Chapter 66

They arrived at the company

"aren't you coming with me?" Jane asked

"no I can't, I've had enough of the paparazzi today, if I leave this car, everywhere will go wild again, and besides I'm tired, I need to go home" Grace said

Jane felt a bit reluctant to go, seeing her reluctance Grace spoke

"don't worry he won't fire you" Grace said

"you sure, because he did seem angry" Jane complained

"don't worry, he can't take it out on you, I was the one that took you out remember, just go ahead and prepare his meal, he will be fine afterwards, now go before he gets even angrier" Grace assured her

"oh okay, I will see at home then, thanks for bringing me here miss Grace" Jane said and left the car

she got into the company and went straight to the reception, she had been here once so she still remembers where the reception was

"good evening, please I'm here to see Mr Christopher" Jane said to the reception

"do you have an appointment?" the reception answered her without looking at her

"well he asked me to come here" Jane said impatiently, ' can she just hurry up already, I don't want to keep him waiting anymore ' she thought

the reception looked up a her and recognized her at an instant "aren't you Zain's girlfriend, the one that came with him the other day?" she asked

"yes I came with him the other day, but I'm not his girlfriend, can you please hurry up and allow me to up, he's waiting for me" Jane said hurriedly

the reception looked at her indifferently ' she looks different from the last time she was here though '

"are you sure he asked you to come and you are not here to see your boyfriend, cause if you are trying to use stupid means to get to see Zain, you both will be in serious trouble, this is a reputable company, you can't be fooling around here" the reception warned

Jane was going to say something when Jack spoke from behind

"can you stop keeping her waiting unless you want to get fired, the president is waiting for her, do you have a death wish or something?" Jack said

the reception trembled, he was earlier introduced to everyone as the personal assistant to the president, even though they had not met the president personally, they've heard a lot about him, he was ruthless and arrogant, and this PA of his seems scary as well, ' how can such a handsome face be so scary ' she thought

"I'm so sorry Sir, I didn't have any idea" she trembled as she spoke

"let's go Jane, this way" Jack said and led her

they arrived that the president's office, Cat called his office to inform and she was asked to let her in

Jane opened the office door and stepped in, she was wowed by the interior of the office, it looked so classy and expensive, she couldn't help but be blown away

"are you just going to stand there?" Chris icy voice broke into her thought

"I'm sorry sir" Jane said bowing her head

"come here" he gestured for her move closer

Jane moved closer to his desk

"sit down" he ordered

"uhhhnnn" Jane said sounding suprised ' was she not here to cook, did she think she was s business partner or what, asking her to sit? ' Jane thought

"I said sit" he said again

Jane obediently did as she was told

"you know I can fire you right now" he said trying to sound as cold as possible

Jane didn't say anything, she just gulped down the saliva in her throat

"first you forgot about my lunch and you even refused to pick my call, do you know how grave that is uhnnn?" Chris asked trying to hide his emotions

he wasn't even in the least angry he just wanted to tease her a bit, he was infact very happy to see her, the moment she walked into that door, he felt like sweeping her off her feet and hugging her, oh damn he wanted to kiss her too

he noticed she changed her clothes, she must have shopped too, the cloth looked so good on her, it brought out her shape perfectly well

and damn her hair are no longer packed, it was resting beautifully on her shoulder, he felt like running his hands through her hair, he couldn't take his eyes off her lips, he so wanted to kiss those lips, she was so beautiful

Jane felt somewhat strange under his gaze ' why is he looking at me like that ' she thought

' is he thinking of the ways to punish me ' she panicked

"you look beautiful Jane, so beautiful" Chris blurted out, he didn't mean to say that but be just couldn't help himself

Jane was astonished ' was he not just reprimanding me just now ' she blushed at his word and she immediately felt hot all over, her heart was pounding in her chest, no one makes her feel this way except him, his words has a way of melting her heart

seeing her face turning red, Chris felt more aroused fuck he can't take this anymore

he stood up from his chair, covered the distance between and slammed his lips on hers

Jane felt waves of electricity wash through her, she has never been kissed before, it felt new and wonderful

she didn't know how to kiss him back so she could only stand there like a statue doing nothing

seeing that she wasn't responding, Chris felt she didn't like the kiss or she was probably offended

he stopped kissing her and looked at her face, she was as red as a tomato, not the expression he was expecting even though it was extremely adorable, she didn't look she didn't like it, rather like it was her first time

Chris decided to ask "have you been kissed before?"

Jane couldn't say anything, she could only nod, she couldn't even look at him

"what no?" Chris was taken aback, he wanted to ask about her boyfriend Zain when the office phone rang