Chapter 57

Jane came back into the room with the first aid box in her hands, Christopher had already changed into a pijamas and was already on bed when she got there

"did you find it?" he asked

"yes I did it's here" she replied him and moved closer to the bed she placed the box on the bed beside Chris and kneeled down

"you should sit on the bed, I don't bite" he said

"of course" she smiled and did as he said

she brought out a cotton wool, scissors, and some disinfecting spirit along with iodine and some some bandages ' this should do ' she thought

she held Christopher's hand and cleaned the dried blood on it, contrary to her expectation he didn't even move, doesn't seem to hurt him at all

Chris saw her face and read her thoughts instantly

"the pain in my heart is greater, this is nothing compared to it" Chris said

Jane nodded her head but didn't say anything, she finishes dressing the wound, she wrapped it with some bandage

"I don't think it's safe for you to go back home tonight, you should stay the night"

Jane knew he was right but she had promised Chris she would come back home tonight, this job was really taking her away from her son

Chris saw her countenance "you should call home I'm sure he would understand"

Jane didn't seem to notice the latter part of his statement, she thought about it for a while and agreed

"I will go get my bag downstairs" she grabbed the first aid box and left with it

she wanted to grab her bag but remembered that it was in Grace's room she had left it there when she changed her clothes, she didn't want to disturb her sleep, she walked back to the room dejected, tomorrow she would have explain and apologize to him

when she came back upstairs Chris already seems to be sleeping, his eyes were closed, she tiptoed quietly to the couch and was about to lay down when Chris spoke

"are you trying to steal something?, why so sneaky"

"not at all, I just didn't want to wake you up" she interjected

"and what are you doing?" Chris asked

"well I'm going to sleep, didn't you say I should not go back home" Jane complained

"what I mean is you are going to sleep on the couch?"

"oh that, yes it's only appropriate, besides Estella scolded me the last time I slept on your bed, I don't want a repeat and I don't want people misjudging things" she explained

"oh I see, it's fine, you can take the couch" he said

"but you should get another blanket, it's a bit cold" he spoke again

"hmm okay" Jane nodded and grabbed a blanket, she arranged the room so she pretty much knows where everything is

Chris eyes followed her as she moved around, he had agree for her to take the couch because he didn't trust himself, she was extremely sexy and his dick has been rebelling as fuck ever since he saw her this evening, it was complete toture as she took of his shirt a while ago, he almost kissed her

why the fuck was he attracted to his fucking maid, he really wish he could have right here and now, gosh why does he feels this way

Jane got the blanket and lay on the bed, she could feel Chris's gaze on her and felt somehow uncomfortable

she turned her head to the other side and soon she slept off, Chris on the other hand could not sleep, he was just turning and tossing, his hard on was so strong this night, ' well it's been five years after all ' he thought

Jane woke up in the middle of the night, she needed to pee, she went to the bathroom and came back she was going to lay back on the bed when she felt Chris's heavy breathing

she moved closer to him and realized that he was burning, this is exactly what she was trying to avoid, she panicked a bit, it's too late to call a doctor right now, not like they won't come flying but she didn't want to disturb anyone

she decided that she was going to call Grace, her for Grace's room, she wanted to knock but the door was not tightly shut and just a bit push would open it, it seems weird she was going to knock anyways but stopped mid way when she heard the sounds of sobs and cries

' was Grace crying?" she thought, she placed her ear on the door to be sure she was not mistaken, and she was indeed crying

' what in the world was going on in this house, why was everyone so depressed ' she thought and come to think of it, she didn't see much of Grace at the party, she vanished all of a sudden, she didn't what to believe it was because of that girl, Chris's ex girlfriend that showed up

now who will she call, she guess he had to deal with it on her own, she recalled when Chris was teething and had a fever she and Mrs Whitney would take turns to take care of him all through the night

this is what she must do right now, after all it was her job

she got back to the room and went straight to the bathroom, she filled a bowl with water and searched for a towel in his wardrobe, she found about three small face towels and took them

she went back to the room, she placed the towel in the water, drained the water and placed it on his forehead, his temperature was really high, she did it continuously till his temperature decreased

she couldn't help but doze off cause she was tired as well, but she would wake up in between time to repeat the process, it was a really long and tiresome night for Jane but she didn't have a choice but to pull it through