Chapter 55

The party was going smoothly until the air suddenly became cold

Angel walked in, side by side with her father, and all eyes were on her, that's the exact effect she had hoped to get, she was simply smiling like she was some sort of celebrity

Jane noticed the change in the air, she saw someone come in, she looked like a vixen, beautiful but she had the bad feeling about her, almost all her breast were exposed in that dress she wore, ' why is everywhere so tense? ' she thought

everyone was still shocked by the appearance of Angel when they heard the shattering noise of a glass

Christopher was boiling with rage, he instantly looked like the devil, he could not believe she dare to show her face in front of him, what a shameless bitch

she came to his welcome party? wasn't she the reason he left in the first place

Jane quickly rushed towards Chris, his hand was really bleeding and he didn't seems to care, she moved closer to him and try to take his hand but be wouldn't let her, his hands were really shaking and so was his body, who the hell was that woman that could make him so angry

Angel knew Chris would still be angry with her but she didn't expect him to be this enraged, whatever happens she will keep smiling, she knows he still loves her and he can't resist her charm, if not why will he still be single till now

but her expression changed slightly when she saw a girl come towards him, she was really beautiful, ' who the hell was that bitch ' she thought, she was going to react but her father pulled her back

she quickly regained herself, she have waited years for this, she can't afford to mess it up

Chris kept moving closer to her, she felt happy, she knew it, he would come crawling back at her feet the moment he set eyes on her, and her smile grew bigger but she didn't expect what happened next

Chris grabbed her arm violently "what the fuck are you doing here?" he screamed at her

"Christopher I know you are still a bit mad at me, we can talk about this" she spoke softly

"call my name one more time and you will be sorry" Chris replied

Angel was going to say something when she noticed Jane, ' this bitch again '

Jane followed Chris, she didn't know where he was going but all she cared about was his wound, she heard what she said, ' she must be that girl that Grace told her about ' she thought

"you are obviously not going to choose this cheap thing over me, will you?" she asked irritation evident in her voice

and with that Chris lost every sense of his reasoning, he grabbed her neck, lifted her with one hand, and strangled her

"how dare you call her cheap when you are the cheapest slut of all?" he said and intensified his grip on her neck

Angel try to get away but she couldn't, he was so strong and she could barely breathe and tears were starting to fall from her eyes

everyone was shocked, her father try to pull him away from her but he was also knocked down by Christopher's spare hand

"son please stop" Maria cried but he didn't care, no one knew what this woman has done to him, she made him a beast, she does not deserve to live, he didn't even bother about her all these while but she dare to show her face in front of him

Grace couldn't care less, she was having her own share of bad luck already

even Williams tried to stop him but he wouldn't stop, he was going to kill her here and now

Jane couldn't take it anymore, he was going to kill her at this rate

"sir please stop, I'm begging you, you will go to jail if you kill her and it won't solve anything, please listen to me" Jane pleaded

Christopher looked at Jane and he felt the anger in him subside, her voice was enough to calm him

he slammed her to the ground and she passed out, "get her and her fucking father out of my house now" he roared and some bodyguards lifted Angela and her dad out of the house

his hands were still bleeding but he didn't care, he made his way to his room and slammed the door

Maria was deeply embarrassed, this will be the talk of the whole city tomorrow, her family is the most powerful and richest, how could such thing happen, they were reporters outside the main house they will definitely know what happened

as if reading her thoughts "don't worry I will suppress the news, it won't get out" Williams assured her

Maria could only nod, she was too tired and sad, she could only retire to her room and Williams followed her

Grace also made her way to her room, Kyle followed suit, he didn't like party anyways

the guest started to reduce and soon they were all gone, Estella and the girls started to pack and clean, it was supposed to be a happy night but that bitch spoilt it, the party ended in less than an hour

Jane was worried sick about Christopher, he has been in the room for almost an hour she didn't whether to go in or not, she summoned courage, she needs to see how he his doing

she knocked but there was no answer, she opened the door, but didn't catch any glimpse of him, she went in and noticed his tie was on the floor, maybe he was taking his bath but the rest of his clothes were not there

she knocked on the bathroom door but they was no answer, she opened the door and searched with her eyes to be sure if he was bathing or not but she was shocked at what she saw

Christopher was in the tub with his clothes on and the shower was on as well