not to stammer, "oh okay let me check to confirm" the bodyguard said

Jane felt her pupils dilate, he was going to call?, ' what if they have the pictures of all the people coming for the interview and her picture was not seen? ' she thought, she really needs to get out of here as soon as possible, she was sure they would find her out

Jane was already lost in her thoughts when the bodyguard voice brought her back to reality "miss you can go in" he said for the second time "what?" Jane said shocked, she wasn't expecting it to go that smooth "i said you can go in" he said "hey you accompany her" he said facing one of the bodyguards

' he must be the boss here for him to be able to order him around like that ' "thank you" Jane said and followed the other bodyguard inside, the moment she got into the compound she couldn't help but exclaim "wow, this place is so beautiful" she had never in her life seen a place so beautiful in her life, not even in TV or magazine, this place is so magnificent, and everything was screaming luxury, was this a house or a palace in heaven, she thought, if the outside can be like this, she wonder how the inside will be, she really can't wait to see

the main house was like twenty minutes walk away from the gate, she was already feeling sore in her legs, she is not used to wearing heels, as soon as they got to main door entrance they were greeted by two maids and the head butler, ' really? even someone that's coming for an interview is being welcomed by maids ' this people must be really rich

"she's one of the ladies coming for the interview" the bodyguard said and turned to leave, "thanks" Jane said and bowed her head " you are welcome" he replied her and left

"welcome what's your name?" Charles asked "my name is Jane" Jane replied "alright Jane please come with me, you arrived a bit late, you are twelve minutes late" Charles scolded " oh please forgive me, I actually arrived at the main gate about twenty five minutes ago but didn't expect the main door to be a distance from the gate, please pardon me" she explained

seeing her sincerity, Charles felt pleased, she has good manners he thought, she won't cause trouble for the young master he thought, "it's okay, come with me" he said

Charles led the way and took her into a room "wait here madam will attend to you, would you like to take anything?" Charles asked "no, am actually fine, thanks for asking" she said "alright" Charles replied her and walked out of the room

about fifteen minutes later Maria walked into the room, she was a very beautiful and classy old lady, maybe not too old but she should be in her early or mid fifties, she looked extremely rich yet simple, "good afternoon ma'am" Jane stood up to greet her

"good afternoon, please sit down" Maria said after sitting down herself "what's your name?" she asked her "my name is Jane ma'am" Jane replied her

"that's is a nice name, let me have your credentials" Maria said

Jane handed it over to her, Maria looked at her occasionally as she glanced through "you used to work at a club?" Maria asked with a tone of disgust "yes ma'am" Jane replied her heart was pounding so hard, she could see the Madam's expression just now, she hope she doesn't hate her now

"you seem like a nice girl, why would you work in a club" Maria asked not just out of curiosity but also out of caution there was no way she can would allow just anybody be her son's personal maid, even though she had insisted on the idea in the first place, they are a lot of maids in the house, she doesn't know why he would insist on a new one

he had even requested for a male maid, she had refused abruptly, but in the decided to give in under the condition that it must be a female maid, she knew the incident five years ago had left him broken, but she doesn't understand why he still hate girls so much