Chapter 60

Jane got home late afternoon, Chris wasn't home but Mrs Whitney was

"my girl, you look so tired, are you okay, are you hungry?" Mrs Whitney bombarded her with questions

"I'm fine, I just need to rest a bit, where's Chris?" she asked

"he's not back yet, my boy is really mad at you, that work is really taking a toll on you, you should stop it" Mrs Whitney complained

"I know and I'm not happy I'm spending so much time away from him, but I have to work to provide for him, and this is the best job I can find around for now, I can at least save from this one, or do you want me to go back to the club?" she asked sarcastically

"of course not, I'm just worried about you, don't worry we will try our possible best to explain it to Chris" Mrs Whitney assured her

"okay, I need to go to my room" Jane said

"of course but have you had something to eat yet?" Mrs Whitney asked

"yes I ate something at the mansion before leaving" Jane said and vanished into her room

Christopher had been very engrossed with the files and documents in the study that he didn't even eat lunch, now he misses that maid of his, if she was here she would have reminded him to eat

his mind couldn't stop thinking about what he heard this morning, isn't it so much of a coincidence that Zain works in the company and then Jane works here?

he stood up and made his way downstairs

"hey Mom, are you busy?" Christopher asked

"of course not I can never be busy for my son, you want something?" Maria said as she put down the magazine she was looking at, everywhere was filled with news of her son's arrival, thankfully the news about what happened didn't get out

"what agency did Jane get signed with to work here?" he asked

"Linkway resources why?" Maria asked

"it's nothing I just want to know about my maid"

"can I have her file?" Chris asked

"hmm okay, Charles?" she called out

Old Charles came into the living area as soon as he was called

"yes madam" he said

"please get Jane's file, my son wants to have a look at it" Maria said

"okay, I will do just that"

old Charles went ahead and brought the file and handed it over to Chris

"thanks old Charles, but don't you think you should retire already?" Chris said sarcastically

"I will only do that when I see you marry and have a child" charles said patting the back of his hand

"really, I guess you will have to wait a long time" Chris said and left

Chris got back into the study and went through the file

"yes I knew they were dating, they even live together" Chris said with a dark expression as he saw the address on Jane's file was the same as the one the investigator gave him that Zain lived in but he was too angry to notice the slight difference in the house number

Jane woke up few hours later, she wanted to turn but felt something heavy on her chest, she checked and it was Christopher

"mummy are you a spy?" Chris asked

"what?" a spy? where did you get that idea from? Jane asked him and sat up pulling him with her

"well only spies work at night right?" and they work for Presidents and rich folks" Chris said

Jane understood what he was saying and she didn't know how to start explaining it to him

"you see Mom isn't a spy but she works for a very important person, he's like a president, so that's why mummy has to work late at night sometimes, I hope you can understand" Jane explained

"okay mummy" Chris said happily

"I got you some toys" Jane said

"really?" Chris giggled happily

"yes come have it" Jane said and stood up from the bed

she gave the toy to him and he was extremely happy Jane played with him till Mrs Whitney called them for dinner

Chris has been angry since what he found out, he can't believe she would actually live with a man, or did he have this all wrong? ' he thought to himself

fuck he can't seems to get Jane out of his mind, she's all he's been thinking about, he can't even concentrate on the damn files, what the fuck?

he can't stop thinking of how her fingers gently laid on his shirt, her lips that looks perfectly sculpted, her long legs and all, it was just so hot, he can't keep his mind from thinking wild thoughts, tomorrow he's gonna confront her about this, he's going crazy already

Jane finished eating dinner and went straight to her room leaving Mrs Whitney and Chris in the living area, she was determined to sleep early today and wake up early tomorrow she can't afford to get to work late, it's going to be Chris's first day at the office, she can't afford to mess it up

she pulled her clothe and took a shower, she was about to wear her underwear when her hand touched the scar Grace had noticed earlier today, it reminded her of when she had Chris

she went through hard labour, she was in labour for five days before they finally decided to do an operation, Mrs Whitney had to sell all her jewelries and valuables in order to get a deposit money for the operation

she then slipped into coma for three weeks and some days, she still doesn't know where Mrs Whitney had seen the money to foot the rest of the bills, and anytime she brings it up she always avoids her

she later found out that she had an heavy internal bleeding from child birth and she had lost a lot of blood, she went through so much pain, but surprisingly all the drugs were taken care of so she had recovered a bit a faster

she was going to ask Mrs Whitney again this night, she hopes she gets an answer this time